Mercurius Corrosivus

Mercurius Corrosivus signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Mercurius Corrosivus is used…

      Mercurius corrosivus sublimatus. Corrosive sublimate. Mercuric chloride. HgCl2. Trituration. Solution.


*Antrum of Highmore, affections of. *Aphthae. Appendicitis. *Bones, affections of. Bright’s disease. *Cancrum oris. *Chancre. *Diarrhoea. *Dysentery. *Eczema. *Enteric fever. *Eyes, affections of. *Gums, affections of. *Intestines, *ulcerated. *Intussusception. Iritis. Jaundice. *Kidneys, inflammation of. *Labour, *puerperal fever. *Measles. *Miscarriage. *Mouth, affections of. *Mumps. *Oesophagus, *stricture of. Paralysis. Paraphimosis. *Pemphigus. *Perimetritis. *Peritonitis. Prosopalgia. Rigg’s disease. Supra- orbital neuralgia. *Syphilis. *Tabes mesenterica. *Taste, disordered. *Tenesmus. *Throat, inflamed. *Tongue, affections of. *Uvula, *elongated.


The chief effect of the *Chlorine element in this salt appears to be to intensify the mercurial action. *Mercurius cor. is *Mercurius viv., with a much greater rapidity of action. Phagedena is the type of *Mercurius cor. ulceration. Chancres spread with great rapidity. The burning of *Mercurius cor. is more intense. The dysenteric straining is more excessive. For this reason *Mercurius cor is more generally prescribed in dysentery than *Mercurius viv., and it has even become a recognized remedy in the old school. As with other ulcerating remedies, *Mercurius cor, is a powerful disinfectant. Being much less irritating than *Carbolic acid, it has taken the place of the latter as the leading antiseptic. Before the proper degree of dilution had been ascertained many patients were poisoned by its external use. *Mercurius cor. has some of its most characteristic symptoms in the urinary sphere. The urine is albuminous, scanty, hot, bloody, may be retained or suppressed. There is intense vesical tenesmus. In some of the poisoning cases the bladder was found after death firmly contracted into a small hard lump. “Tenesmus vesicae, with intense burning in urethra and discharge of mucus and blood wit the urine or after it,” is a keynote for *Mercurius cor. When this accompanies dysentery *Mercurius cor is the remedy. In such cases the rectal and vesical tenesmus will go together. A patient of mine who had under allopathic treatment an injection of a solution of *Mercurius cor. (gr. vi to 3) injected into his urethra for gonorrhoea, not only suffered intensely in the urethra at the time, but for years afterwards had a painful spasm of the rectum every time he had coitus. The tenesmus is worse (or at any rate not better ) after stool. This is the note of Mercurius cor. In the diarrhoea calling for *Mercurius cor. there is the “never- get-done feeling” long after all has passed that there is to come. This is also the indication in intussusception. Membranous threads in stool, much pure blood, weakness, faintness, shuddering. *Mercurius cor. is a true gonorrhoea remedy, but local injections of it are not the right form of administration. The indications are: Greenish-yellow, or bloody, watery discharge, with violent burning, urging, and painful erections, dark purplish swelling, glans has a dark red or gangrenous appearance, phimosis or paraphimosis. The chancres of *Mercurius cor. spread with great rapidity. Serpiginous ulcers, ulcers with ragged edges which will eat away half the penis in a few days. The sore throat of *Mercurius cor. is also characterized by the rapid spread of the affection and by the intensity of the burning pains. The mouth is specifically affected. There is one useful bit of practice in this connection which I learned from Dr. McKechnie. Long uvulas sometimes give rise to irritating coughs. If to the uvula is applied on a brush a little of a low trituration of *Mercurius cor it will in many cases immediately, and often permanently, relieve the trouble. In syphilitic eye affections *Mercurius cor. is a leading remedy. The inflammatory symptoms are of the most violent character. Burning, agonizing pains with excessive photophobia, causing excoriation of cheeks. Tearing pains in bones and around eyes. Scrofulous no less than syphilitic ophthalmias with these characters yield to *Mercurius cor. Near to the eyes are the superior maxillary bones and their antra. These are affected by *Mercurius cor. The nasal catarrh is thick and glue-like, acrid excoriating. The gullet is very markedly affected. *Constriction is a leading note of the remedy. Any attempt to swallow (solid or liquid) causes violent spasms and immediate ejection. Cutting as from a knife in throat. There is raging thirst for cold things. Desire for cold food and intolerance of hot things. Skin affections of many kinds are met by *Mercurius cor., including syphilitic roseola and small-pox and condylomata. In addition to the upper jaw and cranium, the sternum, ribs, and tibia are prominently affected. When present in cases of enteric fever, pains in the tibia may form an indication for *Mercurius cor. along with the symptoms of intestinal ulceration, also affections of the tibia occurring as sequel of enteric. Like *Mercurius viv., *Mercurius cor. has a distinct place in rheumatism and rheumatic fever. A case of poisoning by *Mercurius cor. is quoted from Eisenhardt in *Brit. Medorrhinum four., July 18, 1891. A woman, 37, drank a tumblerful of tepid water in which a 5 per cent. sublimate pastille had been dissolved. Immediately she felt nausea, faintness, knees so weak she could not crawl into bed. Directly she was put to bed violent choking sensation set in, and she vomited bile-stained mucus. In an hour and a half when Eisenhardt saw her, the symptoms were intensified, and in addition there were: General trembling movements, especially in upper part of body. Unable to speak, she indicated by signs pain in stomach, pharynx, and head. Pulse rapid, soft. Temperature subnormal. Pupils contracted. She had taken (with great difficulty) a quart of milk. Whites of eggs were also given, and later oil of *Camphor and hypodermic injections of *Morphine. There was temporary suppression of urine, but the kidneys acted in twenty-four hour. Tea and black coffee favored diuresis but were quickly vomited. The vomiting gradually ceased. On the third day profuse salivation set in, and ulcerating stomatitis with bloody and slimy stools and scanty and occasionally albuminous urine. Emaciation, falling out of hair, failure of sight. In a fortnight she could stand, and was convalescent in a month. Unna reports two cases, in elderly women, of poisoning by sublimate lotion, lint, and gauze after ablation of the breast. The dressings were removed the second day in each case. The first symptoms were intense irritation of the skin and diffused redness of the part. The wounds failed to heal by first intention. Widespread dermatitis followed, and in the course of a few days a diffuse erythema spread over the whole body, creeping onwards like “water on blotting paper.” Some fever, general malaise, nausea, restlessness. In one case the eruption lasted three weeks and changed its type,”scattered urticarial and erythematous itching spots on all parts of the body suggested that there was at that period a poisoning of the more central nervous system” (Calcott Fox quoted in *Brit. Medorrhinum four., December 13, 1890). ***R.C. Markham (*Medorrhinum Adv., xxi 524) records a cure with *Mercurius cor. after the failure of *Mercurius viv. in a case of dysentery. The symptoms were: (1) Stool: bloody mucus. (2) Tenesmus after stool. (3) Cutting colic below umbilicus. (4) Nausea. (5) Perspiration before and after stool, most pronounced on lower part of body and thigh. Symptoms 3 and 5 were not found under Mercurius viv., but were under Mercurius cor. The patient felt better within ten minutes of receiving a dose of Mercurius cor. 1m. (I give the case, as it is a striking one, but I am unable to find the indications he names under Mercurius cor. in Bell’s work on *Diarrhoea, from which Markham says he obtained them. My editions are third and fourth.) The Conditions of Mercurius cor. are in the main those of Mercurius Motion better pain in hip-joints. Worse By coitus. Dysentery and summer complaints from May to November. Notable Concomitants are: Vesical tenesmus and tibial pains. According to Teste, *Mercurius cor. is suited to males, and *Mercurius sol. to females. *Mercurius cor will act

