Aurum Metallicum

Aurum Metallicum signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Aurum Metallicum is used…

      Aurum foliatum (metallic gold). Au (A. W. 196.8). Trituration.


Alcohol, effects of. Amenorrhoea. Angina pectoris. Asthma. *Bone *affections. *Breath, *offensive. Corpulency, *Depression. Ears, affections of. Erethism. *Erysipelas. *Eye, *affections *of. Fevers. Gonorrhoea. Haemorrhages. Haemorrhoids. *Hemiopia. *Hydrocele. Jaundice. Leucorrhoea. *Locomotor *ataxy. Melancholy. Melanosis. Mercurial poisoning. Naso-pharyngeal catarrh. Night terrors. *Ozaena. *Paralysis. Phthisis. Pining boys. Scrofula. *Smell, *disordered. *Syphilis. *Testicles, *affections *of, undeveloped. *Tongue, *nodules *on. Tumours. *Uterus, *induration *of. Vertigo. Vision, disordered.


Gold affects profoundly the entire organism, exercising a solvent action on the tissues, producing ulcerations and the disappearances of new growths. Hence it is one of the best antidotes to mercurial over-dosing, and especially in cases of syphilis. Scrofula and caries of bone also find in *Aurum a remedy. It also produces rushes of blood and haemorrhages. Boring pains and burning stitches predominate. No drug produces more acute mental depression than *Aurum, and in any case where this profound melancholy is found, *Aurum must be well studied. There is a condition of melancholy, hopelessness, profound depression, tendency to suicide and longing for death. Anthropophobia. Aggravation from emotion. Complaints after grief, fright, anger, disappointed love, contradiction, reserved displeasure. Hysteria, laughs and cries alternately. The head is giddy, full, hot. Rush of blood to the head. Vertigo as if turning in a circle when stooping, goes off on rising. As if drunk when walking in the open air. Sensation as if a current of air were rushing through the head, if not kept warm. Bones of skull painful, especially lying down. Vertical half-sight. Fiery sparks. Caries of mastoid process of bones of nose. Ozaena. In the abdominal region, as with *Mercurius, there is swelling of liver, jaundice. Hernia, inguinal or umbilical, and in children. Onanism. The sexual organs are markedly affected. Induration of testes. Undeveloped testicles in puny boys. Swelling or neuralgia of testicle (r). Uterus prolapsed and indurated, the weight of it causes prolapse. (The chloride of gold and sodium acts more powerfully in these conditions.) Shelton has recorded as effects on girls working with gold leaf the occurrence of a “thick leucorrhoeal discharge, not offensive, white or yellowish, occasionally profuse, invariably worse by walking.” Suffocative attacks, with suffocative oppression of chest. Anxious palpitation from congestion to the chest. Palpitation, with anguish and tremulous fearfulness. Pain in heart region extending down left arm to fingers. There are boring pains in bones, worse at night. Over- sensitiveness to all pain. Hysterical spasms, with laughing and crying alternately. Great ebullitions with congestion to the head and chest, and palpitation of the heart. Frightful dreams, he sobs aloud when asleep. Chilliness predominates, shivering in open air, coldness of hands and feet, sometimes lasting all night. Heat, only in the face. Perspiration in the morning hours, mostly on and around the genitals. Ulcers which attack the bones. Warts, scrofulous, syphilitic, mercurial. ” worse From sunset to sunrise” is a leading Condition of *Aurum. Paralytic drawing in the limbs in the morning when awaking, and on getting cold. worse At night, in morning, on getting cold, by rest. Shivering on getting into bed. better Moving, walking, getting warm. Suited to sanguine people with black hair and dark eyes, olive-brown complexion. Also light-haired scrofulous persons. Pining boys, girls at puberty, and old age. Syphilitic and mercurial patients.


*Compare: Luet. (Syphilis), Am-c., Arg-m., Arg-n., Arsenicum; Asafoetida (pains about eyes, but Asafoetida has better from pressure, mercurial caries), Belladonna, Caps. (Caries of mastoid, corpulency), Calcarea c. (night terrors, leucophlegmatic, Aurum Has more over-sensitiveness and erethism), Calc-p., Cocc. (empty feeling), Chi. And Coffea (hyperexcitation), Cuprum (Asthma), Digitalis, Ferrum, Gloninum (hyperaemia of lung from heart), Hepar, Iodium, Kali-bi. (deep ulcers, scrofulous ophthalmia, ozaena, syphilis), K. ca., K-i. (syphilis), Kali-br. (anguish at heart and desire to move about), Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mercurius, nitricum acidum, Nux-v., (hernia, prolapsed uterus), Pall., Platina, Pulsatilla, Spigelia, Sol. Nig., Silicea, Sepia, Sulphur, Tarent. (Heart as if turned round), Thuja, Verat-v. *Antidoted *by: Belladonna, Chi., Cocc., Coffea, Cuprum, Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Spigelia, Sol-n. *Antidote *to: Mercurius, Spigelia, Chronic effects of alcohol, Kali-i.


