CARBO ANIMALIS signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine CARBO ANIMALIS…


Acts, through the vegetative nervous system, upon the lymphatic glandular system, digestive organs and skin. Through the great sympathetic it produces great debility of the animal nervous system.


Scrofulous, venous constitutions, with enlarged and hypertrophied glands.

Glandular diseases of a scirrhous nature with fetid discharges, accompanied with great prostration and debility.

Earthy-colored face, with copper colored spots on both the face and body; often troubled with severe headache.

Saltish water rises from the stomach.

Teeth very sensitive to the least cold air; looseness of the teeth, with bleeding gums; tearing pains in the teeth from salt food.

Weak, sore, empty feeling at the pit of the stomach.

Generative Organs of Women.-In all the female diseases the patient is extremely prostrated; can hardly stand up.

The menstrual function seems to exhaust her remarkably, so that she is hardly able to speak.

Menses too soon; last long, but not profuse; feels so exhausted during its continuance, she is hardly able to speak.

Violent pressing in the loins, the small of the back, and the thighs, during the menses.

Watery, acrid, burning leucorrhoea, particularly when walking; turns the linen yellow.’.

Lochia too long continued; acrid; excoriating the parts, and very offensive; with much exhaustion.

Uterus swollen and hard.

Malignant ulcerations of the neck of the womb, with foul discharges.

Great numbness and languor in the thighs, particularly during the menses.

All the glands may become more or less indurated. Cancer of the mammae.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881