
Melilotus signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Melilotus is used…

      Melilotus alba and Melilotus officinalis. Melilot. Sweet Clover. White and yellow varieties. N. O. Leguminosae. Tincture of whole fresh plant in flower. (It would be well to include a specimen of both plants in the tincture.).


Blushing. Congestion. Cough. Dysmenorrhoea. Epilepsy. Epistaxis. Fear. Haemoptysis. Headache. Insanity. Leucorrhoea. Melancholia. Ovaries, neuralgia of. Pneumonia. Shyness. Spasms.


*Melilot. Was first proved by Bowen in 1851. A second proving was made by him fifteen years later. He used both the yellow and the white varieties, and his symptoms are marked (“B.”) on the Schema. In *Medorrhinum Adv. xx., 321, H. C. Allen published a further proving of *Melilot. Alb., arranged in Schema, with the symptoms of Bowen. Allen used the entire plant. His proving entirely confirmed Bowen’s and added many symptoms thereto. Bowen says of his proving: “All the provers had fearful headaches and profuse haemorrhages except myself. I did not lose blood from my nose and so have the engorgements it caused relieved from the pressure, but it evidently left the blood-vessels enlarged, for since that time my brain and mental faculties have been more active than ever. I needed less food and sleep, could lose two or three nights in a week and not feel the loss. My nervous system was as perfect as any one’s ever was, except my sympathetic nerves, which became almost a total wreck, so much so as to disqualify me from any forensic effort whatever. My belief is that *Melilotus was the cause of its deflection from normality, and from this fact its probable efficacy in certain forms of insanity and nervous affections ought to be determined.” The great feature of the *Melilot. action is engorgement. The headaches and other affections are all attended with this, the engorgement tending to haemorrhages, profuse, bright red, which give relief. An intensely red or even purple face attending any affection should call *Melilot. to mind. In a schoolboy I cured with *Meli. 30 very distressing recurrent headache, accompanied by an intensely red face while the pain was on, and with the same attenuation, I gave great relief in a case of melancholia in a young woman. *H. C. Allen (*Medorrhinum Adv., xxi. 514) has relieved with *Meli.: “Fear of danger, fear of being arrested,” in mental cases. Bowen (*Medorrhinum Adv., xxiii. 417) removed these symptoms in different cases: (1) Wants to run away. Wants to kill himself. Vicious. Threatens to kill those who approach. Thinks there is a devil in his stomach contradicting all he says. (2) Wants to run away and hide as she insists that every one is looking at her. Very nervous and timid. Says she dares not talk loud as it would kill her, she whispers. (3) Mania to escape and kill himself, with insomnia. In this last case *Meli. produced so much improvement that the friends discontinued treatment and neglected precautions, and the patient finally shot himself. Cases 1 and 2 were permanently cured. Here is a typical case of Melilotus headache reported by ***C. F. Barker (*Clinique, Feb., 1900). Miss X, 19, tall, blonde, for several years had severe, nervous, and congestive headaches. The attacks recurred two to four times a month and were so severe that they compelled her to keep her bed twenty-four hours. The pain, mostly in temples and forehead, was a congested, full sensation, with flushed face, drowsy, stupid feeling, and sometimes much nausea. Trivial things seemed to provoke the attacks. Spectacles had been supplied by oculists and teeth freshly stopped by dentists, diet, rest from study, and outdoor exercise had all failed to relieve. *Meli. 4X was given, and she had only two attacks in six months, and those very slight. A writer in *Hom. News (xxxiii. 124) tells of a Frenchman who came to him complaining of an incessant headache so bad that he thought he would die. A dose of Meli. was given on the spot, and the doctor, thinking *Nux vomica indicated, went into the next room to get it. He returned in five minutes and found the patient on his hands and knees shaking his head. The doctor, thinking him crazy, asked what he was doing. He replied that the pain was entirely gone and he was only trying various attitudes and motions to make sure. Bowen has used *Meli. successfully in all kinds of congestive or nervous headaches, nasal and pulmonary haemorrhages, congestion of spinal cord, pleura, lungs, ovaries, menstrual colic, palpitation and nervousness, cramps in stomach, spasms, convulsions, and for relieving brain-pressure and irritation in insanity. He always gives it in pellets medicated with the 1st centesimal dilution. In addition to the blushing and epistaxis as accompaniment the headaches have other features. They are better by profuse urination, better by lying down, better by application of vinegar. One prover had a sensation of waving in the brain. As well as the relief by discharges, there is an alternation of pains with *Meli.: from right temple to right knee, pains in head alternating with pains in back. A periodicity is noticeable. Walking worse most symptoms and sitting better, but a pain in the sacral region has the opposite. Many symptoms appear in forenoon and wear off during day. The headaches are apt to be more frequent in hot weather, but there is worse after exposure or getting feet wet, on approach of storm, in rainy, changeable weather. Better by haemorrhages, by flow of urine.