Mercury. Alcohol. Iodide of Potassium. Effects of grief, fright, anger, disappointed love, contradiction, reserved displeasure.


Melancholy, with inquietude and desire to die. Irresistible impulse to weep. Longing to see one’s relations, resembling nostalgia. Imagines he has lost the affection of his friends, this makes him weep. Sees obstacles everywhere. Hopeless. Suicidal, desperate, inclined to jump off heights, to dash himself into a chair. Sad, feels that all is against her and life is not desirable, and the thought of death alone gives pleasure. Great anguish, which even induces a disposition to suicide, with cramp-like contractions in the abdomen. Excessive scruples of conscience. Despair of oneself, and of others. Ill-humour and aversion to conversation. Grumbling, quarrelsome humour. The least contradiction excites his wrath. Alternate peevishness and cheerfulness. Anger and passion. Alternation of gaiety, or of irritability with melancholy. Hypochondriacal humour. Weakness of the intellectual faculties. Weakness of the memory.


Vertigo: when stooping, as if turning in a circle, better on rising, as if drunk when walking in open air, feels as if he would fall to left, must lie down, even then for some time it returns on slightest motion. Fatigue from intellectual labour. Sudden stupefaction, with loss of sense. Pain, like that of a bruise in the brain, especially in the morning, or during intellectual labour, and sometimes inducing confusion of ideas. Pain in the head, as if the air passed over the brain, when it is not kept very warm. Acute drawing pains in the head. Beating and hammering pain on one side of the head. Congestion of blood to the head. Congestions to and heat in the head, with sparks before the eyes, and glossy bloatedness of the face, aggravated from every mental exertion. Buzzing in the head. Pain in the bones of the cranium, especially on lying down. Exostosis on the head, on

the right vertex, with boring pain. Falling off of the hair.


Pain in the eyes aggravated by touch, as if the ball of the eye were pressed inwards. Tension in the eyes, with diminution of sight. Burning pain and redness in the eyes. Obscuration of the sight. Black spots before the eyes. Eyes very prominent. Flames and sparks before the eyes. Vertical half-sight. Hemiopia, objects are seen cut in horizontal lines. Eyes better by moonlight and after violent muscular exercise. Objects seem smaller and more distant.


Hearing too sensitive. Pain in the ears, like internal tension. Caries of the mastoid process. Flow of fetid pus from the ears. Oversensitive to noises, but music Amel. Annoying dryness in ears and nose with difficult hearing. Hardness of hearing from hypertrophy of the amygdalae, with embarrassed speech. Humming in the ears. Roaring in the ears.


Pain in the nasal bones on being touched. Gnawing prickings. Inflammatory swelling and redness of the nose, followed by desquamation. Caries of the bones of the nose. Nasal cavities ulcerated and covered with thick crusts. Running from the nose of a fetid greenish-yellow matter. Stoppage of the nose. Fluent coryza. Nose red, swollen, tip knobby, red. Cancer. Furfuraceous desquamation of the epidermis of the nose. Increased sensibility, or absence of smell. Sweetish putrid smell, or smell of brandy before the nose. Fetid odour from the nose.


Face puffed, and shining as if from sweat. Inflammation of the bones of the face. Parotids swollen, painful to touch as if pressed or bruised. Swelling of the cheeks. Swelling of the bones of the forehead, of the upper jaw, and of the nose. Red eruption, which peels off, on the forehead and on the nose. Traction in the jaws, with swelling of the cheeks. Tensive pain in the upper jaw. Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands.


Odontalgia, with heat and congestion in the head. Looseness of the teeth. Ulcers in the gums, with swelling of the cheeks. Toothache worse at night, worse drawing cold air into mouth.


Fetid smell of the mouth, like rotten cheese. Piercing pain in the velum palati. Tongue swollen, with scirrhus-like hardness, after biting tongue in sleep. Tongue coated, dry, ulcerated.


Caries in the palate, with ulcers of a bluish colour, especially after the abuse of mercury. Tonsils swollen and ulcerated. Drinks find a passage through the nostrils. Stinging soreness in throat only when swallowing. Dull, pressive pain, either with or without swallowing, in a gland below angle of jaw.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica