Homeopathic remedy Aceticum Acidum drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Vinegar. C. HERING. C4 H3 03.


      Alternate stupor and delirium

Violent delirium, with distention of belly and obstinate constipation.

Very dull and low spirited.

Anxiety; grieves about his sickness and his children.

Extreme irritability of temper. With abdominal complaints.


      Vertigo, with feebleness and fainting.

Appears as if drunken, with heavy head.

Inner Head

      Headache from abuse of tobacco, opium, coffee or alcohol.

Outer Head

      Red patches on scalp, crusts between the hair.

Hair bristles.


      Conjunctiva inflamed, accompanied by sour stomach.

False membrane, dense, yellow, white, tough, closely adherent.

Flow of tears.



Liable to frequent catarrhal attacks.


      Anxious, wild expression of countenance.

Left cheek very red, with the fever. Croup.

Pale, waxen, emaciated.

Lower Face

      Lips become of a deep purple tint.

In upper part of joint of left jaw, aching: increases on pressure and with motion.


      Teeth feel dull.

Tongue etc.

      Pain across root, impedes speech and moving jaw; scarcely able to walk.

Glands under tongue and on lower jaw swollen; sore to touch.

Inner Mouth

      Foul breath.


      Children swallow with some difficulty, even a teaspoonful of water. Croup.

Difficult swallowing, has to eat very slowly.

Inflamed sore throat, ulcerated.

Indications of a white film, low down in fauces.


      No thirst, with fever. Croup.

Great thirst. Dropsy, Diabetes,.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Hot eructations, Heat in stomach.

Nausea and sweat; retching or anxiety.

Vomiting after every meal, with great thirst Cancer.


      Contents of stomach feel as if in a ferment.

Violent burning pain in stomach and in chest, followed by coldness of skin and cold sweat on forehead; burning worse lying on back.


      Bellyache, with rumbling in bowels, diarrhoea and violent delirium. Irritable.

Ascites. dropsy.

Stool etc.

      Diarrhoea liquid or undigested, with swelling of legs and feet, Phthisis.

Diarrhoea in the later stages of abdominal typhus.

Costiveness with tympanitis and stupor.

Profuse hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Hemorrhage from bowels. After checked metrorrhagia.


      Passes large quantities of pale urine. Diabetes mellitus.

Male Sexual Organs

      Very weakening, nightly emissions.


      During pregnancy, Sour belching and vomiting, with profuse water-brash and salivation, day and night.

After labour, hemorrhages (outward application of vinegar).

Also when cold, pale, with difficult breathing.

Breasts greatly and painfully distended with milk. Mammary abscesses threatening.

Milk impoverished, bluish, transparent, of strong, sour taste and odor; deficient in caseine and butter.

Sucklings droop, lose flesh, get marasmus.


      Hoarseness, with laryngeal irritation.

Lining membrane of larynx and windpipe covered with fibrinous exudation.

Croup, especially when the face is bright red. (Diluted in water, ten drops in a tumbler of water with some sugar, a teaspoonful every hour or two.).


      Difficult breathing, from laryngeal obstructions.

Hissing, rattling in throat.

Hurried and laborious breathing.


      Croup-like sound; a hollow sound with each inhalation.

Heart and Pulse

      Pulse: full; full and irregular; accelerated and small, contracted; very weak and small.


      Must lie on the abdomen to relieve pain in the spine. Myelitis.

Upper Limbs

      Sensation of lameness in wrists and hands.

Lower Limbs

      Weak and weary.

Lessened sensibility.

OEdematous swelling with diarrhoea.

Position etc.

      Motion, Lying,.


      Sleeplessness, with other sufferings.

Sleep much broken, without any known cause.


      Diarrhoea more in the morning.

Day and night: Night:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Skin cold.

Flushes of heat more in outer parts, increasing the sweat.

Febrile heat, with a dry skin; in bilious, putrid and typhoid fevers. Typhus with delirium.

Profuse sweating; night-sweats.

Hectic fevers with cough, dyspnoea, night sweats, diarrhoea oedema and emaciation.


      Left cheek red; maxillary joint aches.


      Burning on inner and outer parts.

Diminished sensibility on the whole surface of body.


      Hemorrhages from nose, lungs, stomach, bowels, uterus.

Wasting away, great emaciation.

General anasarca and dropsical affections of abdomen and legs, with great thirst.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch:. Pressure:

After bruising and spraining, if dry heat follows.

Burns and scalds.

Stings of wasps.

After the bite of a mad cat, lacerated wound, swollen upper and lower leg (externally and internally).


      Diseased cuticle separates in flakes.

Skin pale and waxen. Dropsy.

Broad, flat, condylomata, dry or moist.

Naevi, warts, corns.


      Antidotes to : Large doses are best counteracted by Magnesia or Calcar.; fluid magnesia or lime-water, a tea-spoonful in a cup of water taken in sips. Higher preparations: for the depressing, agonizing feeling: Tabac.; if sufficient: Aconite; for the gastric, pulmonary and febrile symptoms: Natr.mur., high; may be followed by Sepia. It follows China in hemorrhage, Compare with Kali bich. (but membrane on eye in latter more easily detached). is an antidote to all anaesthetic vapors; further to Aconite, Asarum europaeum Coffea, Euphorb. Hepar. Ignat., Opium. Stramon., Tabac. and Alcohol.

The sick have aversion to it poisonings with Agaricus emet.

Symptoms of Bellad., Mercur. and Laches are aggravated by it.

It follows well after Cinchon. in hemorrhages.

Disagrees when given after Borax, Caustic., Nux.vom., Ranunculus bulb., Sarsap.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.