According to ***H. C. Allen the action lasted about thirty days, the indolence and prostration being the first symptom to appear and the last to disappear. *Compare: Belladonna, Amyl, Gloninum, and Sanguinaria

in congestive headaches (but Belladonna has worse lying down and worse from application of vinegar cloths). In epistaxis *after headache, Ant. cr. (but with Ant. cr. the epistaxis does not necessarily relieve). Waving in brain, Actea r. Rheumatic pains better moving, Rhus. Haemoptysis, bright blood, Ip., Millef. Discomfort from constipation, Opium Congested head and nose-bleed, Erig. Red face with throbbing carotids, Belladonna *Compare also: Trifol. (botan).



Irascible, impatient, discontented, fault-finding. Fairly furious, had to lock him in room for 24 h. (B.). Indolent, unable to fix mind, stupid, indifferent. Total inability to study, memory will not retain anything. Omits words and letters in writing. Loss of consciousness (with gushing of blood from nose) (B.). Shyness and blushing. Wants to go home. Thought there was something supernatural in always waking a few minutes before 3 a.m. Fear: of danger, of being arrested. Panic fear. Suspicious. Increased mental power (B.). Attacks of weeping without much depression. Religious melancholy, with intensely red face.


Vertigo, on moving. Sensation of tension and wave-like movement in brain with vertigo and nausea. Swaying sensation in brain with tired pain. Headache better from nose-bleed. Terrible headache, with vertigo, faintness, and nausea, throbbing and sensation as if all the blood-vessels of the brain would give way and cause some lesion of that organ, with frequent and profuse urination (B.). Headaches so intense as to cause a purple redness of face and bloodshot eyes, culminating in epistaxis till better (B.). Headaches: periodical, nervous, every week, every four weeks, more frequent during winter months (B.). Headache: intense in left supra-orbital region, worse by motion, by thinking, better lying down, on talking disappeared from temple and settled in occiput, ceasing to talk it returned, could be distinctly felt migrating (B.). Sick headache, better by epistaxis or menstrual flow, blood bright red (B.). Periodical nervous headache every week, or once in four weeks, more frequent in winter. Violent congestion of head, with heaviness, fulness and throbbing as if the blood would burst through nose, eyes, and ears, with dizzy, sick feeling that is worse from motion. Throbbing frontal headache preceded by great prostration. Intense frontal headache preceded by hot, flushed face and feverish sensation. Throbbing headache in right eminence from 9 a.m. till noon. Sharp pains in right temple, alternating with sharp pains in right knee.


Eyes hot, very heavy, and as if pressed outward. Sensation as if eyes too large and pressed out, as if lids would not cover them. Eyelids very heavy. Vision dim, blurred, rubs eyes. Unable to focus. Floating bodies before eyes when studying.


Sensation of puffing of wind from ears. Each act of swallowing caused the wind to puff from both ears.


Excessive dryness of nose, obstructed. Dry, hard clinkers. Profuse and frequent epistaxis, bright red blood, with general relief (B). Epistaxis with high fever and violent congestion of head and face.


Great redness of face and head, with throbbing in carotids. Face highly congested, very red, almost livid (B.). Face hot, flushed, all day, feverish. Face hot, flushed 3 p.m. Very red face preceding haemorrhages, nose, lungs, uterus.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica