Homeopathic remedy Sarsaparilla drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      A root from South America. HAHNEMANN. Smilaceae.


      Mental depression caused by the pains.

Anxiety, with the pains also after seminal emissions. Morose, with inclination to work.

Gloomy, desponding, without known cause; debility.

Irritable, impatient or changeable.

Thinking about the food he has been eating makes him sick.


      Dull, stupid feeling, cannot keep the mind on his study.

Staggers, falls forward, in the open air.

Vertigo while looking steadily, with nausea, mornings.

Inner Head

      Headache, with nausea and sour vomiting.

Pressure, or pressure with stitches, in left side of forehead.

Pains from occiput darting forward to eyes.

Shooting from right parietal region to temple or face.

Throbbing in top of head, worse from walking; aching in forehead, occiput or temples.

Pressing in vertex, increasing and decreasing slowly.

Outer Head

      Sensitiveness of scalp; falling off of the hair.

Mercurio-syphilitic affections of the head.


      White paper looks red in evening. Obscuration before eyes as from a fog; mist when reading; worse after seminal emissions.

Eyes pain from light of day.

Stitches in eyes.

Internal canthi bluish and bloated; headache; from behind forward; abuse of mercury.

Ophthalmia after checked tetter.

Itch-like eruption on eyelids.


      Words reverberate in ear.

Sound in head when talking as if a bell was striking.

Burning-itching scab on ear-lobe.


      Stoppage of nose for years.

Scabby eruption on and under the nose.


      Eruption like milk-crust; child cries, is restless.

Itching eruption on forehead, with burning; becoming humid on scratching.

Pimples of various sizes on face.

Heat of face; sweat on forehead, in evening in bed.

Lower Face

      Stiffness and tension in muscles and articulation of jaw.

Herpes on upper lip.


      Sensitiveness of upper front teeth.

Tearing in teeth, from cold air and cold drink.

Tongue etc.

      Taste of food bitter.

Taste : bitter in the morning; sweetish.

Tongue coated white.

Mercurial aphthae on tongue and roof of mouth.


      Spasmodic contraction of throat, with dyspnoea, must loosen cravat.

Dryness and roughness of throat in morning.

Ulcers on the soft palate.

Desires Aversions

      Want of appetite, the thought of food disgusts him.

Want of thirst.

Eating and Drinking

      Burning in stomach, especially after eating bread.

After eating : bitter eructations (also during); feels as if he had eaten nothing; diarrhoea.

After eating : After eating bread :. Cold drinks :.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Nausea when thinking of food.


      Rumbling, with sensation of emptiness in the abdomen.

Burning, or cold feeling in abdomen.

External abdomen very sensitive to touch.

Stool etc.

      Constipation, violent urging to urinate. stool small, with much bearing down.

Stool with much wind, colic and backache; also after any food which disagrees.

Blood with the stool.


      Tenderness and distention over region of bladder.

Passes gravel or small calculi blood with last of urine.

Tenesmus of bladder, with discharge of white acrid pus and mucus.

Urging ineffectual; urging with the constipation.

Painful retention of urine.

Urine : bright and clear, but irritating; often and copious, must rise at night; scanty, slimy, flaky, sandy; copious, passed without sensation.

Sand in urine or on diaper; child screams before and while passing it.

During urination air passes from bladder.

Urine passes in a thin, feeble stream, or in drops without pain.

Severe pain at conclusion of urination.

Male Sexual Organs

      Seminal emissions, lascivious dream, s with backache, prostration, vertigo.

The least excitement causes an emission, even without sexual feeling : Bloody pollutions.

Spermatic cords swollen, sexual excitement makes them ache and sensitive.

Offensive odor about the genitals. Herpes on the prepuce.

Gonorrhoea checked by cold, wet weather, or by mercury, followed by rheumatism.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses too late and scanty, preceded by urging to urinate; itching eruption on forehead; flow acrid; soreness inside of thighs.

During menses, griping in pit of stomach, in direction of small of back. Leucorrhoea on walking; pain at meatus urinarius after urinating.

Nipple withered, small, retracted.


      Shortness of breath, he must loosen the neck cloth and vest.

Stoppage of breath, as if by a spasm, with constriction of throat.


      From a tickling in chest, or with rattling on chest.


      Stitches from back through to chest with every motion.

Heart Pulse

      Palpitation of heart without fear; mostly during day.

Ebullition of blood and protruding veins.

Pulse accelerated (in the evening), slow in the morning.

Outer Chest

      Breast-bone feels as if bruised.

Neck Back

      Neck emaciated; marasmus of children.

Cervical glands indurated; abuse of mercury.

Stitches in back from the least motion.

Pains from small of back down spermatic cords; after emissions.

Pain down a part of spine, across hips, and down thighs; difficult urination.

Upper Limbs

      Stitches in joints of arms, hands and fingers, on motion.

Deep rhagades on fingers, with burning pains.

Finger-tips feel as if ulcerated.

Lower Limbs

      Stitches in legs, especially from motion.

Weakness in thighs and knees.

Red spots on calves.

Icy-coldness of feet before going to bed.

Burning in tips of toes, which are sensitive to pressure.

Rheumatic pains at night, in the feet.

Limbs in General

      Limbs immovable, as if paralyzed.

Trembling of hands and feet.

Hands and feet peculiarly weary.

Rheumatism, bone pains, after mercury or checked gonorrhoea; pains worse at nights, in damp weather or after taking cold in the water.

Position etc.

      Worse from moving the diseased part or from bodily exertion.

Motion : Walking : Must rise : Lies on back : Staggers : Looking steadily : Reading : Talking :.


      Fainting attacks, difficult stool.

Paralysis, muscles atrophied.


      Sleepiness at night; awakens frequently.

Dreams : lascivious, without erections; of fatal accidents. Sleeps lying on the back.


      Morning :,, Forenoon : Evening : Day : Night : Day and night : Before going to bed :.

Temperature and Weather

      Better in open air, as long as one does not move about.

Worse is Spring and Summer; eruptions. Warm room into cold air : Warm : Heat : In bed : Open air : Cold air and cold drink :, Cold wet weather :,. Getting wet : Evening heat : Warm room :.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chilliness predominating (day and night).

Frequent shuddering, mostly in forenoon, running from feet upward.

Worse during chilliness; better as he becomes warm.

Heat in evening, with ebullitions and palpitation of heart.

Sweat on forehead, during evening heat.


      Increasing and decreasing slowly :.


      Right : Left : Behind forward : Above downward : Below upward :.


      Scrofulous diseases.

Great emaciation, skin becomes shriveled, or lies in folds.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch : Pressure : of clothing : of cravat :. Scratching : In bed :.


      Rash as soon as he goes from warm room into cold air.

Dry, red pimples, only itching when exposed to heat.

Rhagades deep, burning.

Base of eruption is much inflamed; child cries much, and is very uneasy; crusts become detached in open air, and the skin adjoining chapped.

Herpetic ulcers, extending in a circular form, forming no crusts; red, granulated bases, white borders; skin appears as after the application of a warm compress, serous, reddish secretions.

Ulcers after of mercury.

Shriveled skin.

Stages and States

      Dark hair.



      Sarsap. is frequently used after abuse of mercury.

Antidotes to Sarsap,: Bellad., Mercur.

Vinegar appears, at first, to increase the effect of Sarsap.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.