IODIUM signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine IODIUM…


This remedy has a powerful action upon the organic nervous system and through it the whole lymphatic and glandular system becomes its centre of action, especially affecting the thyroid and mesenteric glands, lacteal vessels, liver, pancreas, mammae, ovaries and testicles.

It also affects the mucous and serous membranes, skin, respiratory organs, heart, head, the glandular, or secreting portion of the uterus, stomach, blood, and through sympathy, the motor and sentient nervous systems.

Upon the glandular system, Dr. Hughes says, Its true action is one of a depressant character, exerted upon the lacteal vessels and mesenteric glands. Given a sluggish taking up of the fatty elements of the food by the lacteals, aNd an insufficient elaboration of their contents by the mesenteric glands, and we have at once a most important channel of nutrition choked up and rendered useless. The fatty ailments being those taken up by the lacteals, the emaciation becomes more rapidly apparent than if it had been the albuminous constituents of the diet whose supply was cut off. The action of the glands, of which the emaciation of Iodine is thus a prominent instance, displays itself also in the salivary glands, the liver, the glands of the generative system, and the thyroid. Salivation is produced by Iodine more frequently than by any other drug save Mercury.

Upon the glands of generative system it exerts a depressing and atonizing influence. The mammae and testes have more than once wasted and disappeared under its use; and a diminution of the functional energy of the ovaries makes it probable that these are similarly affected.

It has caused barrenness in young females previously prolific, and in full iodism the menses are commonly suppressed, less often becoming profuse and watery.

No remedy has a greater action upon the thyroid gland. It also affects the mucous membranes, especially that of the respiratory organs.

Upon the skin, it produces pustules and an erythematous eruption.

The blood becomes thin and watery.

Through sympathy, it causes trembling of the extremities, and in the sentient sphere we have illusions of the sense of touch, partial loss of vision, and deafness.

The nutrition of the heart becoming so impaired, its action is interfered with; causing many cardiac symptoms.


Scrofulous people, with a low cachectic state of the system.

There is a remarkable and unaccountable sense of weakness and loss of weakness and loss of breath in going up stairs.

Face dark-brown color, or paleness alternating with redness.

In hypertrophy of the thyroid gland, (Bronchocele,) no remedy can equal it.

Generative Organs of Women.–Scrofulous women, with dwindling and falling away of the mammae.

Mammae hang down heavily and lose their fatness.

Acute pain of the mammae, developed by the inflammation of the uterus, they are very sore.

Great weakness during the menses, particularly when going up stairs.

Long lasting uterine hemorrhages.

Uterine hemorrhage after every stool, with cutting pains in the abdomen, loins and back.

Premature and too copious menses, with goitre, dwindling away of the breasts, and great weakness when going up stairs.– Leucorrhoea, corrosive even of the thighs and linen; worse during the menses.

Digestive Organs.–Continual taste of salt in the mouth.- Continual empty eructations, from morning till evening, as if every particle of food was turned into air.

Tabes mesenterica, with rapid emaciation, night sweats, slow fever, dry laryngeal cough, diarrhoea, &c.

Respiratory Organs.–Extension tube, causing catarrhal deafness.-.

Membranous croup in healthy subjects.

Dry croupy cough, the mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea is dry, and the mucus secreted is hard and tough.–A.E.


Baehr has more confidence in Iodine for croup, than in any other one remedy. No remedy causes a more violent inflammation of the larynx, and with such certainty. I have had great results from its use in croup, also in acute and chronic laryngitis, where there is a great deal of hoarseness.

It appears capable of doing everything, but checking the deposition of fresh tubercle.-.

Phthisis pulmonalis, with constant tickling and inclination to cough, in the windpipe, and under the sternum; expectoration of transparent mucus, streaked with blood; morning sweats; emaciation; wasting fever; rapid pulse; diarrhoea; and in females amenorrhoea.-.

Chronic congestive headache in old people.

Emaciation, with good appetite; night sweats.

Chronic rheumatism in joints, without swelling; worse at night.-.

Bad effects of Mercury.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881