CHINA – Homeopathic Medicine

CHINA homeopathic drug picture symptoms from A Primer of Materia Medica by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathy remedy CHINA …

General Action

      Quinine is, above all, a protoplasmic poison, devitalizing the blood and tissues; it particularly retards the elimination of nitrogenous waste (urea and uric acid), and causes the retention and accumulation of effete products in the system (though for a time the diminished waste gives a sense of “tone” to the system, the ultimate result is deplorable). It causes congestion of the brain, and, in large doses, abolishes the cerebral functions. It is an irritant to serous membranes and to the skin, it causes deafness and serous inflammation of the internal ear; blindness, ischaemia of the retina and optic neuritis; it produces stupor, delirium and even convulsions. (Epilepsy is intensely aggravated by it.) Quinine, however, arrests the development of low forms of vegetable life, and especially of the poison of marsh malaria, but it rarely antidotes the effects of the poison on the system.


      Pains in various parts of the body, paralytic tearings, especially in the extremities, joints, bones and periosteum, sometimes worse in the spine and small of the back. Pain, as after fatigue, or like exhaustion from bleeding or profuse loss of semen. Pain in joints when sitting and lying, with restlessness. Tensive drawing pains in almost all the bones, now one, now another, (>) momentarily by lying, then more violent than ever. Attacks of pain excited even by light touch of the part, and then frequently increasing to a frightful severity. Parts upon which he lies fall asleep. Weakness, as after loss of the various fluids of the body, with oversensitiveness of all the senses and nerves; an inclination to perspire. Most extreme powerlessness and exhaustion. Nausea; emaciation. Oppression of all parts, as if the clothes were too tight, especially after a walk in the open air. Joints feel heavy in the morning in bed, (>) rising. Aversion to all mental and physical effort. The slightest draft of air brings on the troubles. General aggravation at night. Dropsical swellings.

Clinical. Anaemia, with extreme debility from nursing or from loss of blood. Rapid emaciation, with indigestion, voracious appetite, undigested stools, copious night-sweats. Purpura haemorrhagica after nursing, with roaring in ears, cold, clammy skin, painless diarrhoea. which may be bloody. Leucocythemia.


      Excitability, with intolerance of noise. Sudden screaming and tossing about. Solicitude about trifles. Discontented mood. Anxiety in the morning on waking. Ill humored and easily offended quarrelsome. Gloominess alternating with cheerfulness. General disinclination to mental labor; with sleepiness. Unable to arrange his thoughts; makes mistakes when writing or speaking, reverses his words easily; disturbed by the talking of others. Ideas flow slowly.


      General sensation of confusion and fulness, as though the blood rushed to the head. Pressing headache, as if the skull would burst. The brain seems to beat in waves against the skull. A feeling as though the brain were pressing together from both sides and out at the forehead, (<) walking in the open air. Pain deep in the brain, (<) walking, with a feeling of constriction, worse in the right side of the forehead and in the occiput. Forehead is not, with cold limbs. Frontal headache worse on turning the eyes, with heat and jerking pain in the temples. Vertigo on walking at night; cannot sit upright; head inclines to sink backward, (<) motion and walking (>) lying. Pressing headache in the temples, worse at night. Pulsation in the temples, (>) hard pressure, (<) movement. Jerking pains in the temples, extending to the upper jaw. General bruised pain over the whole head, (<) mental effort. Scalp sensitive to touch.


      Sensation of foreign body in the eye, with inflammation and heat, worse in the evening. Whites of the eyes are yellow. Pupils dilated (sometimes contracted). Transient blindness, with flickering before the eyes.

Clinical. Retinal asthenopia, with transient blindness or with flickering before the eyes (after sexual excesses). Hemeralopia. Neuralgia above the eyes; ciliary neuralgia, supraorbital neuralgia (Ced.); the neuralgia aggravated by slightest touch. The weakness of vision and the neuralgia above the eyes are frequently associated with spinal irritation and great soreness of the spine, extending into the occiput and even into the eyes; the pains frequently aggravated at night when lying down, but not always.


      Ringing in the ears, with pain in the temples. Roaring. Ticking as of a watch. Deafness as if ears were stopped. Tearing pains, (<) least touch.

Clinical. Ringing and roaring in the ears, loss of hearing. Frequent neuralgic pains in ears, aggravated by touch. Hearing extremely sensitive to noise. External ear very sensitive to touch, sometimes inflamed. Haemorrhage from the ears, sometimes with purulent discharge, even offensive.


