Homeopathic remedy Opium drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Poppy. Hahnemann. Papaveraceae.


      Unconscious; eyes glassy, half closed; face pale; deep coma.

Drunkenness, with stupor, eyes burning and dry.

Vivid imaginations, exaltation of mind.

Imagines parts of body very large.

Thinks she is not at home.

Delirious talking, eyes wide open, face red, puffed up.

Mania-a-potu; with dulness of the senses, and at intervals sopor, with snoring; in old, emaciated persons; sees animals; affrighted expression of face.

Imbecility of will, as though annihilated.

Nervous and irritable.

Ailment from excessive joy; fright; anger or shame.

After fright, the fear of the fright still remaining.


      Great sensibility to sound, light, and the faintest odors.

Apoplexy, with vertigo, buzzing in the ears, loss of consciousness, red, bloated, hot face; tetanic rigidity.

Congestion of blood to the head, with pulsations in it.

Great heaviness of the head.

On rising, fainting.

Vertigo, a sort of anxiety when rising; after typhus; also, from injuries of head.

Dull, stupid, as if drunk.

Inner Head

      Headache aggravated on moving the eyes.

Chronic hydrocephalus.


      Obscuration of sight.


The pupils are dilated and insensible to light.

Contracted pupils, Cholera infantum.

Sensation as if the eyes were too large for the orbits.

Eyes glassy, protruded, immovable.

Staring look, Red, half-closed eyes, dilated, immovable pupils; eye burning, hot and dry.

Swelling of the lower lids.

The lids hang down, as if paralyzed.


      Acuteness of hearing; clocks striking and cocks crowing at a great distance keep her awake.

Congestion to ears; haematorrhoea.


      Loss of smell.

Stitches in the right nostril on taking a long inspiration.

Stoppage of nose; dry coryza.


      Bloated, dark, red and hot; red; pale, clay-colored, sunken countenance and eyes, with red spots on the cheeks; bluish (purple), swollen face.

Muscles of face relaxed, lower lip hangs down.

Trembling, twitching and spasmodic movements of facial muscles.

Corners of the mouth twitch; distortion of the mouth.

The veins of the face are distended.

The face of a suckling, three or four weeks old, was like that of an old man.

Lower Face

      The lower lip and jaw hang down.

Foam at mouth.

Tongue etc.

      Paralysis of tongue and difficult articulation.

Tongue quivering, coated dirty yellow, unctuous.

Black tongue.

Ulcers in the mouth and on the tongue.



Ptyalism: spitting of blood.

Saliva lessened.


      Dryness of the throat.

Inability to swallow; daily attacks of distention and strangulation.

Desires Aversions

      No thirst.

Violent thirst; aversion to food, or canine hunger without appetite.

Desire for spirituous liquors; costive.

Eating and Drinking

      After wine: When drinking:.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Unsuccessful vomiturition in drunkards.

Vomiting, first of food, then of a fecal-smelling substance; hiccough; great thirst, cold limbs; distorted face; ileus or intussusception of bowels; incarcerated hernia.

Vomit : green, bloody or bitter, with violent colic and convulsions; of feces.


      Heaviness and pressure in the stomach.

Inactivity of the digestive organs.


      Swelling of the spleen.


      Distended, with flatus; anti-peristaltic motion, belching and vomiting; bowels seem absolutely closed, but with constant urging to stool and urine; anxiety, flying heat internally, stupefaction.

Squeezing pains, as if something were forced through a narrow space; shooting pains into testes and bladder; restless, anxious, changing position; face hot; pulse slow; nephralgia.

Crampy intestinal motions; rolling up, as of a hard body in right hypochondrium. Ileus (enteralgia).

Colic from lead.

Hard, bloated, tympanitic abdomen.

Laxness of abdominal organs.

Incarcerated umbilical and inguinal hernia; fecal vomit.

Stool etc.

      Stools : watery; black, fetid; frothy with burning in anus, tenesmus; involuntary, offensive, thin; involuntary, after fright.

Cholera infantum, with stupor, snoring and convulsions.

Asiatic cholera, typhoid symptoms or after too much camphor.

Constipation of corpulent, good-natured women and children.

Stool in hard, round, black balls; costive from inactive bowels; from spasmodic retention in small intestines with feeling of pressing asunder.

Retention of stool, from ileus or paresis of intestines.


      Involuntary urination.

Urine: suppressed; drowsy, stupid; retained, bladder full, from nursing after passion of nurse; from contraction of sphincter or paralysis of fundus of bladder; passes with difficulty, as from atony; seldom and scanty, dark-brown, brick-dust sediment.

