Homeopathic remedy Zincum drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Zincum met. Franz. Element.


      Unconscious; signs of effusion into the brain; feet constantly moving; often from undeveloped eruptions.

Weak memory, with stinging pains in the head.

Repeats all questions before answering them.

Stares as if frightened on waking and rolls from side to side.

Sensitive to others talking.

Low-spirited at noon; lively in the evening or vice versa.

Thinks of death calmly; or hypochondriacal, with gastric symptoms; pressure in spine and fear of death.

Children cross toward evening; brain affected.


      Vertigo in occiput, with falling to left when walking; stupefaction and dulness of intellect, especially afternoon and evening.

Inner Head

      Pressure on root of nose, as if it would be pressed into head.

Sharp pressure on a small spot in forehead, evenings.

Hemicrania, worse after dinner; tearing and stinging.

Cramp-like, tearing pain in right and left temple.

Pressure on top of head, worse after dinner; frequent dizziness, then nausea and vomiting of bile; face pale; costive; cerebral depression.

Sore pain in head.

Internal headaches, mostly semilateral, or in sinciput or occiput; worse from wine, in warm room, and after eating.

Headache from drinking even small quantities of wine.

Outer Head

      Sensation of soreness of vertex, as from soreness or ulceration; worse in evening in bed and after eating; better after scratching.

Hair falls out on vertex causing complete baldness, with sensation of soreness of scalp.


      Sensitive to light; brain affected.

Amaurosis; during severe headache; passing away with the headache with contracted pupils.

Eyes dim, watery. Brain affections.

Sees luminous bodies. After operations.

Iritis (syphilitic), worse at night, with hot, scalding tears.

Conjunctivitis, pains worse at night; inflammation more in inner canthus.


Upper lids heavy, as if paralyzed.

Granular lids, after ophthalmia neonatorum.


      Cracking and detonation in ear.

Frequent acute stitches in right ear near tympanum.

Earache of children especially boys.

Otorrhoea of fetid pus.


      Dry; brain affected.

Coryza with hoarseness and burning in chest.

Nose feels sore internally.

Swelling of one side of nose with loss of smell.


      Pale, alternately with redness brain affections; earthy, with wandering expression; waxy, white or yellow in typhus.

Burning jerking stitching in infra-orbital nerve, with bluish eyelids worse from least touch and in evening.

Cold sweat on forehead.

Lower Face

      LIds and corners of mouth cracked, with yellowish ulceration.

Thick viscid humor (fluid) on the lips.


      Herpes (yellowish in mouth from sea bathing).

Drawing or smarting and stinging or roots of (upper) front teeth and in hard palate.

Gums painful while eating, ulcerated, white bleed easily.

Teeth feel long and loose, with swelling of submaxillary glands.

Grits the teeth.

Tongue etc.

      Taste; sweetish; metallic; like spoiled cheese; bloody; bitter in fauces.

Tongue: dry, don’t want to talk; coated at root and dry (brain diseases) swollen on left side; hindering talking; covered with vesicles.


      Increased flow of saliva, with crawling in inner surface of cheek.


      Herpetic-like eruption on tonsils soft palate and root of tongue; whitish somewhat elevated, ulcerated spots in mouth. Sequelae to gonorrhoea.

Pain in posterior part of hard palate and in velum palati, especially when yawning.

Dryness of throat evening; mucus collects from posterior nares; soreness in throat; tearing in posterior fauces, more between acts of empty deglutition or after eating.

Cramps like strangling pain externally in muscles, when swallowing.

Desires Aversions

      Aversion to: meat fish and sweat things: to cooked or warm things.

Thirst with heat in palms.

Insatiable hunger but no appetite for breakfast with hurried deglutition.

Eating and Drinking

      After eating:,,, sweets: after drinking wine:, While eating:.

Worse from; sugar (heart-burn) wine (nearly all symptoms); milk (sour eructations).

Nausea and Vomiting

      Sweetish rising into throat with sweet taste in mouth, or taste of blood.

Eructations, with pressure in middle of spine.

Heart-burn; swollen feet and varicose veins during pregnancy.

Subdued nausea, with universal, tremulous feeling.

Nausea in stomach with retching and vomiting of bitter mucus; renewed by least motion.

As soon as first spoonful reaches stomach up it comes.

Vomiting of blood or of sanguineous mucus, with effort.