      Pain in the root of the nose, extending to the side after the heat of the cheek had disappeared. Sneezing. Fluent coryza, with sneezing and lachrymation; watery discharge, with stoppage. Bleeding of the nose after excesses, relieving the headache.


      Pale and sunken. Yellowish, earthy-colored. Facial neuralgia, (<) slight touch. Face sometimes red, inflamed, like erysipelas. Lips dry, cracked, even blackish.


      Teeth loose; painful on chewing. Toothache, jerking tearing in upper back teeth, (>) biting the teeth together and pressure for a moment, (<)cold air, in a draft. Mouth disagreeable in the morning; much mucus collects; tongue is yellow, dirty-white, somewhat swollen. Burning stitches in the tongue. Dryness in the mouth. Salivation. Tastes bitter; better for a while after eating. Bread tastes bitter when swallowing, though not when chewing. Slimy taste, so that he has a disgust for butter. Taste sweet, then sour. In general, salivation and more or less nausea.


      Unnatural appetite. Desire for all sorts of things, he hardly knows what. Desire for sour fruit, then indifference to eating and drinking. Aversion to coffee. Extreme thirst, but drinks little. Thirst, drinking followed by coldness and rumbling in the abdomen; especially after the chill. Thirst during the sweating stage. Eructations of gas; sour. Soreness in the pit of the stomach in the morning, with pain as from pressure on a sore place. Pressure after eating a little. Flatulence in the stomach for a long time after a meal, as though he had just eaten. Gastric derangements caused by milk.

Clinical. Dyspepsia; constant satiety, with coldness in stomach, craving for pungent spices and sour things and stimulants; digestion extremely slow; after eating he feels full, drowsy; taste of the food rises, with dyspnoea, etc. Dyspepsia, with painful pressure and distention in region of stomach after eating and drinking a little. Appetite entirely lost, and after eating a little loud belching and inability to work. Acid dyspepsia, heartburn even after milk, constant satiety, no relief from belching gas. After haemorrhage from the stomach, with great sensitiveness of the stomach and great prostration, etc.; the abdomen sensitive over the region of the liver, which is sometimes swollen (compare gastric symptoms with Lycopodium).


      Distention after eating. Fermentation from fruit. Painfulness over the region of the liver, especially to light touch. Swelling and induration of the liver. Sticking pains in the region of the spine. Colic in the abdomen before a stool, with thirst. Colic in the abdomen, with shivering. Flatulent colic, with tension and anxiety in the upper abdomen, and with a feeling as if the lowest intestines were constricted.


      Diarrhoea of undigested feces. Diarrhoea, with biting, burning pain in the anus, preceded and followed by colic.

Clinical. Painless diarrhoea, with bloated abdomen, stools containing undigested food; aggravated at night, with great fermentation in bowels, general desire for acids and relishes of various sorts. Stools sometimes involuntary, of cadaverous odor. Diarrhoea from eating fruit. Diarrhoea recurring after meals. Diarrhoea occurring in the course of debilitating diseases. Dysentery, rarely.

Urinary Organs

      Pressure in the bladder follows frequent and perhaps ineffectual efforts to urinate. Urine dark, with brick-red sediment. Urine rather copious. Burning in the orifice of the urethra.

Sexual Organs, Male

      Generally excited sexual desires. Seminal emissions frequent, but ejaculations too easy, followed by extreme weakness.

Sexual Organs, Female

      A feeling of rush of blood to the uterus, with painful heaviness in the pelvis.

Clinical. Impotency resulting from sexual excesses; nocturnal emissions, very debilitating; in general, frequently useful for symptoms resulting from sexual excesses. Uterine haemorrhages, especially after labor, with atony of uterus, discharge of large quantities of blood, cold skin, fainting, convulsive jerks, etc. Menstruation too early and profuse, with dark clots, distention of abdomen, etc. Leucorrhoea that comes on instead of the menses; bloody, fetid, purulent, great weakness, etc. Metritis. Ovaritis from sexual excesses or following haemorrhages; all the parts are very sensitive to the slightest, touch. General anaemia, resulting from prolonged nursing. Haemorrhage from the lungs while nursing. Painful indurations in the vagina, in consequence of excessive sexual gratification.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.