Stream interrupted from spasm of neck of bladder; cutting in urethra.


Male Sexual Organs

      Excitement of the sexual organs and violent erections; or impotence.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses profuse, violent colic, forcing her to bend over; urging to stool.

Amenorrhoea from fright; irresistible drowsiness; eclampsia.

Prolapsus uteri from fright.

Fetid discharge from uterus. After metritis.

Softness of uterus.


      Violent movement of the foetus.

Abortion threatening after great fright, especially if in the latter part of pregnancy.

During parturition: cessation of labor-pains; coma; retention of stool and urine; often from fright.

During and after labor, spasm, with loss of consciousness and

drowsiness, open mouth; coma between paroxysms.

Suppression of lochia from fright, with sopor.

Newborn children: pale, breathless, cord pulsates.

Suckling of a few weeks, had not grown, but was like an old man. Limbs lax, skin wrinkled, the bones of the skull had lapped over during birth, the parietals over each other, and over the occiput.


      Hoarseness, with dry mouth and throat, and white tongue.

Feeble voice, and requires a strong effort to talk loud.

Laryngismus stridulus.


      Short inspiration, long, slow expiration, epigastrium drawn in; fine rales, constant cough, sopor, face bluish; great anguish and dread of suffocation; looks as if dying: slightly better from cold air and bending forward; worse from smoking or wine.

Difficult intermittent breathing, as from paralysis of lungs.

Rattling breathing; or deep snoring breathing, with wide open mouth; stertorous breathing.

Suffocative attacks during sleep, like nightmare. Diphtheria.


      Dry, tickling, paroxysmal, worse at night; with gaping, drowsiness, yet cannot sleep; or, with spasm of lungs and blue face; when drinking; with difficult sputa followed by gaping; sputa are frothy, containing blood and mucus.

Cough with dyspnoea and blue face. Diphtheria.

Cough, with profuse sweat on whole body. Diphtheria.


      Tension and constriction of the chest.

Heat in the chest.

Blood thick, frothy, mixed with mucus; great oppression; burning about heart, tremor, feeble voice; anxious sleep, with starts; legs cold, chest hot; especially for drunkards.

Heart Pulse

      Burning about the heart.

Pulsating arteries and swollen veins on the neck.

Pulse: varies; full and slow, with snoring; quick, hard, with anxious breathing; irregular and unequal; imperceptible; face purple; in cyanosis neonatorum.

Neck Back

      Back bent backward, spasmodically.

Upper Limbs

      Twitching and spasmodic movement of the arms and hands, as in drunkards.

Paralysis of arms.

Veins of hand distended.

Lower Limbs

      Twitching and spasmodic movement of legs.

Weakness, numbness and paralysis of the legs.

Heaviness and swelling of the feet.

Feels as if her lower limbs were severed from her body and belonged to some one else.

Limbs in General

      Trembling of the limbs after fright.

Spasmodic jerkings and numbness of limbs.

Convulsive movements of the limbs.

Coldness of a the extremities.

Position etc.

      Must lie down : Rising up : Moving eyes : changing position : Bending forward : backward : over :2. Half open or upturned eyes : Head hangs unconscious : Motion: Lying on back : Wide open mouth : Stretches arms :.


      Spasms: from emotion, fright, anger, etc.; from approach of strangers (children); from crying. Throws limbs or stretches arms at right angles to body; or, tetanic rigidity, opisthotonos with rolling laterally. Spasm begins with loud screams; then foam at mouth; trembling of limbs; suffocation; eyes half open and upturned, pupils large and insensible to light. After attack deep sleep, face remains deep red and hot; stupor between spasms.

Twitching, trembling of head, arms, hands; now and then jerks of flexors; body cold; stupor; motion of body and uncovering head relieves.

Faints every fifteen minutes; shuts eyes; head hangs unconscious; jerks; sighing.

Want of susceptibility to drugs; want of vital reaction.

Numbness and insensibility.

Paralysis, insensibility after apoplexy; also in drunkards; old people; retained stool and urine.


      Heavy, stupid sleep, with red face.

Drowsiness or sopor; stertorous breathing; hot sweat.

Sleepy, but cannot go to sleep; face bloated.

Coma vigil.

Stupefying sleep, with the eyes half open and snoring.

During sleep, picking of bedclothes; groaning; voluptuous dreams.

Stupid sleeplessness, with frightful visions, before midnight.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.