Nitricum Acidum

Nitricum Acidum signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Nitricum Acidum is used…

      Nitric acid. Aqua fortis. HNO3. Solution.


*Actinomycosis, *Anus, *fissure of. *Axilla, *offensive *perspiration of. *Bladder, *chronic catarrh of. *Breath, *offensive, Bright’s disease. *Bronchitis. *Bubo. *Chancre. *Cheloid, *Chilblains, Choking, easy. Climacteric, Cold, easily taken. *Condylomata. *Constipation. *Corns. *Cough. *Dysentery, Dyspepsia. *Ear, *affections of. *Epilepsy. *Eyes, *affections of. *Feet, *perspiring. Fistula, lachrymal. *Freckles, Frost- bites. *Glandular swellings. Gleet. *Gums, sore, Haematuria. Haemorrhages. *Herpes. Herpes preputialis. Ingrowing toe-nail. *Iritis, *syphilitic. *Irritation. Jaw-joint, cracking in. *Menstruation, excessive. Metrorrhagia. *Mouth, *sore, *Mucous patches, *Muscae volitantes. Myopia. *Nails, *affections of. *Ozaena. Paralysis (left side). *Perspiration, *abnormal. Phimosis. *Polypus. *Proctitis. *Prostate, *suppuration of. Ranula. *Rectum, *affections of. Rickets. *Salivation. Spine. injury to. *Syphilis. *Taste, *disordered. *Tongue, *ulceration of. *Ulcers. *Warts. Wens. *Whooping-cough.


When strong *Nitric acid comes in contact with the skin it destroys the upper layers and turns them yellow, but as it coagulates their albumen it to a certain extent forms a barrier against its own further action, its action therein differing from that of *Sulphuric acid. When swallowed it acts as an irritant poison: when its fumes are inhaled it may destroy life by suffocative spasm of the glottis or by intense bronchitis. It is used in old-schools practice as an escharotic for warts and warty tumors, for phagedenic ulcers, chancres, poisoned bites. The dilute acid is used internally in fevers to quench thirst, in bronchitis and phthisis to diminish the excessive secretions, in some cases of syphilis, in phosphaturia. It has been injected into the bladder in a dilute form to dissolve calculi (Brunton). In the light of provings and poisonings all these uses are seen to have more or less specific relationship, “Phthisis,” “syphilis,” and “warty growths” represent Hahnemann’s three miasms, Psora, syphilis, and Sycosis. s, and *nitricum acidum belongs almost equally to all three. But in addition to its miasm relationship. *nitricum acidum has drug relationships of great importance. It is one of the chief antidotes of *Mercurius, and it is in cases of syphilis that have been overdosed with *Mercurius that its action is most brilliant. I have known it do equally well when used after over dosing with *Kali-iod., whether in syphilitic or non-syphilitic cases. In phthisical cases it follows the action of *Kali.c. in homoeopathic practice. In sycotic cases *Thuja follows it will. The localities in which the action of * is very strongly marked are _ (I) the mucocutaneous orifices and adjoining parts. Burnett made a brilliant cure of actinomycosis with * 3x in a patient who had been the round of the London consultants, and had doubtless taken much *Kali.iod. The localities in which the disease manifested itself, the region of the mouth and anus, gave Burnett his indication. The mouth (especially it angles) and anus are prominent seats of syphilitic action, and also of the action of the other miasms, the condylomata and fissures of sycosis, the fissures, fistula, haemorrhoids, and sore mouth of psora. The right eye, the male genitals, and the bones are other localities for which * has a very strong affinity. In his directions about this remedy Hahnemann makes the remark that it is rarely required by patients who suffer from constipation. In my experience this is absolutely wrong. Constipation, as the symptoms of the Schema would indicated, is a prominent indication for *, and have cured almost as many cases with this as with any other single remedy. I have generally found, when I have had an opportunity of testing them, that Hahnemann’s *positive directions are thoroughly trustworthy, but his *negative directions are quite as likely to be wrong as right. The characteristic discharges of * are offensive, thin, excoriating, if purulent they are a dirty yellowish green, not laudable pus. Ulcers have profuse exuberant granulations, and bleed easily. The dressing causes bleeding, and every touch causes “sticking pain as if from splinters.’ This is a grand keynote of *, and will serve to indicate it wherever it is found. It requires a touch or movement to elicit it. When it occurs in the throat it requires the act of swallowing to set it up, in the anus, the passage of the stool, in ulcers, the touch of a dressing. It may occur from touch in any part of the body, in abdomen, in ingrowing toe-nails. In the phthisical cases calling for * the chest walls are extremely sore to touch, there is sudden rush of blood to chest, hectic, frequent haemorrhages, bright, red, profuse, sharp stitches through right chest to scapula. Great dyspnoea, cannot talk for getting out of breath, morning hoarseness, cough tickling, seems to annoy all night, at times loose and rattling, loud rales through chest, sputa offensive, bloody, purulent, dirty green, exhausting diarrhoea, exhausting sweats towards morning, chilly, heat in flashes or only in hands and feet. The suffocating effect of Acid nitricum fumes is an indication of its affinity for the respiratory organs. Here is an example (*H. W., xxiv. 537): A two-gallon bottle of *Nitric acid in the store of Mr. Harold Woolley, of Manchester, had become fractured. Water was thrown upon the bottle, and whiting placed about it to neutralize the fumes which issued from the fracture. Mr. Woolley superintended the process, and was in contact with the fumes for two hours. This happened in the afternoon. Next day Mr. Woolley complained of being unwell, and although medical aid was promptly summoned he died at five o’clock in the afternoon, death being attributed to “rapid congestion and inflammation of the lungs, in consequence of inhaling the fumes.” _ * is indicated in typhus when pneumonia supervenes, and when haemorrhage from the bowels occurs. The stools are green, slimy, offensive, may be purulent, the haemorrhages are profuse and bright red. With diarrhoea there is rawness and soreness of anus, the stool is putrid, in children may contain lumps of casein. Slimy stools, from excess of mucus passed with much straining. Or they may be (especially in scrofulous children) pale, pasty, sour, offensive. A keynote of * stools, whether loose or constipated, is pain *after stool. There is pain during stool as if anus and rectum, were torn and pierced, and violent pains after stool, lasting for hours. All the other orifices of the body are affected by *Acid nitricum: Chancres and herpes about penis and prepuce, growths about vagina and cervix, leucorrhoea, immediately after menses, flesh- coloured, stringy. offensive. The nose, ears, and eyes are also influenced, and * is one of the first remedies in syphilitic eye affections, as iritis. Among the haemorrhages of * is haematuria. Goullon published a case in *Archiv., ii. 36 (New Series), translated by Mossa, *Rev. H. Francaise, Ix 136. A painter’s apprentice, 15, after gilding an object, was seized with vertigo, with coldness, and soon with violent pain in bladder region. Next day he passed pure blood, bright red, with frequent strangury, the urine separated itself distinctly from the blood. During short intervals the blood did not flow. Tongue white, swollen. * 3 one drop was give, and in twenty four hours the boy was cured. The urine of affords one of the most important of all its keynotes: Urine of a *strong odour, *like horses’, or extremely offensive. Whenever this occurs as a concomitant in any case it is likely that other symptoms will point to * Fetid sweats on feet, hands, or in axilla no less point to * Among the haemorrhages of * are those occurring in cachectic women after confinement or abortion. ***H.N. Coons (*Amer. *Hom.) records the case of an anaemic woman, four weeks after miscarriage, had constant pelvic haemorrhages, at times coming with a gush, constant heavy feeling, much worse standing or walking. * 2x, 20 drops in three ounces of water, a teaspoonful every two hours, quickly arrested bleeding and cured. As showing the value of peculiar symptoms, ***D.C. Perkins relates (*Amer. Hom., xxii. 12) the case of a woman who said she was very ill, but cold only describe her illness by saying that she “felt like a pulp-mill.” *nitricum acidum, has “borborygmus as if a boiler was working in the bowels,” and nitricum acidum proved to be the remedy. The sensitiveness to touch runs through the entire symptomatology, including the symptoms