LYCOPODIUM homeopathic remedy keynotes and indications from the Decachords by Gladstone Clarke, of the medicine LYCOPODIUM …


      1. Patients intellectually keen but physical weak; emaciation upper part of body; sedentary habit; mentally absorbed; complexion often sallow; prematurely old in appearance. Children precocious, weakly.

2. Mental powers failing, fatigue and forgetfulness; uses wrong words, etc.; hypochondriasis with irritability; emotionally sensitive; lachrymose; apprehensive of the future; lacks self- confidence yet “gets through”; dislikes company yet dreads solitude; in women dread of men.

3. Chronic gastro-intestinal disorders; general sourness of alimentary tract; appetite good but a few mouthfuls-satiate; flatulence excessive, much borborygmus, (>) dejection; craves sweets, delicacies; dislikes oysters and often meat; (<) coffee, wine. smoking, onions; constipation predominates.

4. Uric and diathesis; red sand in urine, child cries before micturition; or increased quantity of pale urine.

5. Dryness of skin (esp, palms) and mucous membranes; stoppage of nose with discharge of crusts or elastic plugs.

6. Fan-like motion of the alaenasi, of a twitching nature and independent of respiration (in respiratory troubles-Ant. tart.).

7. One foot hot (usually the right) the other cold.

8. Irritability after uninterrupted nap.

9. Complaints right-sided or travel right to left.

10. Modalities; (<) both extremes of temperature but esp. heat; heat of exertion; (<) 4-8 p.m., sometimes continuing later (Helle.); sleep; constriction; (>) in open air esp. with uncovering and gentle motion, gastro-intestinal symptoms (>) warmth.

Note. in deep-seated, progressive, chronic diseases.

A. Gladstone Clarke
Arthur Gladstone Clarke, a christian missionary working with the North China Mission, made good practical use of the homeopathy. He learnt as a student at MSM. He published a short introduction to the use of over 100 commonly used medicines—Decachords—first published in 1925 and still in print today.