Homeopathic remedy Silicea drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….



      Confusion of mind. Difficult in fixing attention.

Wishes to drown herself.

Screaming violently.

Over-anxious about herself; low-spirited; weeps every evening.

Gloomy, feels as if she would die.

Desponding, melancholy, tired of life. Also melancholic with weak arms, aching sacrum, burning of feet, with sweat; all better after a seminal emission.

Compunctions of conscience about trifles.

Indifferent, apathetic.

Yielding, faint-hearted, anxious mood.

When crossed has to restrain himself, to keep from doing violence.

Child obstinate, headstrong; cries when kindly spoken to.

Restless, fidgety, start at least noise.

Reading and writing fatigue; cannot bear to think.


      Vertigo : as if one would fall forward; ascending from dorsal region, through nape of neck, into head; worse from motion, or looking upward : accompanied by nausea; with rachitis; from excessive use of the eyes; when riding with sleepiness.

Fainting, when taking cold from suppressed foot-sweat.

Inner Head

      Cold feeling from nape of neck to vertex, extreme heaviness of head.

Congestion of head; cheeks hot; slight burning in soles of feet.

Burning in head, with pulsation and sweat of head : worse at night, from mental exertion, talking; better by wrapping the head up warmly.

Shooting from nape to vertex.

Violent periodic headache, vertex, occiput or forehead; one side as if beaten; throbbing in forehead; coming in night, with nausea, vomiting.

Violent headache, with loss of reason.

Loud cries, nausea to fainting; subsequent obscuration of sight’ megrim.

Obstinate morning headaches, with chilliness and nausea.

Headaches, with, or followed by, severe pain in small of back; heaviness and uncomfortable feeling in all the limbs.

Tearing, frequently one-sided, with stitches through eyes and in cheek-bones.

Pulsating, beating, most violent in forehead and vertex, with chilliness.

Headache from occiput through to right supraorbital region.

Headache worse : from mental exertion; excessive study; noise; motion, even jarring of room by foot-step; light; stooping; talking; cold air; touch. Better : from wrapping head up warmly; hot compresses; in warm room; lying down in dark.

Headache every seventh day.

Vibratory shaking sensation in head when stepping hard, with tension in forehead and eyes.

Outer Head

      Open fontanelles; head too large and rest of body emaciated, with pale face; abdomen swollen, hot.

Cephalhaematoma neonatorum.

Tearing in scalp, worse from pressure and at a night.

Lumps rise on the head, hair falls out, scalp sensitive to touch, even to the hat; tearing pains.

Profuse head-sweat; body dry; likes wrapping up; sweat sour; face pale; emaciated; large abdomen; weak ankles.

Patches of eruption on scalp, exfoliating thin, dry furfuraceous scales.

Eruption on back of head, moist or dry, offensive, scabby, burning itching, discharging pus.

Itching pustules on scalp and neck very sensitive : better wrapping up warmly.

Phagedenic ulcer on forehead painful and discharging offensive pus.


      Long-lasting photophobia; daylight dazzles eyes.

Letters run together, appear pale; dim vision after suppressed foot-sweat.

Occasional lightning-like flashes in eyes and a feeling as if something obscured the vision; nervous sensation in head. Black spots before eyes; a persistent speck before right eye.

Momentary loss of sight, with uterine affections; pregnancy, etc.

Cataract; also after suppressed foot-sweat, or preceding ringworms.

Day blindness, with sudden appearance of furuncles.

Amblyopia from abuse of stimulants; nervous, sensitive persons.

Tearing, shooting, or, at times, throbbing, stinging pains in eyes in paroxysms; worse in draught or before a storm.

Ulceration of cornea; sloughing ulcer; non-vascular, with photophobia.

Pustular keratitis after psoriasis.

Opaque cornea after small pox.

Spots and cicatrices on cornea.

Corneal fistula.

Eye inflammed from traumatic causes; abscesses.


Lachrymation in the open air.

Fistula lachrymalis; bone affected.

Swelling of right lachrymal sac, skin over it inflammed; glistening; throbbing pain; tears hot; worse evening.

Big styes; also to prevent their recurrence.

Blepharitis, with agglutination in morning.


      Oversensitiveness to noises.

Ringing or roaring in the ears.

Hissing in the perforated ear.

Stoppage of ears, which open at times with a loud report.

Difficult hearing, especially of human voice and during full moon; also with chronic suppuration.

Otalgia, with stitches from in out.

Otitis interna.

Itching in the eustachian tube; chronic coryza.

Itching in both ears.

