Homeopathic remedy Nitrum drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      (Kali Nitricum) Saltpetre. HARTLAUB K No3.


      Difficult of thinking in morning, with warm face; forehead hot.

Anxiety, with sweat; afternoon, also till evening.

Ennui, melancholy, weeping mood.

Timid, sensitive.

Out of humor.


      Drowsy, dulness of head.

Vertigo: mornings; forgets what he is about to say.

Fainting fits, with vertigo, morning when standing, better While sitting; afterward obscuration of sight.

Inner Head

      Headache, causing eyelids to close, worse stooping, when head hangs down.

Congestion, throbbing, deep in brain.

Stinging pain in the head.

Stupefying morning headache, as after free indulgence in intoxicating drinks.

Constrictive pain in back of head; parts feel as if stiff, forcing to bend head backward; better tying up hair.

Headache after eating veal, or drinking coffee better riding in open air.

Outer Head

      Hot spots on the head,.

Headache on top of head, as if hairs were pulled.

Scalp sensitive to touch.

Constrictive pains on head, face, eyes, etc., all concentrating at the root or tip of the nose.


      Transitory blindness.

Rainbow colors around light; colored wheels before eyes.

Burning in eyes, lachrymation, and aversion to light, especially in the morning; after washing in cold water.


      Deafness from paralysis of auditory nerve; tingling in ears.

Stitches in ears, worse at night, and when lying on affected side.

Ulceration of ear-ring hole.

Tension behind the ear.


      Loss of smell, with coryza; husky voice; mucus passes through posterior nares into fauces.

Mucous polypus.

Nosebleed: tip of nose inflamed, sore; blood acrid, like vinegar.

Bones of nose sore to touch; nose swollen internally, with scurf.


      Pale face.

Red cheeks, tension, while the headache grows worse.

Tensive pains in cheeks, redness increased throbbing in head, apparently in middle of brain.

Tearing in facial bones.

Pricking, then burning in skin.


      Toothache, 3 A.M. worse from cold things; feels as if air was rushing in and out of decayed tooth.

Gums red, swollen, bleed easily.

Tongue etc.

      Repugnant taste all day.

Sour taste in throat; morning on arising.

Tongue burns at its tip, as if cut; burning pimples.

Tongue coated with white mucus.


      Fetid odor from mouth.

Mouth slimy.


      Feels choked, as if closed, a night, can scarcely breathe.

Stinging during deglutition.

Sore throat day and night, with inflamed velum palati and uvula.

Hawks sweetish, tough mucus; afternoon; throat rough, as if scraped.

Cutting pains, with impeded deglutition.

Desires Aversions

      Appetite strongest, evenings.

Violent thirst, but no appetite.

Want of appetite, with increased hunger.

Eating and Drinking

      Cannot drink, has not breath enough.

After veal: headache, colic, diarrhoea.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Gulps up bitter water, relieving nausea.

Nausea: cold sensation from throat to stomach; choking sensation; faintness; bruised headache; burning eyes; especially at night.

Vomits mucus, with blood.


      Cold feeling; or, burning in stomach; inflammation.

Sharp, sticking pains, to severe he was scarcely able to breathe.

Spasms in stomach, with flatulent colic.

Pressure and gnawing in scrobiculum.

Faint-like weakness in scrobiculum.


      Violent colic, right side most; worse after veal; incarcerated flatulence; evening.

Stitching pains in abdomen, lower limbs cold; affected parts feel numb, as if made of wood; Peritonitis.

Complaints in abdomen, worse from holding the breath.

Stool etc.

      Stools: watery, thin, fecal; bloody, soft, with colic.

Diarrhoea from eating veal.

Stool hard, like sheep’s dung, with tenesmus.


      Bright’s disease, with pain in small of back, bruised crampy or burning; diminished urine.

Dysuria and frequent desire to urinate, with pain and heat; after abuse of cantharides; after stimulating injections; condiments; onanism; gonorrhoeal extension; cold; turpentine.

Frequent micturation and discharge of much pale urine, with reddish clouds.

Mucous sediment; salts increased; specific gravity 1030-140.

Male Sexual Organs

      Increased desire; if ungratified; pains, tension in testes and cords.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses suppressed.

Menstrual blood black as ink; colic, pain in small of back, burning in groins; legs feel weak, numb, as if made of wood.

