ZINGIBER signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine ZINGIBER …


Through the spinal nervous system it especially affects the mucous membrane of the intestinal canal.


Bad slimy taste in the mouth, with acid stomach and diarrhoea.

Vomiting of slime, especially with old drunkards.

Complaints from eating melons.-EBN. NASAH.

Nausea after stool in the morning.-FR.

Much flatulency.

Diarrhoea, especially in the morning.

Diarrhoea, from drinking impure water; often in the United States Army, relieved by a few drops of the tincture in water.- TAFEL.

Increased secretion of urine; thick, turbid; retention of after typhus.

Dull aching in both kidneys (sensation of heat in the left kidney), with desire to urinate.

Organs of Generative.- Menstruation too early, too profuse, blood dark and clotted.

Chest.-Dry, hacking cough, with pain in the lungs, and difficult breathing; in the morning, expectoration.

Fever.-Chilliness beginning in the lower limbs, and going upwards.

Hot and chilly at the same time.

This remedy probably affects the posterior portion of the spinal cord; but its action on the intestinal canal is from direct irritation of the solar plexus.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881