USTILAGO MADIS signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine USTILAGO MADIS …


Through the ganglionic nervous system, acts upon the generative organs; lymphatic glandular system, and skin.

On the generative organs of women, it has a most powerful effect, but its true action has yet to be defined. It probably acts upon the lymphatic system and venous capillaries of the womb. I think the difference between the action of Ustilago and Secale on the uterus and tissues generally, is this: Secale acts on the striated, or striped muscular fibres, which minister as a general rule to the animal functions; while Ustilago acts more on the smooth, or unstriped muscular fibres, and lymphatic glandular system, which preside over organic life. It also especially affects the lymphatic system of the ovaries. It causes in the uterus constant aching distress, referred by the patient to the mouth of the womb.

In a cow-house, where cows were fed on Indian corn, infected with this parasite (Ustilago) eleven of their number aborted in eight days; after their food was changed, none of the animals aborted. Anl. (Medorrhinum Vetr. Belge and Rep. de Ph.) Six drachms to two bitch dogs with young, soon caused them to abort.

Fowls fed on this fungus lay eggs without shells.–ROULIN.

On the genital organs of man, it produces sexual dreams every night, without emissions; great depression of the sexual system for weeks; the scrotum greatly relaxed; constant aching pains in the testicles for days, with a great deal of neuralgic pains in the right testicle; spells of violent pains in the testicles accompanied with great faintness; cold sweat upon the scrotum, &c.

On the skin, it produces an eruption similar to rubeola; rubbing any part of the body a few moments, it would break out with this fine red eruption; on the face it came in patches like ring-worm (Herpes circinatus) but not vesicular. The eruption is about the size of a pin’s head, itches violently at night, and constantly remains red and hard. The chest and joints are more affected than other parts of the body. The whole scalp becomes one filthy mass of inflammation; two thirds of the hair comes out, and what was left in, was mostly matted together. A watery serum kept constantly oozing from the scalp, so great as to keep the hair constantly wet.

Shedding of the hair, both of man and beast, and sometimes even of the teeth.–ROULIN.

Mules fed on it lose their hoofs.–ROULIN.

Upon the lymphatic glandular system, Ustilago spends the most of its action. Next to this the venous capillaries.


Acts better on tall, slim, fair complexions, and what might be called consumptive persons; also affects favourably very lymphatic women with clear, white skin.

Menstruation too frequent, too profuse, and lasts too long.

Suppressio-mensium from ovarian irritation, with much pain in the ovarian region, with flatulence and soreness of the bowels.

Menorrhagia at the climacteric period, with much pain on the top and side of the-head; burning distress in the right ovary; goneness in the epigastrium; the flooding lasts for weeks; blood dark-colored, with clots; vertigo,&c.

Active and constant flooding, with frequent clots of bright red blood, and hard, bearing-down pains.

Abortion, with bearing-down pains, as if every things would come from her.

Deficient labor-pains, where the os is soft, pliable and dilatable.

Dysmenorrhoea of a congestive character; much ovarian irritation; severe pain in the ovaries, uterus, and back, every few minutes.

Spasmodic pains in the left ovary, which is very sore and tender.

Ovaritis, constant pain in the ovary, with sharp pains pressing down the leg with great rapidity; ovary much swollen, and very tender.

Intermittent neuralgia of the left ovary, which is large as hen’s egg, and very tender to the touch.

Between the menses, constant misery under the left breast.

Vertigo at the climacteric, with too frequent and too profuse menstruation.

Scanty menstruation, from ovarian irritation.

Vicarious menstruation from the lungs and bowels.

Nervous headache, from menstrual irregularities.

Hypertrophy of the uterus.

Has acted favorably in fibroids, and cured induration of the


Induration of the testicles.

Neuralgia of the testicles, pain so acute that it produces great faintness.

Chronic urticaria, with intolerable itching at night.

Copper-colored spots on the skin.

Pustular ulceration of the skin.


(For all that is known about the Ustilago, vide my Monograph, printed by Dr. E.A. Lodge, Detroit, Michigan; and Hahnemannian Monthly, 1869.).

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881