
Sanicula signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Sanicula is used…

      Sanicula aqua. A Mineral Spring Water of Ottawa, Ill., U.S.A. (Containing, approximately, in grains per gallon Natrum mur. 93, Calcarea m. 23.5, Mag-m. 23.25, Calcarea bicarb. 14.25, Calcarea sul. 9.5, Kali-sul. 5, Nat. bicarb..1, Nat. bro..3, Fe. bicarb..1, Nat. iod..12, Silicea.5, Alumina.01, and traces of Lithium carb. bicarb., Nat. ph., Borax.) Dilutions of the spring water. Triturations of the evaporated salt [This remedy has sometimes been confounded with the plant Sanicula Marylandica, Black Snake-root.].


Amenorrhoea. Anterior crural neuralgia. Asthma. Bee-stings. Boils, blind. Borborygmus. Coccyx, soreness of. Condylomata. Conjunctivitis. Constipation: of children. Cornea, ulceration of. Coryza. Cough. Dandruff. Debility. Diabetes. Diarrhoea. Digestion slow. Dropsy, during pregnancy. Eczema. Emaciation. Enuresis. Excoriations. Foot-sweat. Gastritis. Gumboil. Headache. Indigestion. Influenza. Intermittents. (Intestinal sand.) Itch, suppressed. Itching. Leucorrhoea. Liver, soreness of. Lumbago. Melancholy. Milk, thin. Mouth, sore. Neuralgia. Neurasthenia. Night terrors. Nose, crusts in Ophthalmia, tarsi. Os uteri, dilated. Ossification, too early. Ozaena. Perspiration, excessive. Pot-bellied children. Pregnancy, sickness of, dropsy of. Rectum, cramp in. Rheumatism. Rickets. Scurvy. Sea-sickness. Shoulders, rheumatism of. Throat, sore. Tongue, ringworm of, burning. Toothache. Uterus, prolapse of, soreness of, (tumour of). Vomiting, of milk, of water. Wrist, boils on.


