Leucorrhoea Therapeutics

homeopathic medicines for Leucorrhoea have been discussed here with specific indication of their use in the book Chronic miasm by J.H Allen. …


Acute, simple vaginitis; vagina hot, dry, sensitive; urine scanty and scalding; fever with restlessness; discharge is white or yellowish, even bloody, coming on after taking cold or getting wet. Tendency of blood to head and chest, with fear of death; sanguine, plethoric women of sedentary habits after acute febrile conditions. Aconite is one of the best remedies for retarded or suppressed menses.


Vaginal or cervical leucorrhoea in rheumatic women; sensation of weight and bearing down in pelvis; prolapse of the uterus in nervous, sterile women. Sensation as if top of head would fly off. Constantly full of forebodings and fear of future happenings. Leucorrhoea watery, with weight, and torpor in uterus and lower extremities.


Dark yellow, sticky discharge which is worse after menses and after walking. Constant backache across the hips and sacrum; worse from walking or stooping; stiffness in lumbar region (Rhus) or sore, lame feeling in small of back, as if back would give out when walking. Leucorrhoea corroding labia and surrounding parts; very uncomfortable feeling in rectum with dry, hard stool; hemorrhoids purple, like grapes that burn and have a full and aching feeling.


Profuse, dark colored leucorrhoea; accompanied with aching and sensitiveness along the entire spine; great sensitiveness of spine. Titillation in sexual organs with strong sexual desire. Trembling of hands; itching, burning, and redness of fingers and toes. Leucorrhoea from inordinate coition, spinal irritation; women of light hair, lax skin and muscles. dribbling of urine, dragging down sensation in uterus (Fluoric acid).


Transparent leucorrhoea, yet it stains the linen yellow; complete obliteration of sexual desire. Indicated often in women who prostitute themselves; in premature old age, mental apathy, impotence after attacks of gonorrhoea; sexual organs relaxed with coldness.


Leucorrhoea following general debility from loss of fluids; defective nutrition; profuse between the menses; prolapse from muscular atrophy; weakness of mind and body; sterility from uterine atony. General debility with weight and heaviness in the uterine region. Suitable to chlorotic girls (Helonias, Senega).


Leucorrhoea excoriating, producing soreness of the thighs and pustules, with bright red spots on the labia majora and vulva, which sting and bite. Herpes with itching and burning.


Leucorrhoea bloody, mucous, slimy, preceded by colic. Bearing down sensation when standing; heaviness and fullness in the groins; sensation as if a plug were wedged in between the symphysis pubis and coccyx. Hemorrhoids that protrude like small bunches of grapes and are relieved by cold bathing. Fear as if a stool would escape with flatus, heat and burning in rectum.


After menses great exhaustion both mental and physical with copious discharge of mucus from vagina during menses. Leucorrhoea profuse, yellow, corroding or acrid, creamy or transparent, and worse after menses. Leucorrhoea like cream, causing itching in the pudenda, copious only in the daytime; sensation as if everything would fall from the vagina, with much weakness. leucorrhoea chronic, painless, from the cervix: copious, running down the limbs (Medorrh.). Leucorrhoea relieved by cold douches, worse when walking. Pain in back as if iron was thrust through lower vertebrae. Burning in the spine; sensation as if a tight cord were around the body. Numbness of the head, trembling in limbs, and great exhaustion. Gonorrhoea and leucorrhoea of long standing; a whole week passes before she gets over the effects of menstruation which is prolonged by leucorrhoea.


Discharge thick, or bluish white mucus, or in lumps; stitches in the vagina before the discharge; violent itchings; soreness and swelling of labia; discharge of blood in between menstrual periods. Adapted to thin aged people, and those of a nervo- bilious temperament. Aggravation, evening and warm room.


Leucorrhoea watery, profuse, acrid, causing much burning and smarting; smells like ammonia; much fatigue of whole body especially of the thighs; suitable to sickly, weak, delicate women. Leucorrhoea with swelling, itching and burning of perineum; sleep in day time and not at night. Cholera-like menses with exhaustion; hysterical women who faint easily and who always carry a smelling bottle. Sensation as if inner parts were raw, as if soreness were deep in; averse to walking in the open air.


Leucorrhoea like white of eggs, preceded by griping pains around the navel; leucorrhoea constant, painless, brownish, slimy, albuminous, great distension of abdomen and violent backache at night. ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE

Leucorrhoea with itching and soreness of the perineum; greatly aggravated by scratching or rubbing (Rhus tox.) Very irritable and full of strange notions, ideas and impulses. Alternation of moods; skin burns and itches wherever the discharges touches it.


