Homeopathic remedy Hyoscyamus Niger drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Henbane. Hahnemann. Solanaceae.


      Stupor, unconsciousness; does not reply to questions; does not recognize any one. Answers properly but immediately stupor returns.

Makes irrelevant answer.

Inability to think; thoughts cannot be directed or controlled.

Stupid, or illusions of the imagination and senses.

Sees persons who are not and have not been present.

Thinks he is in the wrong place.

Delirium continued while awake. Delirious without apparent heat; the face is pale and the limbs are cold, though the temperature is high.

Delirium: talks of business; complaints of imaginary wrongs.

Delirium tremens, with clonic spasms; averse to light and company; visions, as if persecuted.

Insane passion for work.

Indistinct, muttering loquacity.

Silly, smiling laughs at everything, silly expression.

Cried and laughed alternately, gesticulated lively.

Lascivious mania, uncovers body, especially sexual parts; sings amorous songs.

Cries out suddenly.

Whines, but knows not why.

Muttering, picking at bedclothes.

Plays with his fingers (not picking bedclothes) Wants to go from one bed to another.

Restless, jumps out of bed, tries to turn away.

Does foolish things, behaves like one mad.

Abuses those about him.

Tries of injure those around him; convulsions after trying to swallow.

Scolds; raves.

Answers no questions.

Cannot bear to be talked to.

Anxious apprehension.

Fears : being left alone; of poison, or being bitten; being poisoned or sold.

Makes no complaints; has no wants.

Does not know whether or not to take what is offered. Jealousy.

Fright, followed by convulsions.

Unfortunate love, with rage, and incoherent speech.

Disappointed love, followed by epilepsy.


      Vertigo, with drunkenness; also from smell of flowers, from gas, etc.

Sudden falling, with a shriek; sopor.

Rolls head, stertor, hiccough; concussion of brain.

Apoplexy, snoring; involuntary stool and urine.

Repeated attacks of fainting.

Inner Head

      Pain and heat in head, after a meal.

Headache, better walking.

Congestion to head.

Cerebral hyperaemia, delirious, unconscious, blue-red face; red, sparkling eyes.

Heaviness, vacant feeling, confusion, severe pain; pains in meninges; pressure in left side of forehead, changing to shooting.

Heat and tingling in head; pulsations, like waves, head shakes; worse becoming cold, after eating; better bending head forward, and from heat.

Brain feels as if loose.

Stupor; shakes head to and fro; swashing sensation in brain.

Outer Head

      Catches cold in head, especially from dry, cold air.

Rolling the head.

Head sinks on one or other side.


      Farsighted, clearsighted; pupils dilated.

Illusions; objects look red as fire, or too large.

Amblyopia; epilepsy.

Double sight.

Night blindness.

Constant staring at surrounding objects, self-forgetfulness. Eyes protrude.

Eyes red, sparkling, staring; rolling about in orbits; squinting.

Tearing, beating in right eye, which waters and seems projected.

Pupils altered, dilated or contracted; slow respiration.

Eyes open; distorted.

Quivering in the eye.

Spasmodic closing of eyelids; cannot open eyelids. Spinal meningitis.

Rending pains in angles of eyes, disappearing when touched.


      Buzzing, singing, rushing in ears. Deafness.

Hard hearing, as if stupefied, especially after apoplexy.


      Sense of smell weak, or lost.

Nosebleed, bright red, with salivation.

Sudden jerks at root of nose.

Cramp-pressure at root of nose and malar bones.

Nostrils sooty, smoky.


      Face : flushed; dark red, bloated; cold and pale; distorted; stupid expression; muscles twitch, makes grimaces; bluish, mouth wide open; approaching cerebral paralysis in typhus.

Paralysis in typhus.

Lockjaw; fully conscious.

Lower Face

      Foam at the mouth.

Lips dry.


      Closes the teeth tightly.

Toothache, driving to despair; tearing, throbbing, extending to the cheeks and along lower jaw.

Tearing in teeth as if blood was forced into them, flushes of heat, congestion to head; worse from cold air, morning.

Teeth feel loose when chewing; also, too long.

Intense pain in gums after extraction of a tooth.

Sordes on teeth and in the mouth.

Grating the teeth.

Tongue etc.

      Putrid taste.

Very talkative, or loss of speech.

Tongue : red or brown, dry, cracked, hard; looks like burnt leather; clean, parched; white.

Paralysis of tongue; speech embarrassed.

Tongue protruded with difficulty, can hardly draw it in.


      Salivation; saliva saltish; bloody.

Cadaverous smell from mouth, worse morning and evening.


      Elongated palate.