      Spasms of stomach and hypochondria, and a constriction in oesophagus, with dyspnoea and increased heat of the body; worse during inspiration.

Burning in pit of stomach, before breakfast extending into oesophagus.


Sensation like a worm creeping up from pit of stomach into throat, causing coughing,.


      Cramp-pains in region of liver, with dyspnoea and hypochondriasis after eating.

Liver enlarged hard and sore to touch; feet swollen; vomits bloody phlegm.

Stitches in spleen, worse pressure.


      Pressure and tension in abdomen.

Flatulent colic, worse from wine, toward evening or during the night and at rest; loud rumbling and rolling; retraction of abdomen; hot, moist, fetid, flatus passing off without relief; lead colic.

Violent bearing down in abdomen after a difficulty, scanty stool; relieved by passing flatus.

Stool etc.

      Stool: frequent small, sometimes involuntary; pitch-like or dry, brittle and granulous; soft papescent, or thin, with pale blood; difficult; hard dry, insufficient, expelled with much pressure.

Diarrhoea involuntary, with stupor. Typhus.


      Violent pressure of urine on bladder sits with legs crossed and though bladder feels as if full, none passes.

Can only pass water while sitting bent backward much sand in urine.

Urine turbid, loam-colored, in morning.

Frequent micturition of pale, yellow urine, which on standing, deposits a white, flaky sediment.

Involuntary urination while walking, cough in and sneezing.

Male Sexual Organs

      Easily excited; the emission, during an embrace, is too rapid; or, difficult and almost impossible.

Long-lasting and violent erections.

Copious discharges of prostatic juice, without any cause.

Orchitis : from a bruise, with drawing and retraction of one or the other testicle, goes from right to left; after checked otorrhoea.

Atrophy of testicles.

Spermatorrhoea; emissions without dreams, face pale, sunken, blue rings around eyes.

Hair falls off from genitals.

Removes buboes, syphilitic or otherwise, in left inguinal region.

Female Sexual Organs

      Irresistible sexual desire at night; desire for onanism.

Boring pain in left ovarian region, better from pressure, but entirely relieved only during menstrual flow.

Amenorrhoea, with alternately red and pale face.

Dysmenorrhoea when, during menses, limbs feel heavy, with violent drawing about knees, as if they would be twisted off; sudden oppression of stomach, she has to loosen her dress; chilliness.

Menses : too early and profuse, lumps of coagulated blood pass away, mostly when walking; flow most profuse at night.

Ulceration of uterus, discharge bloody, acrid, but ulcers and rather destitute of feeling.

Leucorrhoea : of bloody mucus after menses, causing itching of vulva; of thick mucus, three days before and after menses.

Cutting colic, succeeded by leucorrhoea.

Pruritus vulvae causes masturbation.

Varicose veins of external genitals, with fidgety feet.


      Tendency to miscarry.

Puerperal convulsions if an eruption (especially a long- standing one ) has recently disappeared.

Mammae swollen and sore to touch; catamenia suppressed.

Soreness of nipples.


      Asthma, evening after eating, from flatus, with increase of dyspnoea, when expectoration stops, decreasing when it recommences.


      All night, with dull pains in chest; spasmodic, child puts hands to genitals, with varicose veins on legs; with shooting in scrobiculum, leaving when sputum is raised; worse after eating sweets; wine; also during menses.

Sputa : yellow, purulent, blood-streaked; tenacious; sweetish, putrid, or metallic-tasting; pure blood, morning and during day.


      Pain in chest, as if cut pieces, with constrictive sensation.

Burning in chest.

Coldness in chest.

Stitches in left chest and in heart, at every beat.

Sensation of emptiness behind sternum.

Heart Pulse

      Severe pain in cardiac region; some swelling and great tenderness.

Feels as if a cap were over the heart; spine affected.

Irregular, spasmodic action of heart; occasionally one violent thump.

Violent pulsation in blood-vessels, during heat.

Pulse : irregular, or small and frequent, evenings, slow mornings; increased by wine; scarcely perceptible.

Neck Back

      Nape of neck feels weary and tired, from writing or any exertion. Stiffness and tension of neck. Tearing pains.

Burning in shoulder-blades; tension between shoulder blades.

Burning along whole spine, worse sitting.

Pain in small of back on turning over in bed at night.

Pain in small of back, when sitting or when in act of sitting down; diminished by continuous walking.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.