
Detail description of the tissue salt Silicea biochemic remedy by E.P. Anshutz in his book A Guide to Twelve Tissue Remedies of Biochemistry, published in 1909.

Silica. Silex. Acidum Silicicum. Flint. Silica is a constituent of the connective tissue, the skin, hair and nails. Disturbances in this element are closely connected with pus formation and fistulous openings; the skin is unhealthy and easily suppurates; the nails are dry and brittle and the hair falls out and is dry; perspiration is offensive, the feet emit a bad smell, and so do the arm-pits, atrophy of parts. Internal chilliness, sensitive to cold air, wants to wrap up warm. In headache must wrap up the head warm.

This element has proved curative in fistula, boils, carbuncles, gouty deposits, rheumatism, hip joint disease, running sores, indurations, perspiration of the feet, pus secretions of a rather watery nature, suppurations, styes, ulcers, whitlows, chilblains, headache, etc., where the above general conditions are present.


Names of diseases are given for convenience only. The seat of the disease lies in the aberrance of some one or more of the twelve tissue constituents, which may be manifested in different forms, according to the constitution of the individual affected. Pathology, and a true reading of the meaning of the signs, or symptoms, of the disease, must be the guide to a true biochemic prescription. Diseases bearing the same name vary as greatly as do the members of a family, and something more than correct nosology, classification, is needed for a curative prescription.

E.P. Anshutz
Edward Pollock Anshutz – 1846-1918. Editor - Homeopathic Recorder and author of New Old and Forgotten Remedies. Held an Hon. Doctor of Medicine from Hering Medical College.