White leucorrhoea, with lameness in small of back.


      Tightness in larynx, during respiration.


Hoarseness, roughness and scraping in larynx; yellow phlegm.

Tension and cutting in larynx, impeding deglutition.


      Cannot drink, for want of breath; has to take drink in little sips.

Little children take hold of the cup or glass with both hands and take greedily one sip after another.

Paroxysms of difficult and rapid breathing, evening and night, less in morning; oppressed breathing on ascending stairs.

Asthma, cannot lie in horizontal position.

Terrible attack, of asthma, with violent gasping and suffocation.

Abdominal respiration.


      Awakens at 3 A.M., with violent, stupefying headache; in open air; worse ascending, or when holding breath; with cutting and stitches in chest;expectoration of coagulated blood; after hawking mucus.

Haemoptysis at full moon.


      Dull tightness and constriction of chest; as if lungs were constricted from the back.

Stitches on drawing a long breath, worse lying, coughing; dyspnoea, great anxiety. Pneumonia.

Annoying feeling of heaviness in chest like a great load, pressing the thorax together; dyspnoea to suffocation. Pneumonia.

The dyspnoea is very great compared with the apparent slight congestion or hepatization.

Suppuration of lungs, with profuse (colliquative) sweat.

Heart Pulse

      Palpitation on rising, or moving about quickly, with heat of the face and oppression of chest. Congestion to chest.

Palpitation audible, with dyspnoea; worse lying on the back, or right side.

Pulse: generally full, hard, accelerated; slow, morning; frequent, afternoon and evening.

Neck Back

      Painful throbbing in one of the cervical vertebrae.

Pain like a blow in small of back, on awaking; cannot turn.

Cramp-pain in small of back.

Small of back feels bruised.

Pressure and burning in back, relieved by motion.

Upper Limbs

      Rheumatism of shoulder, worse at night; hands and fingers feel as if swollen.

Stitches in shoulder, elbow, hand, finger; worse at night.

Paralysis (rheumatic) Numbness and tingling of hands.

Finger-joints stiff, tense.

Lower Limbs

      Rheumatic pains.

Legs feel weak, paralytic, after a short walk.

Numbness, tingling of feet.

Toes contracted.

Limbs in General

      Rheumatism, with stitching pains at night.

Parts feel as if made of wood.

Numbness and tingling disappear, and articular pains set in.

Position etc.

      Motion: l, Walking: Ascending: Exertion: Stooping: Rising: Standing: Sitting: Lying: on back: on right side: cannot turn:.


      Spasmodic painless jerking of fingers and other parts.

Debility of limbs and body, with heat in face, burning spots in forehead; worse sitting; better moving slowly about.

Paralysis of limbs.


      Drowsy all day, also when walking.

Restless sleep; light morning sleep; nightmare, Sleepless after midnight.

On awaking, sour taste; cough, pain in small of back.


      Morning:, Afternoon:, Evening: 4,, Night:,, l.

Temperature and Weather

      Generally worse from warmth of stove.

Better from warm weather.

worse during wet, cold weather.

Cold things:.

Washing in cold water: Open air:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill and coldness in afternoon and evening, increased from motion, passing off when lying.

Chill, with subsequent sweat, not intervening heat.

Evening chill, with the pains.

Coldness, with thirst; afternoon.

Head feels hot, forehead burns.

Slight heat, evening; heat at night without thirst and without subsequent sweat.

Debilitating sweat from least exertion.

Night-sweat, most profuse on the legs; morning-sweat, most profuse on chest.


      Full moon:.


      Right side, particularly upper right, lower left.



      Sensations as if parts, or whole body were of wood.

Formication in hands and feet, afterwards in tongue.

Constrictive feeling in many parts.


      Hemorrhages of bright red blood.

Inflammation of stomach and intestines.

Sudden swelling of body, neck, thighs.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch: Rubbing, scratching relieves.

Riding: Scratching:.


      Pricking like needles, then burning; worse in face.

Burning vesicles filled with yellow serum; scratching, they burst.

Small pustules.

Small, scurfy spots on the head (scalp) itching.


      Antidotes to Nitrum: Nitr, spir, dulc.

Camphor increases the pains.

Nitrum relieves strangury after abuse of Canthar., turpentine, and abuse of condiments.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.