BARYTA CARB – Homeopathic Medicine

BARYTA CARB homeopathic drug picture symptoms from A Primer of Materia Medica by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathy remedy BARYTA CARB…


      General loss of power and of steadiness, with inclination to lie down. General physical and mental weakness, simulating old age. Easy taking cold, followed by sore throat and stiff neck, or even diarrhoea. The left side is more particularly affected. Most symptoms are relieved by moving about in the open air. Paralytic symptoms, extending from below upwards.

Clinical. This drug has been found particularly useful in chronic lymphatic indurations. It is also particularly indicated in the fatty degenerations of the coats of arteries, and may frequently be found useful in a condition of general fibrosis, which precedes fatty degeneration. It is thus especially suitable to the so-called scrofulous cachexia, and to the diseases of old people.


      General want of self-reliance, dread of people, especially strangers. Becomes easily vexed. Excessively busy, without any aim. Loss of memory; forgets what has just been spoken.


      Vertigo, with nausea on stooping. Pressing headache just over the eyes. A feeling of tightness in the occiput. Shooting pains in the head by a warm stove. Unsteadiness of the head. Dry eruptions like dandruff of the scalp.


      Burning and pressure in the eyes after exerting vision. Inflamed eyes, with a feeling of dryness. Photophobia. Agglutination of the lids. Blinding of the eyes in the light, and in the dark, vision of sparks.


      Difficult hearing; reverberation, especially on blowing the nose. Sounds like buzzing, or ringing bells, or wind blowing in the evening. Crack on swallowing, sneezing or walking rapidly. Eruption on and behind the ears. Swelling of the parotid gland, which becomes very painful.


      Dryness. Coryza, with discharge of thick, yellow mucus. Nose- bleed after blowing the nose. Smell sensitive.


      Generally pale. At times dark redness of the face, like a rush of blood. A feeling of tightness, as if covered with cobwebs. Face swollen, with a feeling of tension (eczema of nursing children). Swelling of the submaxillary glands.


      Jerking toothache, which extends into ear and temples. Toothache, with swelling of the gums, precedes the menses. Frequent and profuse bleeding of the gums. The teeth decay rapidly. Smarting, burning pain in the tip of the tongue. Mouth filled with inflamed vesicles especially on the sides of the teeth. Bad odor from the mouth. Dryness of the mouth.


      Inflammation and swelling of the tonsils and palate, with threatening suppuration. Smarting pain on swallowing, especially when swallowing nothing, with external soreness. Rawness worse during empty swallowing, with smarting. Constriction and feeling as if a plug were in the region of the larynx when swallowing. A choking feeling, recurring after dinner, a feeling as though the thyroid gland were pressed inward, impeding respiration.


      Loss of appetite, though food has natural taste. Thirst. Bitter taste in the mouth. Food has a sour taste. Very weak digestion. Pressure after eating. A feeling of soreness in the stomach, with a feeling as though food had to be forced down over sore places.


      Hardness and tension. Cutting pains as though diarrhoea would occur (after taking cold).


      Frequent urging to stool. Anxious aching in the lumbar region, followed by diarrhoea. Urgent desire for stool which cannot be restrained. Diarrhoea, with bloody mucus. Constipation caused by hard, knotty stools. The anus is sore and moist. Shooting pains in the haemorrhoids.

Urinary Organs

      Frequent desire which cannot be restrained. Urine is passed frequently and copiously.

Sexual Organs

      Moisture and soreness between the scrotum and thighs. Weak sexual power. Diminished sexual desire.

Respiratory Organs

      Sensation of breathing smoke in the larynx. Suffocative feeling, threatening paralysis of the lungs in old people. Dry cough in the evening. Cough at night, with oppression of the chest. Hoarseness and loss of voice, caused by tough mucus in the larynx and trachea.


      A feeling of fulness in the chest. Violent palpitation brought on especially by lying on the left side, or even by thinking of it. Soreness in the chest on coughing. A feeling of fulness, with bruised pain in the left side, with short breath or stitches, worse on breathing or going up stairs.

Neck and Back

      Stiffness in the neck. Hard swelling of the glands in the nape of the neck and around the throat. Pulsatings in the back. Tensive stiffness in the small of the back in the evening, especially when sitting-is not relieved by standing or by bending backward.


      Pain in the axillary glands, which are swollen. Swelling of the arm. Veins of the hands are swollen. The skin of the hands is dry. Pain as if strained in the hip. Tension in the thigh as though the muscles were shortened. Drawing and tearing in the legs, as if in the bones. Feet perspire too much, and become offensive. Corns form on the balls of the toes, with burning stitches.


      General sleepiness day and night. Almost constant dreaming, causing anxiety at night.


      Chilliness and dry pains in the limbs. Sweat at night, particularly on the feet. Heart at night, with anxiety.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.