
Lamium signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Lamium is used…

      Lamium album. L. laevigatum. L. maculatum. Dead Nettle. White Nettle. *N.O. Labilatae Tincture of entire fresh plant while in flower and seed.


Hemorrhoids. Headache. Hernia. Leucorrhoea. Menstruation, too early.


*Lamium was proved by Hahnemann and others, including Stapf. It produced headaches of several kinds, one a “deep-in” headache like that of *Bacil., tightness of scalp, and a backward and forward motion of the head. Much uneasiness of mind and body, trembling of limbs, weakness during the chill. Tearing and drawing in the limbs. The menses appeared too early and were scanty. Much leucorrhoea, with biting sensation or without sensation, white mucus. Farrington says *Lamium has been recommended for external piles. “Hard stool with blood” is the nearest symptom bearing on this. A characteristic symptom seems to be “backward and forward motion of head.” Symptoms were worse in morning on waking (headache), worse while lying down in bed in morning, better on rising (headache), better on sitting (headache), worse in open air (headache), worse by drinking (burning in chest), worse by eating (pressure beneath pit of stomach, burning in chest), worse rising from stooping (indescribable headache).


*Compare: Other members of the Mint tribe (Hedeoma, Ocimum canum, Origanum, Mentha piperita), “deep-in” headache, Bacil,, head moves backwards and forwards, Arnica, Chamomilla, Lycopodium


Whining mood, inclination to weep, feels as if abandoned. Great sadness, with lachrymose humor. Great agitation and anxiety, which permit no rest.


Aching in center of brain, worse on rising from a stooping posture. Headache, worse by rising from a seat, better when seated. Cephalalgia, as if brain were compressed on all sides, with very violent pains in center of brain. Excessive tightness of scalp, especially near coronal suture. Great mobility of head, esp., from before backward. Sight and hearing are diminished.


Hawking up of thick mucus of an acid taste, which is detached from bottom of gullet.


Burning pain in middle of chest, or in esophagus, after eating or drinking anything whatever. Nausea and vomiting of food, with heat, great lassitude, excessive dejection, and cloudiness of sight.


Excessive distension of the abdomen. Pinching in the abdomen, as from incarcerated flatus, which is not better by expulsion of the wind. A dragging in left side of abdomen down into pubic region as if a hernia would protrude there. Great agitation in the abdomen, as if catamenia were about to come on violently.


Evacuations of the consistence of pap, hard, with emission of blood.

Urinary Organs

Urgent want to urinate, with very scanty emission. Discharge of serum from the urethra.,.

Female Sexual Organs

Catamenia too early and too scanty, eleven days too early at the new moon. Leucorrhoea, sometimes with a biting sensation in genitals. Leucorrhoea profuse, painless, white mucus.

Respiratory Organs

Voice weak and faltering, as from mental agitation. Want of breath when speaking, with weakness of the chest. Anxious pressure on chest, with nausea.

Back and neck

Bruised pain in small of back.

Upper Limbs

Torpor and crawling numbness of back of hand, and of the fleshy part of thumb, worse by touch, with painful sensation of rawness in the parts on moving the hand. Tearing and drawing in fingers.

Lower Limbs

Intermitting drawing, pressive tearing on lower posterior muscles of right thigh (while sitting). Blister on heel from slight rubbing, afterwards bursting and changing to an ulcer with smarting and biting.


Tearing and drawing in limbs. Great restlessness of body and mind, with trembling of limbs.


Smarting and stinging in the ulcer ( worse in evening when lying) with redness and swelling around it, and smarting early in morning in bed. Ulcers, with pain as from excoriation, and shootings.


Shivering, with general weakness, or with anxiety. Burning heat in both cheeks, without redness, and without thirst. Constant thirst, except during shivering fit.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica