PETROLEUM signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine PETROLEUM …


Through the vegetative nervous system, acts especially on the mucous membranes, skin and joints; also upon the lymphatic glandular system.


Especially adapted to chronic ulcerations, given internally and applied locally.

Particularly indicated in diseases of the ears; mucous membranes; skin and joints.–MULLIER.

Rapid appearance and disappearance of the symptoms.–J.C.


Head.–Vertigo when rising from a recumbent posture.–W.E.


Imagines that another person lies in the same bed.–J.B.


Impaired hearing; a large quantity of thick or thin wax, which is dry or hard, and of a brown red color.–RAUE.

Chronic fetid discharge from the ear, very difficult to cure.–J.C. MULLIER.

Digestive Organs.–Particularly applicable in all gastric troubles of pregnant females.

Sensation of repletion after a little food.-.N. MARTIN.

Gastralgia whenever the stomach becomes empty.–DR. BERS.

Gastralgia with pressing, drawing pains; ameliorated by keeping on eating something constantly. (Vide Chelidonium.) Bitter sour taste; disgust for meat.

Cold feeling in the abdomen.

Cold feeling in the heart.

Stools slimy with pain in the bowels.

Nausea when riding.

Much diarrhoea through the day, none at night.

Burning and stinging in the anus and rectum.

Raw hemorrhoids; scurf on the anus.

Great desire to urinate, with itching of the meatus.–RAUE.

Generative Organs of Women.–Menses cause an itching in the genitals.

Profuse leucorrhoea every day, with lascivious dreams every night.

Skin.–‘Brown or yellow spots on the skin.

Many furuncles on the neck and arms, with ulceration of the ears.–MULLIER.

Excellent in boils.

Deep fistulous ulcers.

Spots on the legs are painful to the touch.

Heat in the soles of the feet and palms of the hands.

Tenderness of the feet when they are bathed.-.

Fetid sweat of the feet.

Fetid sweat from the axillae.

Small wounds spread and ulcerate.

Itching herpes on the perinaeum.

Labia-majora perspire and itch much.

The local use of Rock Oil, in old ulcers and skin diseases, is of great value; it has given great satisfaction in many cases.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881