Homeopathic remedy Hypericum from A Manual of Homeopathic Therapeutics by Edwin A. Neatby, comprising the characteristic symptoms of homeopathic remedies from clinical indications, published in 1927….

      Hypericum perforatum. St John’s wort. N.O. Hypericaceae. Tincture of the whole fresh plant.


      HYPERICUM acts on the cerebro-spinal nervous system and causes hyperaemia with the production of an irritated and highly- sensitive condition of the parts freely supplied with nerves. It probably acts on the nerve sheaths and the meninges, and causes stitching and tearing pains along the course of the nerves. The provers show this by the pains experienced in the back, chest and limbs. Severe stitches were felt in the chest, worse from movement, shootings in the ribs and shoulders, and pressure in the sternum and outer part of the clavicle. Tension in the nape, stitches in the scapular region and a paralytic presents in the sacrum occurred. The arms felt weary and were the seat of tearing pains and sensations as of the pricking of needles; formication and needle pricks were felt in both hands and feet. There were violent sweating of both hands and a smarting eruption on them. The legs were lame, weak and trembling, tension like cramp occurred in them, bruised and shooting pains were experienced in the thighs and legs, and needle pricks in the heels and toes.

The general condition of the provers was one of fatigue with great thirst, sensitiveness to cold, and an erethistic state in which the patient was easily started, and the special senses of smell and hearing were abnormally acute.

Mind.-In one prover the mind was excited and he described his state as if he were under the influence of tea; erotic ideas intruded involuntarily. But the mental condition was generally one of sadness and dejection, weakness of memory and disinclination for mental or bodily work.

The head felt confused and heavy; in one prover it felt as if it had become too long. Hammering and stitching pains, or a sensation as if something were alive in the brain, were felt in the vertex and pressing pains in the occiput, worse on moving, and relieved by lying on the back and digging the head into the pillow; neck stiff. Tearing and stitching pains occurred in the interior of the head and in the temples, and these pains extended to the zygomata and malar bones, accompanied by jerking and twitching in the cheeks. The hair felt moist and fell out.

Face.- Tension was felt in the jaws, teeth clenched, and tearing toothache in both upper and lower jaws. A sensation as if an icy-cold hand were laid on the forehead is another symptom experienced.

Eyes.- There were stitches in the eyes and the pupils were dilated.

Digestion.- The principal symptoms of the alimentary system were dry lips and mouth, a dirty, white tongue, heat and sensation of swelling in the throat, hot eructations, nausea, contracted and hot feeling in the stomach, distension of the abdomen relieved by stool, which was usually relaxed and accompanied by much urging. In addition should be noted a peculiar, slightly cutting, warm pain felt all round the rectum internal to the sphincter, as this has suggested the value of hypericum in haemorrhoids. There is thirst, especially for warm drinks.

Urine was increased in quantity, especially at night.

Respiration.- A short, dry cough and tightness and pressure in the chest were noted.

Skin.- There was a papular eruption on the neck and chest and a red miliary eruption on the back of the hands and between the fingers.

Sleep.- Sleep was restless and disturbed by dreams that were frightful, disgusting and distressing. The position in sleep was on the back with jerking of the head wards during sleep.


      Nerve Injuries.- Hypericum is indicated for lacerated wounds, especially of parts that are rich in nerves or nervous tissue, such as the brain and spine, coccyx and finger ends.

Wounds requiring hypericum are very sensitive to touch. Punctured wounds, equally with lacerated, are curable with hypericum when this extreme sensitiveness is present. It is indicated for the general nervous depression following wounds, whether they are the result of accident or operations, such as stretching of sphincters, as after a cystoscopic examination. It is useful for the nervous effects of shock and fright, of accidents to the spine or coccyx from falls or blows and for the shock, exhaustion and pain resulting from prolonged labour, or surgical operations such as amputations or laparotomy. It is a useful remedy for the bad effects of blows and falls on the head and for concussion of the spine; after a fall the slightest motion of the arms or neck causes great pain so the the patient shrieks out. It is a remedy for all kinds of spinal affections, whether due to injury or otherwise, when the pain in extreme and there is great sensitiveness of the vertebrae to touch or movement.

Hypericum is the remedy to be given when, from a wound or from an injury to an old scar, pains run up the limb in the course of the nerves and an ascending neuritis, and possibly tetanus, ensues. For punctured wounds ledum is usually the medicine to be immediately given, but if treatment has been delayed, and any pain and tenderness are present in the course of the nerves proceeding from the injured part hypericum is necessary, and it should be given in all cases where the nerves are lacerated. Hypericum is useful for excruciatingly painful bunions.

Mental.- It is indicated for the disturbed mental condition that may be brought on by an accident, especially if the patient should have the peculiar sensation of being lifted up in the air; he is apprehensive, makes mistakes in writing, forgets what he wants to say.

It is a good remedy for very sensitive haemorrhoids and is indicated when the pain and bleeding from piles are striking concomitants in pneumonia.

Spasmodic asthma associated with great sensitiveness of the cervical spine has been cured by it, worse in foggy weather, as well as rheumatism of the cervical muscles when there is great pain and sensitiveness of the neck; attacks are often brought on by change of weather, and relieved by free expectoration.

Toothache is a common symptom in the provers, and hypericum is indicated when the pain is relieved by keeping still and lying on the affected side of the face.


      (1) Lacerated and punctured wounds, especially of parts rich in nerves.

(2) The same, characterized by great sensitiveness to touch.

(3) Nervous effects of blows and concussions to the head and spine, fright and shock.

(4) To allay pain after operations, especially those involving laceration or stretching of tissues.


      From cold air, damp, fog, least exposure, touch, movement, 6-10 p.m. (pertussis).


      From keeping still, lying on the affected side (toothache), free expectoration (asthma), rubbing (numbness).

Edwin Awdas Neatby
Edwin Awdas Neatby 1858 – 1933 MD was an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become a physician at the London Homeopathic Hospital, Consulting Physician at the Buchanan Homeopathic Hospital St. Leonard’s on Sea, Consulting Surgeon at the Leaf Hospital Eastbourne, President of the British Homeopathic Society.

Edwin Awdas Neatby founded the Missionary School of Homeopathy and the London Homeopathic Hospital in 1903, and run by the British Homeopathic Association. He died in East Grinstead, Sussex, on the 1st December 1933. Edwin Awdas Neatby wrote The place of operation in the treatment of uterine fibroids, Modern developments in medicine, Pleural effusions in children, Manual of Homoeo Therapeutics,