of the mind. The mind is weak, no ideas, if she exerts here mind thoughts vanish. Mind easily affected, inclined to weep. Hopeless despair. On the other hand, there is nervous excitability (especially after *Mercurius-It is the *excitable form of mercurialism that * best meets), peevishness, irritable, quarrelsome, fits of rage and cursing, inveterate ill-will unmoved by apologies. The head is *sensitive to the slightest jar, to the rattle of wagons in the street, or even to the step of one walking across the floor. The head is very sensitive, even to pressure of hat, sensitive to combing, and on part lain on. Eruptions and ulcers bleed easily when touched. Eyes are sensitive to light. The ears present an exception, for deafness is better riding in a train or carriage. Sensitiveness of the head while out driving and stopping suddenly. The tongue is sensitive even to soft food. * is *suited to: Persons of dark, swarthy complexion, with black hair and eyes, lean persons of rigid fibre, brunette rather than blonde nervous temperament. Persons suffering from chronic diseases who take cold easily and are disposed to diarrhoea. Old people with great weakness. Hydrogenoid constitutions. *Peculiar sensations are: As if head in a vice from ear to ear over vertex. As if some one were forcibly pressing head, head tightly bound, constricted by tape, contused. As of a gathering in left temple. Pain as from splinters in eruption. As if warm water were flowing from and over eyes (first right, then left). As if teeth soft and spongy. As if abdomen would burst. As if a boiler working in bowels. As if a band round bones. As if dogs were gnawing flesh and bones and as if sinews were being pulled up. As if ball of great toe had been frozen. As if splinters in great toe, in carbuncles, etc. Cramp-like pains, stinging, shooting, burning, pressure, and soreness. Excessive physical irritability, hysteria. Pains, even slight ones, affect him violently. Prostration, sick feeling, faints from least motion. Epilepsy better riding in carriage. Left-sided paralysis. Twitchings in various parts, frequent starts in upper part of body. Easily takes cold. Emaciated. Tedious suppuration. A characteristic *accompaniment of * is “Profuse sweat breaks out on hands and feet.” When this occurs in spinal injuries *Acid nitricum is the remedy (B. Simmons, *H.P., i 327) ***W. M. James (*Medorrhinum Cent., VI 325) cured this remarkable case: A girl had frequent attacks of *petit mal, sometimes as many as fifty a day between the periods. At the beginning of menses she had spasms so violent that they dislocated both humeri. * 200 give persistently put an end to the attacks, gradually. The first few times after commencing * there were spasms but no dislocation. Mohr (*H.R., xiii. 210) gave * 3x to a man who suffered from cancer of the liver with bloody diarrhoea, followed by constipation, violent pains in stomach and liver, unable to sleep, or unable to take any food without much pain, mostly vomiting. * removed the pain and relieved the constipation entirely, and the patient died without an hour’s suffering from the time he received * ***J. H. Fulton cured with one dose of * 200 ***R. M., 28, who had bleeding piles for eighteen mouths. He had frequent bloody and slimy stools, but *always bright red blood *after stools, from a dessert spoonful to half a teacupful. When the stools were hard there was much pain in passing them. Burning in anus after stools (*Medorrhinum Adv.. xxxiii. 268). The symptoms are worse by touch, pressure (of hat), better riding in carriage. Worse eating ((during and after eating, sweat). Worse milk and fat food. Worse exercise, exertion, effort, raising arm, walking, standing. Worse exerting mind, lying down better headache. Night-sweat on parts lain on. Many symptoms come on towards morning. Cannot sleep after Cough worse on rising, during day and at bedtime. Many symptoms, including bone-pains, come on in night. Warmth and cold both worse. Warm weather worse haemorrhoids, covering up causes night-sweats. Least exposure causes chills. Cold or warm things causes tearing and shooting in teeth. Washing causes warts to bleed. Cold weather worse chilblains. Cold water better warm water feeling in eyes. Winter worse chronic cough, hiccough, chilblains.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica