GRAPHITES signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine GRAPHITES …


Through the great vegetative nervous system, it acts upon the skin, lymphatics, sexual organs, and digestive apparatus. It especially affects the skin, and sexual organs. Prof.J.S.Douglas says: It acts more powerfully on the female genital organs, than either Pulsatilla or Silicea.


Especially adapted to females inclined to obesity, and whose history reveals a disposition to delaying menstruation.– Menses too late, pale and scanty.

In ladies that have scanty and delayed menstruation, with constipation and inclined to obesity, no remedy has ever given me such satisfaction as Graphites, in the 30th dilution.

Very profuse leucorrhoea; the discharge occurs in gushes, day or night, and is often excoriating.

She feels so weak, that it is with difficulty she can persuade herself to perform her accustomed duties.

Morning sickness during menstruation.

During the menses, severe pain in the epigastrium, as if everything would be torn to pieces.

The ovaries are very apt to be affected.-.

Feeling as if the womb would press out of the vagina, with obstinate constipation, in fleshy women.

Mastitis, in all cases where there are so many old cicatrices, from former ulcerations, that the milk can scarcely flow; this remedy high, will now cause the milk to flow easily and ward off the impending abscess; although many times tried, has not failed me in a single case.

Deep cracks in the nipples, Graphites cerate is a specific.

Vesicles upon the nipples.

Head.–Burning round spot on the top of the head.

Congestion of the head, with roaring in the ears in young people.

Phlegmonous erysipelas of the head and face, with burning tingling pains.–DOUGLAS.

Burning of the eyes.

Black sweat-pores on the face and nose.

Cachectic, earthy color of the face.

She is drowsy during the day, and does not sleep well at night.

Digestive Organs.–Breath smells like urine.

Taste like rotten eggs, in the morning.

Accumulation of a great deal of mucus in the throat.

Sour vomiting, with flatulence.

Much flatus in the abdomen, it is greatly distended.

Constipation; large, difficult, knotty stools.

No remedy is more valuable in constipation, where the stools are in hard lumps, united by shreds of mucus, in large fleshy people.

Skin.–The great characteristic in skin diseases is, the eruption discharges a sticky glutinous fluid.

Eruptions, oozing out a sticky fluid.

Rhagades, excoriations, and ulcers on the skin.-.

Rawness in bends of limbs, groins, neck, behind the ears, especially in children.–L.

Unhealthy skin, every injury suppurates.–L.

Burning and swelling of the feet.

Much dryness of the skin, without perspiration.

Swelling and induration of the lymphatics, and glands, very liable to take cold from the least cold air.

This remedy is of great therapeutic value, and should be thoroughly understood by every physician.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881