Homeopathic remedy Hepar Sulph Calc drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Liver of Sulphur Hahnemann Sulphurets.


      Great weakness of memory, with the irritability Sad mood for hours; must cry vehemently.

Low-spirited even to thoughts of suicide.

Great anxiety in the evening.


Oversensitiveness and irritability with quick hasty speech.


      Vertigo; morning when closing the eyes at siesta; evening with nausea; when riding in a carriage; when shaking the head.

Fainting from the slightest pains, evening.

Inner Head

      Boring headache; at the root of the nose, every morning; in right temple, from without inwards; worse from motion or stooping.

Semi-lateral pressure in the head, as form a plug or dull nail at night or when waking in the morning; worse when moving the eyes and when stooping.

Aching in the forehead from midnight till morning.

lancinating headache better when walking in open air.

Headache when shaking the head.

Sense of swashing in the head.

Morning headache worse from every concussion.

Outer Head

      Burning-itching on scalp from forehead to occiput.

Sensitiveness of the scalp to touch, with burning and itching in the morning after rising after abuse of mercury.

Disposed to take cold, from uncovering the head Humid eruptions felling sore; of fetid odor; itching violent on rising in morning burning and feeling sore on scratching; scabs easily torn off, leaving a raw, bleeding surface.

Boils on the head and neck, very sore on contact.

Nodosities on the head, sore to touch relieved by covering the head warmly and from sweat.

Falling off of the hair with very sore, painful pimples, and large bald spots on the scalp.

Head bent backward with swelling below the larynx; violent pulsation of the carotids, rattling breathing.


      Shunning the light.

Eyes ache from bright daylight, when moving them.

Objects appear to be red.

Sight becomes dim when reading.

Ulcers on the cornea.

Pressure in the eyes as from sand.

Eyes are protruded. Croup.

Pressing pain in the eyeballs, feels bruised when touched.

Stitches in the eyes.

Inflammation of the eyes and lids; sore to the touch; lachrymation.

Little pimples surround the inflammed eyes.


      Whizzing and throbbing in the ears with hardness of hearing cracking in the ear when blowing the nose.

Darting pain in the ears.

Increase of ear-wax.

Discharge of fetid pus from the ears.

Itching of outer ear.

Scurfs on and behind the ears.


      Sense of smell acute also with the vertigo.

Nosebleed. After singing.

Coryza with inflammatory swelling of the nose, painful as fro a boil also with cough.

Sore pain on the dorsum of nose when touching it.

Itching in the nose.


      Yellow color of face, with blue rings around the eyes.

Heat and redness of the face.

Erysipelatous swelling of the cheeks in the morning Bones of face painful to touch.

Boils very painful to touch. Eruption scurfy, and very painful to touch.

Lower Face

      Itching around the mouth.

Boils on the lips and the chin very painful to touch.

Sore and smarting pimple on the vermilion border of upper lip.

Middle of lower lip cracked.

Eruption with sensation of heat in the corners of mouth.

Ulcers at the corner of the mouth.

Itching pimples on the chin.


      Gums and mouth very painful to touch bleed easily.

toothache worse in warm room: when biting teeth together.

Looseness of the teeth.

Hollow teeth feel to long and painful.

Tongue etc.

      Taste putrid; metallic; bitter.

Hasty speech.

Tip of tongue very painful and feels sore.


      Ulcers on gums and in mouth base resembling lard.


      Scraping in the throat when swallowing.

Hawking up of mucus.

Swelling of the tonsils and glands of the neck.

Scraping sore throat impeding speech but not swallowing.

Dryness of the throat.

Stitches in throat extending to ear, worse when swallowing food.

Sensation as if fish bone or splinter were sticking in throat.

Desires Aversions

      Longing for acids; wine; sour and strong-tasting things.

Unusual hunger in the forenoon.

Much thirst.

Aversion to fat.

Eating and Drinking

      Heaviness and pressure in the stomach after moderate eating.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Eructations frequent odorless and tasteless.

Constant sensation of water rising in the oesophagus, as if she had eaten sour things.


Frequent but momentary attacks of nausea.

Inclination to vomit with flow of saliva from the mouth.

Vomiting every morning.


      Stomach frequently and easily disordered.

Pressure in the stomach after moderate eating.

Swelling and pressure in the region of the stomach.

Distention of pit of stomach has to loosen the clothing.

Burning in the stomach.


