Homeopathic remedy Argentum Metallicum drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….


      Fear of apoplexy, particularly with palpitation of heart.

Ill-humor, with disinclination to talk.

Out of humor in forenoon; in afternoon copious nosebleed.

Restlessness, anxiety, which drives him from place to place.


      Dizziness on entering a room after a walk.

While slumbering in bed, before midnight, it seemed as if the head was failing out of bed; followed by a violent convulsive starting of body.

Felt suddenly giddy, and as if a mist were before the eyes.

Attacks of vertigo; he cannot think rightly.

When looking at running water, giddy.

A crawling and whirling in the head, as if drunken.

Inner Head

      Congestion to the head followed by redness of cheeks.

Cutting stitches from left ear into brain.

Pressing pain with dullness in forehead, and drawing pressure in occiput.

Pressive, tearing pain at temporal bones worse by touch.

Painful sensation of emptiness in head, feeling as if it were hollow, with aching of the whole brain.

Left-sided headache, as if in the brain substance; at first only slight drawing gradually becoming more violent at its culmination raging as though a nerve was being torn, ceasing suddenly.

Outer Head

      Tenderness on top of head, painful to touch.

Pressing, tearing pain in skull, principally in the temporal bones renewed every day at noon, worse by pressure and touch, better in open air.

Aching of external parts of head.


      Sight vanishes.

Amaurosis of left eye, contracted pupil, insensible to light.

Violent itching of lids and in the corners of the eyes.


Lids greatly swollen.

Pustules along edges of lids.

Any effort to separate lids causes edges to be drawn in.

Lids raw, sore, red, smarting.

Abundant purulent discharge.


      Corrosive itching; scratching until bleeding ensues.


      Tickling, crawling sensation in the nose, followed by nosebleed.

When blowing the nose, violent bleeding.

Violent fluent coryza with frequent sneezing, morning.


      Pressing and tearing of the facial bones; drawing, tearing in the right zygoma.

Face straw-colored, including lips. Scirrhus of os uteri.

Lower Face

      Swelling of upper lip, close under the nose.


      Severe aching in the decayed last molar, left side.

Teeth adhere together like from glue.

Tongue etc.

      Sore, burning blisters on tongue, tongue dry.


      Dryness in the mouth.

Fetid breath. Scirrhus uteri.


      Region of submaxillary glands swollen; the neck stiff; swallowing difficult as from internal swelling; has to force every mouthful down the oesophagus.

Scratching sensation in the soft palate, as from something rough sticking there; felt most during empty swallowing, forcing him to swallow saliva.

Painful tension in fauces as from swelling, when yawning.

Throat feels raw and sore during expiration, or when swallowing or coughing.

Viscid, fray, jelly-like mucus in pharynx, easily hawked up; early morning.

Anaesthesia of the fauces. Diphtheria.

Tension in fauces on right side, felt only when gaping. Aphonia.

Desires Aversions

      Appetite increased; hungry after eating a full meal.

Desire for wine.

At times loss of appetite, with aversion to smoking.

Want to thirst, even during the hot stage of the fever.

Eating and Drinking

      During and after meals, sweating.

After dinner, nosebleed.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Squeamish nausea in region of sternum, with vertigo and burning in scrobiculum.

Nauseous sensations with hunger; nausea in his dreams.

Vomiting, with the stool in the afternoon.

Bitter, acrid fluid rises up into the throat; heartburn.


      Burning in the stomach, ascending to the chest.

Anxiety and pressure in pit of stomach.


      Cutting stitch under the last left ribs.


      Tympanitic puffing of right side of abdomen.

Sore to hard pressure; slowly lessened after wind passes.

Expansion and sensation of fulness in epigastrium, with hunger.

Loud croaking in the abdomen, with hunger.

Wind colic.

Distention of hypogastrium, which was exceedingly sensitive to contact.

Contraction and tension of the abdominal muscles; has to walk bent forward.

Bruised pain over left hip, and on whole left side of pelvis.

Tension in the groins.

Painful soreness in the whole abdomen, worse when riding in a carriage.

Stool etc.

      Frequent urging in lower part of rectum, with discharge of small quantities of soft stool.

Dry, stool, like sand, after dinner.

Alvine evacuation irregular, often lienteric diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea with constant pain in left side of stomach.

Sore between the nates, around anus, and in groin, on moderate walking.


      Turbid, sweetish, profuse at night. Diabetes.

