Homeopathic remedy Hydrastis Canadensis drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Orange root.-Golden seal. Burt. Ranunculaceae.


      Forgetful; cannot remember what he is reading or talking about.

Irritable; disposed to be spiteful.


      Feeling as if intoxicated; headache; weakness.

Inner Head

      Dull, heavy frontal headache over eyes; catarrhal.

Sharp cutting in the temples and over the eyes; more over the left; better from pressing with the hand.

Dull frontal headache, with dull pain in the hypogastrium and small of back.

Outer Head

      Vertex : headache every other day, commencing at 11 A.M., with nausea, retching and anguish.

Eczema on margin of hair in front; worse coming from the cold into a warm room; oozes after washing.


      Smart, burn; profuse lachrymation.

Opacity of the cornea; scrofulous ophthalmia, with or without ulceration; thick mucous discharge.


      Roaring in the ears, like from machinery.

Otorrhoea, thick mucous discharge.

Membrana tympani purplish and bulging.


      Tickling, like a hair, in the right nostril.

Coryza;watery; excoriating; burning in the nose, more the right nostril; discharge scanty in the room, profuse out of door; rawness in throat and chest.

Sneezing, with fulness over the eyes, dull frontal headache, pain in the right breast and down the arms.

The air feels cold in the nose.

Secretion, more from the posterior nares, thick, tenacious.

Nosebleed, left nostril, with burning rawness; followed by itching.

Soreness of the cartilaginous septum, bleeding when touched; inner edge of right ala sore and thickened.

Ozaena, with bloody, purulent discharge.


      Expression weary, dull, skin pale, or yellow-white.

Erysipelatous eruption following flushes of heat.

Lower Face

      Aphthae on the lips; tongue swollen.

Tongue etc.

      Taste : flat; peppery.

Tongue: swollen, shows marks of the teeth; coated white, or with a yellow stripe.

Tongue as if burned or scalded, later a vesicle forms on tip.


      Excessive secretion of thick, tenacious mucus.

Stomatitis after mercury or chlorate of potash; nursing women or weakly children; peppery taste; tongue as if burned or raw, with dark red appearance and raised papillae.


      Hawking of yellow, tenacious mucus from posterior nares and fauces; rawness of fauces;ulcers in the throat; after mercury.

Eating and Drinking

      Indigestion from atony of stomach.

Bread or vegetables cause acidity weakness, indigestion.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Eructations of sour fluid.

Vomits all she eats, except milk and water Cancer.


      Faintness at the stomach; sinking gone feeling, with continued violent t palpitation of the heart.

Stomach actually sunken, weak, faint. Marasmus.

Acute, distressing, cutting pains.

Chronic gastric catarrh.

Carcinoma, with emaciation, goneness.


      Torpor of liver, with pale, scanty stools.

Liver atrophied. Marasmus.

Jaundice, with catarrh of stomach and duodenum.


      Burning in the region of the navel, with “goneness,” faintness, in the epigastrium.

Loud rumbling, with dull aching in the hypogastrium and small of back; worse moving.

Cutting, colicky pains, with heat and faintness; constipation; better after passing flatus.

Cutting in the hypogastrium, extending to the testicles, faintness, after stool.

Sharp pain in the coecal region.

Sharp pain in the region of the spleen, with dull pain and burning in stomach and bowels.

Dull dragging in groins, cutting pains extending into testicles.

Pains in the groin, as if he had strained himself; clothing uncomfortable.

Stool etc.

      Fetid flatus.

Stool light colored, soft, acrid, greenish.

Stool lumpy, covered with mucus; constipation.

Hemorrhoids; costive; even a light hemorrhoidal flow exhausts.

Fistula ani.


      Dull aching in the region of the kidneys.

Urine : smells decomposed; increased and of neutral reaction.

Catarrh of bladder, with thick, ropy, mucous sediment in urine.

Male Sexual Organs

      Debility, after spermatorrhoea.

Gonorrhoea, second stage, thick yellow discharge.

Gleet, debility; copious, painless discharge.

Dragging in right groin to testicle; thence of left testicle, thence to left groin.

Female Sexual Organs

      Leucorrhoea tenacious, ropy, thick, yellow.

Ulceration of the cervix and vagina; leucorrhoea; debility; prolapsus uteri.

Pruritus vulvae, with profuse leucorrhoea; sexual excitement.


      Scraping in the larynx.


      Dry, harsh cough, from tickling in the larynx.


      Rawness, soreness and burning i n the chest.

Bronchitis of old exhausted people; thick, yellow, tenacious, stringy sputa.

Phthisis; to relieve the goneness in stomach, emaciation, loss of appetite.

Heart Pulse

      Palpitation, with faintness.

Pulse slow during the chill.

Neck Back

      Muscles of neck feel sore.

Tired aching across small of back and in limbs; knees ache.

Upper Limbs

      Pain from head to shoulders, with aching in both, more the left.

Rheumatic pains in elbow, forearms, right shoulder, and first fingers of left hand.

Lower Limbs

      Pain from right hip to knee, while walking; cannot stand or bear one’s weight.

Outer part of left knee aches while sitting, worse when walking.

Legs feel weak; knees weak; aching.

Aching in sole of left foot; no relief from change of position.

Atonic ulcers on t he legs.

Limbs in General

      Limbs tired, ache, with coryza.

Shifting pains in right arm and leg, then left leg.

Position etc.

      Motion : Walking : Sitting : Change of position :.


      Faintness, goneness. Weakness, physical prostration.

Frequent sudden attacks of fainty spells, with profuse cold sweat all over. Cancerous ulcers on left side of throat, inside.


      Awakened by backache and dull pains in navel and hypogastric region.

Dreams worrisome, restless sleep.

Difficulty in awaking.


      Morning or evening : 11 A.M. Evening: Night : Every other day :.

Temperature and Weather

      Room : Out-doors : coming from cold air into warm room : Washing :.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill morning or evening; chilliness, especially in the back or thighs, with aching; pulse slow.

Heat in flushes. Great heat of the whole body. Constant dull burning pains all the evening.

Gastric, bilious or typhoid forms of fever, with gastric disturbances, jaundice and great debility following.


      Right :,. Left :,,, Right to left :,. Above downwards:,, Below upwards :.


      Mucous membranes : secretions increased, tenacious, ropy; erosions.

Muscles greatly weakened; atony.

Marasmus. Scrofula. Cancer cachexia.

Cancers hard, adherent, skin mottled, puckered; cutting like knives; mammae.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Pressure of hand relieves the head : Clothing feels uncomfortable about the groins : Touch :.


      Erysipelatoid rash on the face, neck, palms, joints of fingers and wrist, with maddening, burning heat, later skin exfoliates; pains worse at night.


Variola, itching-tingling of the eruption; face swollen; throat raw; pustules dark; great prostration.

Stages and States

      Old people :.


      Antidotes to Hydrast. Sulphur (against the head symptoms and sciatic pains).

Bad effects from Mercur., or the chlorate of potash.

Superior to Arsen. in lupus; compare Kali bich.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.