Throat and mouth dry, parched and red, inability to swallow.

Throat dry, burning; shooting; pricking pains, difficult swallowing, as from constriction; dread of liquids.

Constriction of the throat, impeded deglutition.

Spasmodic contraction of oesophagus after injury; solid and warm food swallowed best; fluids cause spasm; hiccough, nausea, stiff neck.

Difficult to swallow liquids, an attempt to swallow renews spasm.

Desires Aversions

      Hungry gnawing : Thirst, drinks but little at a time.

Dread of water.

Eating and Drinking

      After eating : drinking : Great thirst :.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Hiccough, with spasms and rumbling in abdomen.

Eructations : empty : incomplete; bitter.

Nausea : with vertigo; and vomiting.

Retching and vomiting, with colic, extorting cries.

Vomiting: of food and drink; of blood, with convulsions; of bloody mucus, with dark red blood.

Cramps better after vomiting :.


      Pit of stomach tender to touch.

Cramps in stomach, with loud shrieks, vomiting, convulsions: cramps better after vomiting.

Burning and inflammation of the stomach.

Haematemesis, pit of stomach sensitive; dull aching about liver; abdomen bloated.


      Stitches or dull pain in region of liver.


      Colic as if abdomen would burst; presses the fists into sides; cutting, vomiting, belching, hiccough, screaming.

Abdomen distended, sore to touch, tympanitic.

Umbilicus open, urine oozing through.

Enteritis or peritonitis, with typhoid symptoms.

Abdominal muscles sore.

Roseola on abdomen.

Stool etc.

      Paralysis of rectum, or sphincter ani.

Frequent urging, with small discharges.

Stool small in size.

Diarrhoea, colicky pains, frequent urging to stool; or sphincter weak, can hardly retain the feces; worse by least mental excitement or trouble.

Diarrhoea of lying-in women.

Yellow, watery stools, involuntary during sleep; old men.

involuntary stool at night.

Hemorrhoids bleeding profusely.

Constipation, with epilepsy.


      Micturition : frequent scanty: difficult, from spasmodic or inflammatory condition of neck of bladder: involuntary; has no will to urinate.

Urine : scanty; retained or suppressed; turbid, with muco- purulent deposit; with red, sandy sediment.

Male Sexual Organs

      Sexual desire excessive; lascivious, exposes his person.


Female Sexual Organs

      Lascivious, uncovers sexual parts.

Uterine cramps, with pulling in loins and small of back; irritable uterus.

Metritis, typhoid state.

Continuous bright red flow, with spasmodic jerking, great vascular excitement, Metrorrhagia, Pale flow, with convulsions.

Menses preceded by hysterical or epileptic spasms; laughing loud, uninterrupted; profuse sweat and nausea.

During menses, convulsive trembling of hands and feet, headache, profuse sweat; lockjaw; enuresis.


      Painless diarrhoea of lying-in women.

Hemorrhage after labor, after miscarriage; spasms, twitchings of single muscles.

Puerperal spasms, shrieks, anguish; chest oppressed, unconscious.

Children at the breast have singultus.

Umbilicus open, urine oozing through.


      Voice husky, as from mucus.

Constriction of the larynx.

Hysterical aphonia.


      Loss of breath, as from rapid running.

Mucous rales during stupor or furious delirium.

Rattling breathing.

Oppression of the chest, with internal stinging, worse during inspiration.


      Dry, hacking or spasmodic cough, worse lying, better sitting up; worse at night, also, after eating; drinking talking, or singing: velum palati usually elongated.

Expectoration of saltish mucus, or bright red blood. mixed with coagula.

During cough: spasms of the larynx: painful epigastrium and hypochondria.


      Tight feeling across chest, as from overexertion, running.

Spasms of chest, arrest of breathing; must lean forward.

Exhausted from long talking; body, and especially chest, weak; green sputum, weak pulse.

Stitches in side of chest.

Haemoptysis, bright red, with spasms, also, in drunkards.

Pneumonia : cerebral symptoms, delirium, sopor; dry, fatiguing night cough, or rattling in chest.

Heart Pulse

      Pulse: accelerated, full, hard and strong; rapid, intermitting; slow and small; weak and irregular; small, weak, scarcely perceptible.

Carotids beat violently.

Outer Chest

      Muscles sore.

Roseola on chest.

Neck Back

      Spinal meningitis, with convulsions, jerks of muscles; after injury.

Upper Limbs

      Arms tremble, especially in the evening and after exercise.

Painful numbness of hands.

Rigor of hands.

Fingers look and feel too thick.

Lower Limbs

      Cramps in anterior part of thigh.

Swelling of the feet.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.