in men on indications for *Mercurius sol. He lays this down as a positive law, and without going into the details of experience on which it is based, he mentions this as a “curious fact”: Both *Mercurius cor. and *Mercurius sol. antidote Sepia, which antidotes them in turn but imperfectly. But *”this neutralization of *Mercurius cor. by Sepia, and vice versa, does not take place thoroughly except in the case of males, nor does the neutralization of *Mercurius sol. by Sepia, and vice versa, take place thoroughly except in females.”.


*Antidoted by: (Poisonous doses) White of egg. *Dynamic antidotes: Silica. (Hering), Mercurius sol., Sepia, Lobel. i. (Teste). Also antidotes to the Mercuries generally (see Mercurius). *Compatible after: Aco., Arg-n. (which follows Pulsatilla). *Compare: Throat, Causticum Iritis, Aurum, K-i. Typhoid, peritonitis, pain in tibia, Lachesis Uvula, Hyo. Strawberry tongue, Fragar vesc., Bacil. Desire for cold water, Arsenicum, Pho., for cold food, Pho. (Lycopodium better hot drinks.) Antrum of Highmore, Mag-c., Mercurius bin. Worse After coitus, Kali-ca. Dysentery, Nux (but Nux has better after stool). Intussusception, Thuja Burning in throat, Arsenicum, Ars-i., Caps. Spasm of throat, Belladonna (Belladonna has full, strong pulse, and no burning pains, Mercurius cor. quick, weak, irregular pulse).

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica