TRILLIUM PENDULUM signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine TRILLIUM PENDULUM…


Through the spinal motor nerves, it acts on the capillary blood vessels, producing relaxation of the muscular fibre, and mucous coats of the generative organs of women; kidneys and digestive apparatus, producing passive hemorrhages, &c.


Its great field of usefulness lies among-

– the hemorrhages, especially from the uterus and kidneys.

Excessive flooding with fainting; face pale and anxious; extremities cold; no pain. –DR. E.G. WHEELER.

In passive internal hemorrhages, with occasional clots, and much fetor, it has proved in my hands extremely reliable.

Profuse interior hemorrhage, at the climacteric period, with prostration, vertigo, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, and painful, palpitation of the heart, and painful sense of sinking at the pit of the stomach.–E. M. HALE.

Menses every fourteen days, lasting seven and eight days; in the intervening time, profuse leucorrhoea, of a yellowish color and creamy consistence; the blood is at fist bright red, but owing to anaemia, grows pale.–RAUE.

Terrible bloody leucorrhoea, with great anaemia.–DR.


Profuse, exhausting leucorrhoea, with atony, prolapsus, and chronic engorgement of the cervix.–DR. COE.

Profuse, yellowish leucorrhoea.

Profuse lochial discharges.–DR. COE.

Passive hemorrhages, from nearly all mucous membranes, especially the kidneys and nose.–HALE.

Chronic diarrhoea, of bloody mucus.–DR.COE.

Use the tincture, to the 6th dilution.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881