Urine profuse at night; pale fetid.

Male Sexual Organs

      Seminal emissions almost every night, without erection, with atrophy of penis; after onanism.

Yellowish-greenish gonorrhoea, of an indolent character from beginning.

Very profuse gonorrhoea, with contusive pain in testicle.

Greyish ulcers, with shaggy borders, at the prepuce; at the same time in the throat.

Crushed pain in the testicles; clothing increases the pain on walking; also evening in bed.

Scrotum and feet oedematous. Diabetes mellitus.

Female Sexual Organs

      Pains in the left ovary and loins Purulent, ichorous, sometimes bloody matter flows from uterine ulcers, filling room with an unbearable stench.

Neck of uterus looks spongy, deeply corroded.

Metrorrhagia, large lumps with violent pains, increased with every motion.

Hemorrhages at the approach of the climacteric period.

Prolapsus uteri; pain in left ovary; pain in small of back extending to the front and downwards.


      Rawness and soreness in upper part of larynx, when coughing, not when swallowing.

Hoarseness; especially of professional singers, speakers, etc.

Cannot speak a loud word; constant tickling in the throat, provoking cough.

Laughing produces mucous in larynx and excites cough.

When stooping; or ascending stairs, mucus rises into the throat, easily brought up by a single cough.

A gray, gelatinous phlegm is easily raised from trachea.

Over the bifurcation of the trachea, a raw spot; hoarseness; worse when using the voice.


      When reading aloud in the evening, he has to hem and hawk.

Stitches between the sixth and seventh ribs, worse when inhaling.

With a deep inhalation, pressing-out pain below the second and third ribs.

With every deep breath cutting on both sides on last ribs.

Violent stitches in chest impede inhalation and exhalation.

Want of breath, also in diabetes.


      Dry, caused by irritation in the bronchia, with a sore pain; drawing stitches on lowest rib, near spine; in attacks, rattling by day and in room, not at night not in open air; with easy expectoration, white, thickish, looking like boiled starch; from laughing; from dull cutting, which becomes a stitch in the air passes from below upwards, with mucus in chest.


      Stitches in right chest from within outwards he can neither inhale nor exhale without feeling it.

Great weakness of the chest, worse left side.

Heart Pulse

      Beats sometimes omit.

Palpitation increased by sudden muscular exertion.

Full feeling in region of heart.

Frequent spasmodic, but painless twitching of whole cardiac muscle, especially on the back; fears apoplexy.

Pulse: often unchanged; more frequently in evening, in bed; slow in the morning.

Outer Chest

      Cutting left side, in cartilages of false ribs.

Chest feels sore to touch.

Boil near last rib.

Neck Back

      The sterno-cleido mastoid muscles hurt when stretched by turning of head.

Itching between the shoulder-blades.

On right of pelvis, near sacrum, skin feels cold as if touched with ice; returns after eating.

Upper Limbs

      Upper arms feel powerless, as after severe labor.

Tearing in bones of arms, especially of hands and fingers.

A short paralytic drawing on the outside of upper arm; on pressure it pains as if beaten; same in wrist-joint.

Lower Limbs

      Stitches in the hip when walking.

From time to time crampy pains in the thighs.

Weariness about the hip-joints, worse walking; feel bruised on hard pressure after rising.

Stiffness in the hips in the morning.

Knee pains as if bruised, while sitting.

Knees knock together when walking.

Calves feel as if too short on going down stairs.

When stepping, feet feel sore, as if ulcerated.

Feet oedematous, swollen.

Tearing in the feet, at times in the soles, dorsa, heels or toes, in tarsal or metatarsal bones.

Limbs in General

      Numbness in limbs, as if asleep.

All the limbs feel stiff.

Loss of power: after walking, unusual fatigue. Heaviness Joints of hands and feet feel sore; drawing in the joints.

Position etc.

      Motion: Exertion: Must go from place to place: Walking: Ascending: Descending: Sitting: Bending forwards: Stooping : Turning head: After rising: Lying:.


      Painless twitching: around right shoulder and right thigh; of right thumb, abducting it while writing.

Spasmodic, painful twitching of muscles on temple, forehead, and throat, near thyroid cartilage.

Convulsive shocks of whole body; after previous vertigo; mostly when dropping off to sleep, preventing sleep.

Epileptic attacks, followed by delirious rage, jumping about, striking those nearer.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.