Homeopathic remedy Mercurius drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Quicksilver. Hahnemann. The Element.


      Memory weak; mind obtuse; drowsy.

Anxiety and restless change of place: ebullitions, sweat; apprehensive; imaginary fears; fears he will lose his mind: worse evening and night; wants to go abroad; tries to flee from the house.


Delirium and other mental derangements of drunkards.

Hurried speech.

Continuous moaning and groaning.

Irritable, quarrelsome; or, taciturn and indifferent.

Suspicious, distrustful mood.

Imbecility; does foolish, mischievous, disgusting actions.


      Fainting after sweetish rising in the throat, followed by sleep.

Vertigo: as if in a swing; after stooping; when lying on the back; with headache and nausea; everything turns black.

Dull and stupid feeling, with dizziness.

Inner Head

      Burning in head, especially in left temple; worse at night lying in bed, better on sitting up.

Head feels as if in a vice, with nausea; worse in the open air, from sleeping, eating and drinking; better in room.

Tension over forehead, as if in a hoop; worse at night in bed; better after rising and from lying the hand on it.

Inflammation of brain, with this hoop-like feeling; burning and pulsation in forehead; worse at night, better after riding.

Congestion to the head.

Head feels as if it would burst, with fulness of the brain.

Head feels as if it was getting larger.

Severe pains in forehead, top of head and occiput; stitches through the head.

Dulness in forehead, stitches through temples; aching and weariness in nape of neck.

Tearing in head; heat and sweat; worse at night, in warmth of bed; better toward morning and while lying quietly.

Outer Head

      Hydrocephalus; body bathed in sweat.

Sutures open, large head; precocious or premature mental development; dirty color of the face; sour night-sweat.

Exostoses on the hairy scalp, with feeling of soreness when touched; worse at night, in bed.

Scalp: tense; painful to touch; worse when scratching, which causes bleeding; eruption, pustular, fetid, with yellow crusts; erysipelatous; worse on the forehead; hairs fall out, mostly on sides and temples.

Lacerating, tearing and stinging in the bones of the skull.

Fetid, sour-smelling, oily sweat on the head; on the forehead it is icy-cold; with burning in the skin, worse at night, in bed, and after rising.

Great chilliness, with contractive, tearing pain of the scalp, extending from forehead to neck.


      Black points before the yes.

Vanishing of sight for a few moments.

Much worse from heat and glare of fire.

Lachrymation profuse, burning, excoriating; discharges muco- purulent, thin, acrid; burning, tearing, sticking pains in and around eyes; worse at night; pimples on the cheeks.

Ulcers of the cornea, vascular and surrounded by greyish opacity; pus between the corneal layers.

Iritis, syphilitic; pains around the eye, on forehead and temples; worse from touch at night; throbbing, shooting pains in the eye. Hypopyon.

Lids: spasmodically closed; thick, red, swollen, erysipelatous; sensitive to cold, heat and to touch; raw, excoriated; burning, as from fiery points; margins ulcerated, scabby.

Ciliary blepharitis, caused by working over fires or forges.


      Hardness of hearing; sounds vibrate in the ears; obstruction momentarily better after swallowing or blowing the nose; external meatus moist.

Internal and external ear inflamed, with stinging, tearing pains; purulent discharge, green, offensive, or thin, sanious: glands swollen.

Boils in the external canal; also fungous growths.

Constant cold sensation in the ears.


      Nosebleed: when coughing and during sleep blood hangs in a dark, coagulated string.

Coryza: fluent, corrosive, with much sneezing; nostrils bleeding, scurfy; nose red, swollen, shining; worse from damp weather; at night; from either cold or warm air; not relieved by sweat.

Greenish, fetid pus from the nose; nasal bones swollen.


      Pale, yellow, earthy; red and hot cheeks; pale and sunken : pale, doughy, full.

Yellow, dirty scurf, with fetid discharge, itching and bleeding when scratched.

Tearing in the face: lacerating pains, salivation; from cold or caries of the teeth.

Swelling of one (right) side of face, with heat and toothache.

Pimples with bluish-red areolae; no itching.

Lower Face

      Lips: dry, cracked, ulcerated; black; burning pimples, with yellow crusts.

Mumps on the right side; pale swelling.

Lockjaw from glandular swellings, with stinging pains.

Caries of the jaw.


      Teeth feel loose, fall out.

Toothache from caries; or when the dentine is inflamed; returns in damp weather or evening air; pains tearing, lacerating, shooting into face and ears; worse from warmth of bed, from cold or warm things; better from rubbing the cheek.

Gums painful touch, swollen, receding from the teeth; edges whitish; bleeding; fetid odor from the mouth; ulcers with dark red edges.

Pulsating toothache worse at night; gum-boil.

Tongue etc.

      Taste : bitter; sweetish; saltish; putrid or slimy.

Loss of taste.

Speech quick, stuttering. Complete loss of speech.

Tongue : dry, hard, coated black; red and dry; red with dark spots and burning; moist, with intense thirst; moist and covered with mucus; thickly coated, dirty yellow, with foul breath; swollen, flabby, takes imprint of teeth; inflamed, indurated or suppurating, with sticking pains.

Ranula, with ptyalism and sore gums.


      Inflamed, with burning, aphthous ulcers; copious, fetid, ropy salivation; scorbutic gums; large blisters in the mouth.

Much slime collects in the mouth.

Ptyalism; saliva fetid or tastes coppery.

Ulceration of the salivary glands.


      Uvula swollen and elongated.

Erysipelatous inflammation of the throat.

Painful dryness of throat, with mouth full of saliva; rawness, roughness and burning in throat.

Angina, with stinging pains, worse from empty swallowing, at night and in the cold air.

Tonsils dark red, or greenish-red, studded with ulcers; stinging pains in fauces; quinsy, only after pus has formed to hasten maturing.

Syphilitic ulcers in the throat and mouth.

Glands swollen.

Desires Aversions

      Canine hunger, even after eating; excessive hunger, but relishes nothing.

Loss of appetite.

Thirst violent, burning, especially for beer and cold drinks.

Desire for milk; for sweets, but they disagree; for beer; for liquid food.

Aversion to meat; to wine and brandy; to coffee; to greasy food.

Eating and Drinking

      Worse from spirituous liquors; coffee; cold drinks.

After eating and drinking:.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Acrid, bitter, putrid or rancid eructations, worse at night.

Regurgitations or vomiting of food; bitter vomit.

Nausea, with sweet taste in the throat, vertigo, heat and headache.


      Pressure in stomach; it hangs down heavily even after light, easily digested food.

Stomach : burns, is swollen and sensitive to touch; hard and tense.

Weak digestion, with continuous hunger.

The stomach feels replete and constricted.


      Region of the liver; sensitive; cannot lie on the right side; swollen, hard, from induration of the liver; stinging, stitching or passive pains.

Jaundice: with violent rush of blood to the head; bad taste; tongue moist and furred, yellow; soreness in the hepatic region; from gall-stones; with duodenal catarrh; in the newborn; sweat stains linen yellow.


      Tense, hard, swollen and sensitive; fulness and tenderness across the epigastrium and hypochondria.

Colic from cold, from the evening air, from worms.

When lying on the right side, the intestines feel bruised.

Enteritis, lancinating pains; bloody, slimy stools; sweat, without relief.

Hard painful, hot swelling in the ileo-caecal region. Typhlitis.

Peritonitis, with purulent exudation, especially with typhlitis.

On walking, bowels shake as if loose.

Inguinal glands swollen or suppurating.

Stool etc.

      Stools : undigested, pitch-like, tenacious; yellow, dark-green, mucous and bloody; sour, excoriating the anus; clay-colored and offensive; slimy, bloody, preceded by anxiety, trembling, faintness; colic; tenesmus; after stool, tenesmus a ” cannot get done” feeling, followed by chilliness.

Blood before, during and after, even a hard, stool.

Constipation, stool tenacious or crumbling discharged only with violent straining; constant, Ineffectual urging, worse at night.

Ascarides and lumbrici escape freely.

Prolapsus ani after stool; also, if rectum is black and bleeding.

Large bleeding varices, which suppurate; hemorrhage after micturition.


      Region of bladder sore to touch; urine passes in a thin stream or in drops, and contains blood and pus.

Urine passed involuntarily.

Urging to urinate, with copious flow; desire sudden, irresistible.

Frequent, rapid urination with scanty discharge, often followed by mucus.

Urine : dark red and turbid; sour and pungent; mixed with blood, white flakes and pus; flesh-like lumps of mucus.

Haematuria, with violent and frequent urging to urinate.

Gonorrhoea, with phimosis or chancroids; green discharge, worse at night.

Male Sexual Organs

      Lascivious excitement, with painful nightly erections.

Pollutions, sperm mixed with blood, chilliness; sallow face; constipation. After emissions burning pain in back and icy-cold hands.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.