HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA…


Through the spinal nerves it especially acts upon the venous system, and upon the generative organs of men and women.

On the Venous System, it produces venous congestion, inflammation, varicosis, and hemorrhage.

On the Generative Organs of Men, it produces most intense neuralgia, and inflammation of the testicles; amorous dreams with nocturnal emissions; great prostration of the animal passions; profuse cold sweat on the scrotum, with great relaxation of the genital organs, and varicosis of the spermatic veins.

On the Generative Organs of Women, it produces great irritation, congestion, inflammation and neuralgia of the ovaries; passive hemorrhage from the uterus, and irritation of the venous capillaries of the mucous membrane of the vagina and uterus.


Dr.Hughes says: I have the greatest confidence in Hamamelis, in phlebitis, in the various forms of varicosis, and in venous hemorrhages. In varicose veins of the leg, I conjoin its external with its internal use, laying strips of calico, soaked in a weak solution of one part to twenty, along the enlarged vessels, and supporting all with a bandage.

In passive hemorrhages from all parts, whether from nose, stomach, lungs or bowels, I have the utmost confidence in its use.-.

I think that the hemorrhages it cures depend rather upon the state of the bloodvessels, than on that of the blood.-.

Venous congestions, with passive hemorrhages.–B.

Epistaxis, either active or passive; long lasting; blood venous.–DR. PRESTON.

Haematemesis, with vomiting of large quantities of dark- colored blood.–DR. PRESTON.

Haematuria of dark, black blood.–DR. PRESTON.

Hemorrhage from the bowels, from portal congestion; stools dark and grumous, with great faintness, and cold sweat.–DR. L.


Discharge of blood per ani, in large quantities, of a tar- like consistency; hence a specific in typhoid fever, with a bloody crisis.

Bleeding hemorrhoids, with burning soreness, and at times, rawness of the anus, from portal congestion; the hemorrhage is generally very profuse, use it locally as well as internally.– HALE.

Dysenteric stools, loaded with dark, black blood.–DR. DUNN.

Hemorrhages from the bowels in typhoid fever, I have used it with most excellent results, using it principally by injections into the rectum. Two drachms to the pint of water.

Haemoptysis, active or passive, blood venous, and comes up into the mouth without coughing, or scarcely any effort.–DR.


I have cured many cases of haemoptysis with this remedy, where the blood was dark colored, and raised with but little effort.

Long lasting hemorrhage from extracting teeth.

Organs of Generation, Men.–Orchitis, with much pain, and great tumefaction of the testicles, locally and internally.

Neuralgia of the testicles, pain darts from the testicles to the stomach, producing nausea and faintness; worse at night and during rainy weather.

Impotence; organs much relaxed, with cold sweat on the scrotum.

Varicosis of the spermatic veins; testicles much swollen, with drawing pains in the spermatic cord; locally and internally.–DR. PRESTON.

Women.–Cutting, tearing, pains in the ovary, which is swollen and very tender.

Ovarian disease, accompanied with much swelling and tenderness; locally and internally.–DR. R. LUDLAM.

Ovaritis from mechanical injury; ovarian region much swollen and tender; much pain extending over the whole abdomen.–DR.


Frequent paroxysms of pain in the left ovary, passing down to the uterus, with anaemia; and every day or two the ovarian region much swollen.–BURT.

Dysmenorrhoea from ovarian irritation.

Vicarious menstruation from ovarian irritation.–DR. KENYON.

Passive, venous, uterine hemorrhage; if the hemorrhage is bright red and active, with me it does no good.

Leucorrhoea with much relaxation of the uterine walls.– HALE.

The pains are often unbearable, with great sensitiveness to the touch, and fear of exciting new pain on moving, this shows the specific action it has on the posterior spinal cord.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881