PHOSPHORUS signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine PHOSPHORUS …


This powerful remedy especially affects the great vegetative nervous system, completely destroying its nerve force or life; producing congestion, inflammation, and disorganization of the stomach, small intestines, liver, spinal cord, sexual organs, kidneys, muscles, brain, and especially the blood, maxillary bones, lungs, and teeth.

Upon the stomach and intestines Phosphorous produces a low grade of gastro-enteritis.

Upon the liver, it has a specific and powerful influence, producing congestion, inflammation, fatty degeneration, jaundice; or the skin becomes remarkably semi-transparent or waxy in appearance.

On the spinal cord it produces degeneration, deliquescence, and paralysis. And through it the sexual organs are first greatly excited, which is soon followed by complete paralysis and impotence.

Upon the Kidneys it produces irritation, congestion, and inflammation, resulting in profuse secretion of albumen and exudation-cells in the urine.

Upon the brain it has a marked influence. Prof. Hempel says:Phosphorus seems to be in relation with the element or principle in the brain which regulates the renovation of the nervous tissue. As Iron plays an important part in diseases of the blood, so does Phosphorus in diseases of the nervous system.

If the reproduction or supply of nervous tissue is deficient or abnormally altered by some cause or other, Phosphorus is, under certain circumstances, the great power which enables us to repair the damage.

It does this through its action upon the ganglionic nervous system, producing atrophy.

Upon the lungs, no remedy has a more powerful and profound action, and well has it shown the beauties of specific medication in pneumonic diseases, especially in the second stage of typhoid pneumonia, with gray hepatization and purulent infiltration.

Upon the blood, it completely extinguishes and destroys its vitality, producing blood-metamorphoses, which result in hemorrhages, either by ecchymosis in the tissues, or by exudation into the cavities.

Upon the maxillary bones, Phosphorus spends a large share of its action; attacking first the periosteum, producing first periostitis, which soon passes on to the bone, causing complete caries and necrosis.

In four cases of poisoning a high degree of fatty degeneration of the liver, kidneys, heart and uterus took place.- -PROF. MASCHKA.

It causes fatty degeneration of the tissues throughout the body.


Tall, slender people, with fair skin, sanguine temperament, sensitive disposition, quick and lively perceptions. It is especially suited to fevers, where death seems inevitable, in consequence of the deep-seated injury inflicted upon the vital forces; and to acute and subacute, and chronic diseases of the brain, jaws, teeth, lungs, stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, sexual organs, and blood.

Sensation of weakness and emptiness in the abdomen; this distresses and aggravates all the other symptoms.

This is a ruling key for the use of Phosphorus.

Head.–Very sleepy after meals, especially after dinner.- Fearfulness as if something were creeping out at every corner.

Great depression at twilight.

Clairvoyance; laughing against the will; very sleepy during menstruation, and after eating.

Hemicrania; the forehead or occiput is swollen; touching the swollen part causes the most excruciating pain.-.

Small bald spot over the ear.–DOUGLAS.

Face semi-transparent, like polished ivory.–HEMPEL.

Loss of hearing, with cold extremities.

Deprivation of sight, with dilatation of the pupils, and darting pains in the eyeballs.-.

Attacks of sudden blindness; objects appear veiled.

Cataract; Phosphorous oil is rubbed upon the forehead and dropped into the eye, the induration of the lens, or its capsule is softened or aborted.–DR. TARIQUOL.

Digestive Organs.–Tongue parched, dry, cracked, and covered black, or glazed.–HILL and HUNT.

Thirst and dryness of the mouth, with great tympanitis of the stomach, and mucous enteritis, with complete prostration of the ganglionic system, with typhoid condition, dry heat of skin, sallow complexion, cold extremities.

The food rises back again into the mouth, after having been scarcely introduced into the stomach.–HAHNEMANN.

Gastric neurosis, with dry hard, beaded stool every three or four days.–DR. F. PERCUSSEL.

Sharp cutting pains in the bowels, sometimes with sour vomiting. Belching large quantities of wind after eating.

Stools are long, narrow, hard, and very difficult to expel.

Profuse, (exhausting) watery diarrhoea, pouring away as if from a hydrant.–RAUE.

Constipation; the faeces being slender, long, narrow, dry, tough, and hard like a dog’s, voided with great difficulty.-.

Chronic, painless diarrhoea of undigested food, with much thirst for water during the night.–R.

Green and bloody passages; the anus remaining constantly open.–HOLCOMBE.

Watery diarrhoea in the morning; grains like tallow in the rice-water evacuations.

Mucous stools, the anus remaining open.

Fatty degeneration of the liver, with malignant jaundice, and a weak, gone sensation in the abdomen, with stitches in the liver.

Urinary Organs.–Albumen and exudation-cells in the urine.– HEMPEL.

Thick, turbid and scanty urine.

Sexual Organs of Men.–Nocturnal emissions without dreams.

Impotence from sexual abuse.–HEMPEL.

Irresistible desire for sexual intercourse, in both sexes.

Discharge of prostatic juice, during hard stools.

Sexual abuse, producing dorsal consumption, trembling, imbecility, mania, epileptic fits and impaired digestion.

Women.–Profuse menstruation, with great sexual excitement.

Profuse, smarting, corrosive leucorrhoea.

Leucorrhoea, acrid, drawing blisters.-.

Fistulous openings, and abscesses of the breast.

Air Passages.–Hoarseness with loss of voice, worse in the evening.

Cannot talk on account of pain in the larynx.

Green mucus in the nostrils.

Tightness across the chest, with a dry, tight cough; in pneumonia, rusty sputa.

Acute pain in the lower part of left lung; greatly aggravated by lying on the left side.

Sensation as if cotton was in the throat, with dryness of the throat day and night.–A.K. HILLS.

Dry, tickling cough in the evening, with tightness across the chest; expectoration in the morning.-.

Cough worse coming from the warm room into the cold air.– Dry tickling cough worse in the evening.

Capillary bronchitis; severe, hard, dry, exhausting cough.

Tearing, irritating cough, with expectoration of mucus, pus and blood.

Pneumonia, with sanguineous infiltration of the parenchyma, and red hepatization; face livid, brick-dust expectoration.

Trembling of the whole body while coughing.-.

Haemoptysis, with occasional attacks of profuse hemorrhage.

Profuse hemorrhages; pouring out freely, then ceasing for sometime.–RAUE.

In obstinate cases of hemorrhages from the lungs, Phosphorus has been of great help to me.

Slight wounds bleed much.–HAHNEMANN.

Anaemia; rub the body twice a day with a solution of Phosphorus, one dram of the 1st to six ounces of water.–KAFKA.

Generalities.–Degeneration and liquefaction of brain and spinal cord, producing complete paralysis of motion and sensation.

Hemiplegia from apoplexy, with formication in the paralyzed limb.–HEMPEL.

Typhus, with paralysis impending.

Fistulous ulcers, with callous edges, secreting a thin, foul pus, and of a blue appearance.

Cold feet and legs.

Dr. Sauer uses Phosphorus oil, in the worst forms of croup, to the throat.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881