Homeopathic remedy Ignatia drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      St. Ignatius’s Bean. HAHNEMANN. Loganiaceae.



Desire to be alone.

Changeable disposition; jesting and laughing, changing to sadness, with shedding of tears.

Taciturn mood. Sadness.

Sensitive mood, delicate conscientiousness.

Affectionate disposition, with very clear consciousness.

Great grief after losing persons or objects that were very dear.

Anger, followed by quiet grief or sorrow.

Children after having been reprimanded or scolded, are sent to bed and get sick.

Ailments from grief, mortification, bad news, or suppressed mental suffering. Jealousy.

Effects of disappointed love.


      Heaviness of the head.

Inner Head

      Pressing frontal headache over the glabella, must bend the head forward; followed by inclination to vomit.

Headache, like a pressure with something hard on the upper surface of the brain.

Throbbing pain in the occiput, worse when pressing at stool.

Weight at back of head; tendency of the head to incline backward.

Pain with every throb of the arteries.

Pain as if a nail were driven out through the side of the head, better by lying on it.

Headache, worse mornings; from moving the eyes; from noise; from coffee, tobacco or alcohol; close attention.

Congestion to the head, from being spoken to.

Head feels sore; bruised.

Outer Head

      Trembling and shaking of the head.

Head bent backward, during spasms.


      Cannot bear the glare of light; sunlight causes headache.

Flickering zigzags before the eyes.


Pain from head into left eye; latter burns and waters. Pain under the upper lid as if it were too dry.

Sensation as of sand in the eyes.

Acrid tears in the eyes, during the day.

Swelling of the upper lid.

Nightly agglutination of the lids.


      Roaring in ears relieved by music. Intolerance of noise; headache from noise.

Sound before the ear, as from a strong wind.

Hard hearing except for speech.

Tugging pains in the ears.

Itching in the ears.


      Stoppage of one nostril.

Fluent coryza.

Soreness and sensitiveness of inner nose, with swelling.

Nostrils ulcerated.


      Convulsive twitchings of muscles of face.

Alternate redness and paleness of face.

Redness and heat of one cheek and ear.

Face clay-colored and sunken, with blue rings around eyes.

Lower Face

      Twitching of corners of the mouth.

Spasmodic closing of the jaws.

Lips dry, cracked, bleeding.

Ulceration of one of the corners of the mouth.

Inside of lower lip painful, as if sore.

Pain in the submaxillary glands, when moving the neck.


      Jaws feel as if crushed.

Boring pain in the front teeth; soreness in all the teeth.

Toothache worse after drinking coffee, after smoking tobacco; after dinner; in the evening; after lying down; or in the morning, on awaking; worse in intervals between meals.

Difficult dentition, with convulsions.

Tongue etc.

      Taste: sour, also of saliva; flat; like chalk.

Food has no taste.

When talking or chewing, bites the cheek of tongue.


      Accumulation of much saliva in the mouth.

Inner mouth inflamed and sore.

Putrid odor from the mouth.


      Stitches in the soft palate, extending to the ear.

Inflamed, hard swollen tonsils, with small ulcers.

Stitches in the throat, only between the acts of swallowing.

Sensation as from a lump in throat, when not swallowing.

Choking sensation from the stomach up to the throat.

Throat worse when not swallowing, and when swallowing liquids; better when swallowing food.

Desires Aversions

      Hunger and nausea at the same time.

Feeling of hunger in the evening, prevents sleep.

Desire for: various things, but when offered appetite fails.

Appetite for: sour things; bread, particularly rye bread.

Aversion to : tobacco; warm food; meat; spirituous liquors.

Eating and Drinking

      Drinking coffee:, When eating:,, After eating and drinking:.

Warm drink: Hasty liquids:, better food:.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Hiccough: after eating and drinking; from smoking.

Belching, with pressure in the cardia.

Regurgitation of the ingesta.

Gulping up of a bitter fluid.

Nausea without vomiting; empty, retching, better by eating.

Vomit: bitter; of food.


      Sensation of weakness (sinking) in the pit of the stomach, with qualmishness and flat taste, or sighing.

Spasmodic pains in the stomach; also when better, eating.

Periodical attacks of cramps worse at night, from touch; worse from a change of position; useful during attacks of gastralgia.

Gnawing, cutting pain in the stomach.

Heaviness and pressure in the pit of the stomach.

Bloated stomach.