      Stitches: in region of liver; in region of spleen when walking.


      Contractive pain in the abdomen.

Fermentation above the navel with eructation of hot air.

Colic, with dry rough cough.

Rumbling in the abdomen cough.

Swelling and suppuration of the inguinal glands.

Stool etc.

      Constipation; Stools hard and dry; especially with eruption in bend of elbows or in popliteal space.

Faces not hard but expelled with difficulty.

Diarrhoeic stools: White and fetid, child has a sour. Smell; sour-smelling and whitish; clay-colored; green slimy, of sour smell; with tenesmus.

Diarrhoea: worse during the day; after eating, and after drinking cold water.

Dysenteric stools; difficult evacuations of soft stool or bloody mucus with tenesmus.

Burning in the rectum.

Protrusion of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhage from the rectum, with soft stool.

Sweat on the perineum.


      Dark, red and hot; bloody; sharp burning corroding the prepuce.

Urine passed tardily and without force feels as if bladder could not be emptied thoroughly.

Burning in the urethra, during micturition.

Great soreness in the urethra during micturition.

Inflammation and redness of the orifice of the urethra.

Wetting the bed at night.

Male Sexual Organs

      Sexual desire increased, erections feeble.

Discharge of prostatic fluid after micturition and during hard stool, also independent of either.

Itching on the penis and at the fraenum preputii.

Chancre-like ulcers on the prepuce.

Mercurialized chancres.

Secondary syphilis.

Male Sexual Organs

      Congestion of blood to the uterus.

Menorrhagia, in women with chapped skin and rhagades of the hands and feet.

Discharge of blood with the menses.

Metritis, with burning throbbing pains.

Uterine ulcers with bloody suppuration smelling like old cheese edge of ulcer sensitive frequently a pulsating sensation in the ulcers.

Much itching or little pimples around the ulcer.

Leucorrhoea with smarting of vulva.


      Frequent momentary attacks of nausea. Mammae swollen not sensitive to touch but she cannot walk u or down stairs.

Cancer of the breast with stinging, burning of the edges smells like old cheese.

Little pimples or smooth ulcers surround the scirrhus, or principal ulceration.


      Hoarseness, roughness in the throat.

Sensitiveness of larynx to cold air.

Wheezing in the larynx and painfulness of a small spot in the larynx.

Croup with deep rough barking cough hoarseness or aphony, with slight suffocating spasms some rattling of mucus, after dry cold wind with swelling below the larynx with great sensitiveness to cold air or water cough worse before midnight, or toward morning.


      Rattling; anxious wheezing; frequent deep breaths like after running; anxious short, wheezing threatening to suffocate, must bend the head back and sit up.


      Croupish hoarse; dry; loose and choking with bloody expectoration; excites vomiting; whooping croupish sound, pain in larynx, choking from mucus in larynx worse in morning.

Cough cause by; limb getting cold; eating or drinking anything cold anything cold; cold air; lying in bed; talking crying drinking After cough sneezing; crying.


      Sensation as of drops of hot water, in left chest Soreness in the chest.

Weakness of the chest; cannot talk from weakness.

Spasmodic constriction of the chest, after talking.

Tenacious mucus in the chest.

Heart Pulse

      Palpation of the heart, with fine stitches in the heart and left half of the chest.

Pulse hard, full, accelerated; at times intermitting.

Neck Back

      Violent pulsation of the carotids.

Drawing between the scapulae.

Sensation as if bruised, in small of back and thighs.

Stitches and rheumatic pains in the back.

Upper Limbs

      Suppuration of the axillary glands.

Offensive sweat in the axilla.

Tearing in arms, extending toward the suppuration in breast.

Pain as if bruised in the os humeri.

Encysted tumor at the point of the elbow.

Itching in the palms.

Itching, rough, dry, scaling skin of the hands.

Fingers as if dead.

Tingling in the tips of fingers Panaritium,.

Lower Limbs

      Left hip pains as if sprained, when walking in the open air.

Buttocks and posterior thighs painful, when sitting.

Bruised pains in muscles of anterior thighs.

Swelling of the knee.

Knees pains as if bruised Cramps in the calves in soles and toes.

Swelling of feet around the ankles with difficult breathing.

Pricking in both heels.

Tingling in the toes.

Burning stinging pains on the toes.

Cracked skin of the feet.

Coldness of the feet.

Limbs in General

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.