Increased secretion of thing cerumen.

Otorrhoea : scabs cover the purulent secretion in the ear; discharge offensive, watery, curdy; with soreness of inner worse and crusts on upper lip; after abuse of mercury; with caries.

Caries of mastoid process.

Scabs behind ears.

Hard swelling of parotid; suppuration, especially if slow, painless.


      Loss of smell.

Much sneezing, with acrid coryza.

Dryness and stoppage after checked foot-sweat.


Coryza long-lasting, oft-returning.

Nose stuffed up : or, alternately dry and fluent; obstructed mornings, fluent during day.

With every fresh cold, stoppage, and acrid discharge; makes inner nose sore and bloody.

Gnawing and ulcers high up in nose, with great sensitiveness of place to contact.

Nose inwardly dry, excoriated, covered with crusts.

Swelling of nasal mucous membrane; chronic coryza.

Intolerable itching of tip of nose.

Cold nose.


      Face : pale, cachectic; body cool and sweaty; earthy; yellow’ distorted.

Pains, worse after being a short time in bed.

Skin of face cracks.

Acne on forehead and backs of hands.

Induration of cellular tissue of face; also following parulis or gum-boils.

Lupus; serrated ulcers with greenish, purulent surfaces; corroding, threatening to perforate the cheek.

Blood-boils on cheeks.

Sycosis menti.

Lower Face

      Articulation of jaw spasmodically closed.

Pains more in jaw-bones than teeth; jaw swollen; toothache.

Caries of lower jaw; necrosis.

Dry and parched feeling of lips.

Scabby eruption on lips, which smarts.

Ulcers of vermilion border of lower lip.

Cancer of lower lip; ulcer greyish, superficial, excruciatingly painful.

Painful of painless swelling or submaxillary glands.


      Difficult dentition; gums sensitive, blistered; frequently grasping at gums.

All her teeth feel long and loose.

Carious teeth, pains worse at night and on inhaling cold air.

Throbbing toothache, swelling periosteum.

Stinging toothache, preventing sleep.

Gums very sore; inflamed; gum-boils.

Discharge of offensive matter from openings near root of teeth or from gums.

Erysipelatous swelling on gums and roof of mouth after teeth were extracted.

Tongue etc.

      Taste : of blood, morning; of soap-suds; bitter, morning, with thick mucus in throat; of rotten eggs.

Loss of taste and appetite.

Sensation of a hair on forepart of tongue.

Tongue coated with brownish mucus.

One-sided swelling of tongue.

Ulcer on right border of tongue, eating into it, and discharging much pus. Carcinoma.


      Saliva runs out.

Suppuration of salivary glands.

Stomacace; mouth gangrenous, with perforating ulcer of palate.


      Tough slime in the fauces.

Tonsils swollen, each effort to swallow distorts face.

Tonsillitis when the suppurating gland will not heal.

Pricking in throat, as from a pin, causing cough.

Throat feels as if filled up, as if he could not swallow; frequent cough bringing up white, frothy, saltish mucus; worse toward evening.

Paralysis of the velum palati; food is ejected through the nose.

Painful swallowing, no inflammation; hysteria.

Swallowing difficult, as from paralysis.

Food gets easily into the choanae.

Desires Aversions

      Canine hunger, with nervous, irritable persons.

Want of appetite; excessive thirst.

Wants only small quantity of preserves.

Averse to warm, cooked food; desires only cold things, disgust for meat.

Eating and Drinking

      Small quantities of wine cause ebullitions and thirst.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Eructations : sour; tasting of food; loud uncontrollable.

Nausea : with violent palpitation of the heart; after every exercise, which raises bodily temperature; after eating a little; vomiting of tenacious mucus, hiccough.

Vomits : whenever he drinks; ingesta, at night.

Morning vomiting, with nausea, much exhaustion.

Intense heart-burn, sensation of a load in epigastrium.

Water-brash, with chilliness.


      Burning or throbbing in pit of stomach.

Sensitiveness of pit of stomach to pressure.

Pressure as after eating too much.

Induration of pylorus.

Anguish in pit of stomach, attack of melancholy.

Cutting feeling; or at other times weight, crampy sensation, tightness at pit of stomach.


      Beating soreness in liver; worse on motion, when walking, when lying on right side.

Throbbing, ulcerative pain in region of liver, worse from touch or walking.

Hardness, distention of liver; abscess of liver.


      Pressure, clothing across abdomen feels too tight, after eating.

Colicky pains in lower abdomen, with straining and increased pain during stool.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.