Anxious feeling in the praecordia.

Fulness and pressure in epigastrium; distention of hypochondria and pit of stomach, so full she can hardly breathe.


      Swelling and induration of the spleen.


      Periodical abdominal spasms.

Drawing and pinching in umbilical region.

Colic pains, first griping, then stitching, in one or the other side of the abdomen.

Flatulent colic.



Diarrhoea: painless, with rumbling of wind; worse at night and from fright, with great timidity; with smarting in the rectum.

Fruitless efforts and urging to stool.

Stools large and soft, but passed with difficulty.

Contractive sore pain in the rectum, like from blind hemorrhoids, one or two hours after stool.

Constriction of the anus after stool, worse while standing.

Stitches from the anus up the rectum.

Itching at the anus from seat-worms.

Prolapsus of the rectum, from moderate straining at stool.


      Sudden, irresistible desire to urinate.

Pressure to urinate, from drinking coffee.

Frequent profuse passage of watery urine.

Burning, smarting, or soreness in urethra during urination.

Male Sexual Organs

      Sexual desire weak.

Erection during stool.

Contraction of penis, it becomes quite small.

Soreness and ulcerative pain, combined with itching, at the margin of the prepuce.

Itching around genitals and on penis in evening after lying down; passes off after scratching.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses: too soon; scanty, or profuse.

Menstrual blood black, of putrid odor, in clots.

Metrorrhagia from chamomile tea.

Cramp pains in uterus, with lancinations, worse from touching the parts.

Violent labor-like pain, followed by purulent, corrosive leucorrhoea.

Pregnancy, etc.

      Milk diminished.

After pains with much sighing.

Puerperal convulsions, commence and terminate with groaning and stretching of limbs; accompanied with vomiting.


      Voice: low; trembling; hoarseness from cold.

Sensation of soreness in the larynx.

Constrictive sensation in trachea and larynx.


      Desire to take a deep breath.

Frequent sighing.

Impeded inspiration, like from a weight on the chest.

Oppressed breathing, alternating with convulsions.

Oppressed of chest at night, worse at midnight.

Loses breath when running.


      Dry, spasmodic cough.

Hollow, spasmodic cough, caused, in evening, by a sensation as from fumes of sulphur, or from dust in pit of throat; in morning, from a tickling above the pit of stomach.

The longer the cough, the more the irritation to cough increases.

Cough every time he stands still, after walking.

Cough after warm drink; sleepy after each coughing spell.

Expectoration: in evening, rarely in morning; difficult in evening; tasting and smelling like old catarrh.


      Stitches in the chest, from flatulent colic.

Spasmodic constriction of the chest.

Heart Pulse

      Palpitation of the heart at night and in the morning, in bed.

Pulse: generally hard, full and frequent, with throbbing blood-vessels: less frequent, small and slow; variable.

Neck Back

      Stiffness of the nape of the neck.

Painless glandular swellings on the neck.

Pain in the sacrum, also when lying on back, mornings.

Spine disease, with gressus gallinaceus.

Upper Limbs

      Quivering jerks in deltoid muscle.

Pains in joints of arms, when bending them backwards; like from overexertion, or as if bruised.

Numb feeling of arms at night, in bed, with it a sensation as if something living were running in the arm.

Lower Limbs

      Lancinating, cutting pains in hip-joint.

Ischias (sciatic pain): intermitting, chronic; better in summer, worse in winter; beating as though it would burst the hip joint, accompanied by chilliness, with thirst, flushes of heat, particularly in the face, without thirst.

Knees are involuntarily drawn upwards when walking; gressus gallinaceus.

Convulsive jerking of the lower limbs.

Cracking of the knees.

Heat of the knees, with coldness of the nose.

Heaviness of the feet.

Bruised or stinging sensation in the soles of the feet.

Burning in the heels at night; when they come in contact, however, they feel cold.

Limbs in General

      Tingling in the limbs.

Pain as if sprained or dislocated, in shoulder, hip and knee- joints.

Single jerks of the limbs when falling asleep.

Position etc.

      Moving: the eyes: the neck: Walking: Running: Standing: Talking:. Head bent backward: Must bend head forward: Bending arms backwards: Lying down:,; on painful side:; on back: In bed: Worse from change of position:. Mental emotion: Night watching the sick:.


      Trembling of the limbs.

Languor in the limbs.

Spasms of children, preceded by hasty drinking.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.