Leucorrhoea fetid, thick, light-colored, or clear and watery, or milky with a bad odor. in gonorrhoea it is thick, purulent, greenish.


Leucorrhoea acrid, producing a smarting and biting sensation down the thighs. Profuse discharge of acrid water mixed with lumps of pus. Thick milky coating on the tongue; desire for pickles, eructations tasting of food; tendency to grow fleshy; leucorrhoea due to chronic Sycosis or to gastric disturbances and gouty states of the system.


Leucorrhoea profuse, yellow or green and acrid, attended with stinging sensation in the perineum; frequently painful; urgent desire to urinate; ascites; cutting and stinging pain in the right ovary; eruption like bee stings on the body. Puffiness and swelling of the ankles; absence of thirst; scanty, dark urine; adapted to frivolous and jealous girls, who, though generally cautious and careful, drop things or let them fall while handling them.


Leucorrhoea is acrid, foul smelling; pressing down pains in the uterus; great debility and feeble states of the nervous system, together with chronic catarrh.


Leucorrhoea like pus, ichorous, bloody, offensive, scenting the whole room. Leucorrhoea of a mucous nature with much pain in the back and great debility of the lower extremities. Aggravated by riding in a carriage or car. Often indicated in sterile women and young widows. Pain in uterus as from sticks or slivers; induration of os uteri; cervix bleeds easily; prolapsus uteri; she is always in a hurry, time passes too slowly; desire for sugar; debility of the lower extremities is characteristic; much flatulence in abdomen of a nervous origin.


Leucorrhoea after difficult labor, after injuries, falls, etc. Sore, bruised feeling over the whole body; head hot; extremities cold. Bruised feeling in uterine region and sacrum. Heaviness of the limbs; tendency to boils that are exceedingly sore and sensitive. Bad effects from falls, contusions, and other mechanical injuries.


Leucorrhoea acrid, excoriating, thin or thick; producing erythema of the parts it comes in contact with; leucorrhoea worse, while standing. Often under Arsenicum we have leucorrhoea in place of menses in very anaemic women. Indicated in women of a pale waxy complexion, who have the tubercular cachexia well marked, who are always chilly and easily fatigued. The least exertion causes exhaustion; oedematous swelling of eyelids or a puffiness about the face; bloody, offensive, watery discharge, often menses cease and leucorrhoea begins; flow profuse; she is easily exhausted, desire to lie down all the time; lips and mouth dry, always thirsty for small drinks which usually disagree with her stomach. She is nervous, sad, anxious, irritable, fears death, and is worse about I a.m. or I p.m. Leucorrhoea in scirrhus of the uterus with burning pains, which are worse after mid-night.


Indicated in syco-syphilitic individuals (Nitric acid, Thuja, Mercurius sol., Cinnabaris), leucorrhoea profuse, thin greenish- yellow; urine offensive. Ulceration of the cervix; ulcers have a hard edge and are painful and very sensitive; bleed easily in malignancies and Syphilis. Bearing down in genitals when riding in a carriage. leucorrhoea producing swelling and inflammation of the genitals; nervous affections follow suppressed discharges; turgidness of the mammae during the menses with milk in breasts. Globus hystericus; spasm of the oesophagus, as if a ball were rising from the stomach; gas forms so rapidly that she cannot belch it fast enough (arg. nit.).


Leucorrhoea, long, yellow strings of mucus, with dreadful backache low down as if it would break; no other remedy has a more severe backache than Asarum; lumbar backache, scarcely can breathe because of it; leucorrhoea tenacious and yellow, food tastes bitter; exceedingly nervous, cannot bear the rustle of paper; much lassitude in lower extremities; great nervous irritation, the least unpleasant noise thrills every nerve. It is often indicated in women who are addicted to stimulants.

John Henry Allen
Dr. John Henry Allen, MD (1854-1925)
J.H. Allen was a student of H.C. Allen. He was the president of the IHA in 1900. Dr. Allen taught at the Hering Medical College in Chicago. Dr. Allen died August 1, 1925
Books by John Henry Allen:
Diseases and Therapeutics of the Skin 1902
The Chronic Miasms: Psora and Pseudo Psora 1908
The Chronic Miasms: Sycosis 1908