The water of Sanicula spring is without odour or colour, and has an agreeable and slightly alkaline taste. It was proved by J. G. Gundlach, who, with his family, drank it for more than a year. Writing in *H. P., September, 1890, Gundlach says: “Though some five years since the proving was made, we all (that is, my family) still suffer from the effects, and I fear never will fully get over them, as nearly all the symptoms still recur. ‘ Sherbino proved *Sanicula in the potencies, and a large number of the symptoms of both provings have been confirmed. We have in *Sanicula one of the best-proved remedies of the material medica, a polycrest and antipsoric of wide range. My Schema is taken from the arrangement of Frank W. Patch in *Medorrhinum *Adv., xxviii. 161. Brackets indicate cured symptoms. The cachexia of *Sanicula is its most pronounced feature weakness, emaciation, itching, ill- nourished skin, pimply face, “dirty, greasy, and brownish’ appearance of body, scrofulous ophthalmia and scrofulous eruptions, cold, clammy hands and feet, foul-smelling foot-sweat, profuse sweat of back of head and neck, hair dry and lusterless, thick dandruff on scalp and eyebrows, slow digestion, constipation, or else diarrhoea, stools turning green, pot- bellied, rickety children. On the other hand, when taken by a pregnant woman, Sanicula has caused premature closing of sutures and fontanelles prior to birth. The mental state of the *Sanicula cachexia is characterised by lack of energy, with no stability of purpose, jumping from one work to another, never finishing anything. There is also much depression, with sense of impending misfortune. Children are stubborn, wilful, get angry and throw themselves backward. Digestion is slow. Children vomit milk or thick curds soon after nursing. The menses are irregular, delayed, scanty, and attended with pain. Nervous sensibility is exaggerated, and there is general and local intolerance of least jar. This has led to its successful use in train-sickness and sea-sickness. The low vitality of *Sanicula is evidenced in the cold clamminess of other parts besides hands and feet. Sherbino [*F. of Hcs. (Hitchcock’s), ii. 147] relates this case: Mr. F. had neuralgia of coccyx, sacrum, and lumbar region, worse by any movement, turning in bed, rising from chair, stooping, better keeping still. Parts sore to touch. *Cold sensation in lumbar and sacral regions as if there were a cold cloth there. Feet cold and clammy. *Sanicula 10M cured after other remedies failed. The foot- sweat occurs between the toes, making them sore, as well as on the soles, which are as if one had stepped in cold water On the other hand, there may be “burning of the soles, must uncover or put them in a cool place, ‘ and “child kicks off clothing even in coldest weather.” The *odours of *Sanicula are characteristic. The stool has an odour of rotten cheese, and no amount of washing will get rid of it. The flatus has the same odour. Vaginal discharges and condylomata of penis have an *odour of fish brine. This has led to a number of cures. The digestive tract is greatly disordered by *Sanicula Food has a long after-taste, turns sour. Children vomit milk looking like “Schmierkase.’ Appetite is increased hungry before meals or disordered. Craves salt, craves fat bacon, which worse. Eating causes desire for stool, must leave the table. Great thirst, drinks little and often, vomits as soon as it reaches the stomach. Incontinence of urine and faeces. Urging from flatus, must cross legs to prevent faeces escaping. *Sanicula is as great a remedy in constipation as in diarrhoea. There is no desire for stool till a long accumulation has occurred. After great straining stool partially expelled recedes. Large evacuation of small, dry, grey balls, which have to be removed mechanically. Stool square, as if carved with a knife. The diarrhoea is changeable in character and colour: Like scrambled eggs., frothy, grass-green, turns green on standing, like scum of frog-pond. There is excoriation of skin about anus, perinaeum, and genitals. As well as weakness of rectum and bladder, there is uterine weakness and bearing down as if contents of pelvis would escape, must place hand to vulva to prevent it. Walking, misstep, or jar worse this, and also soreness of the uterus. Sherbino (*M.A., xxvi. 133) relates the case of Mrs. X., who had been in poor health a number of years. Tall, anaemic. Has to urinate too often and too profusely, rises several times in night. Urine clear, pale. Has leucorrhoea, profuse, changeable in colour, at times milky, then yellow, worse during stool. Weak and prostrated, rumbling in bowels before meals, better after eating and when stomach is full. Hands cold, clammy, also feet, worse in cold weather, stockings always damp. Two doses of *Sanicula, 10M and then 50M, cured all the trouble. ***H.C. Morrow regards *Sanicula as the chronic of *Chamomilla (*H.P. ix. 253). He records the case of a baby who had been ill through a summer with diarrhoea. Morrow cured it with *Sanicula 50M (F.), a peculiar symptom in the case being that the boy *wanted to lie on something hard, thin as he was. Morrow had himself suffered since a boy from effects of suppressed itch. Among his symptoms were “felt as if he had on cold, damp stockings, ‘ and “sweat about the head and neck when asleep, wetting the pillow far around.” *Calcarea gave no relief. Sherbino advised *Sanicula, and after taking it Morrow was in better health than he had been for twenty years. Morrow also relates these cases (*M.A., xxiv. 47): (1) A lady was constipated a year. Had to *strain very hard to expel the stool, at times faeces so large, hard, and dry, she was compelled to pick it out with the fingers. *Sanicula relieved. (2) A fig-wart on glans penis, with a discharge from its surface which *smelled like fish brine. *Sanicula cured. Gundlach relates (*M.A., xxvi. 97) these cases: (1) Mrs. K. felt an attack of fever impending. Sad and despondent. Had fever the previous night with headache, but no thirst. Mouth dry, tongue coated, bad breath, inside lips and cheeks many little aphthous ulcers, no appetite, bowels constipated, tired, numb, lame feeling in all limbs, chilly, craves warmth, yet head feels better in open air. *Sanicula 10M, every three hours, cured. (2) Mr. C. complained that the roof of his mouth felt scalded, worse taking anything warm in mouth, especially hot drink. Smokers have this kind of sore mouth, but patient was not a smoker. Gundlach remembered his own similar symptoms of the proving, and gave *Sanicula 10M, which promptly removed the condition. (*Sanicula causes a burning of the tongue so intense that it must be put out to cool: here again is the “worse by warmth’ of the mouth). (3) Gundlach’s horse was out of health, would not eat, bowels constipated, stools dark and scant. Tired, rubbed his tail at every opportunity till nearly all the hair was rubbed off. A veterinarian diagnosed “lampers,’ and said the gums would be found swollen and sore, and would need scarifying. The gums were found sore and swollen, mouth slimy, tongue coated. *Sanicula 10M was given thrice daily, and no scarifying was needed. He was well in a few days. Sherbino (*M.A., xxvi. 135) removed with *Sanicula 10M and 50M these symptoms in a man suffering from the after-effects of influenza and much drugging: Soreness through stomach and liver region. Liver enlarged, great tenderness to pressure or jar. Could not laugh without supporting stomach and bowels. better When stomach full, worse when it was empty. ***G. M. Chase (*M.A., xxiv. 336) relates a case of acute gastric catarrh. Patient had repeated attacks lasting three to seven days. Two doses of *Sanicula cured. The mental symptoms were the chief guides: Irritable, least word or action would “upset’ her. Misconstrues everything. Melancholy, sad, depressed, no energy. Fever but *no thirst. Headache, cannot bear light or noise. Offensive breath, but not from teeth. *Rheumatic pains in shoulders, worse left, extending to chest. Only better from heat, patient sat with back to the fire. Gundlach (*M.A., xxiii. 381) relates this similar case: Mrs. W., 55, after a violent cold two days before, had great pain in muscles of neck, shoulders, and upper back, pain constant, but made sharp by attempts to put her hands to her head or behind her. Could not look round without turning whole body. worse From cold or motion, better from warmth and rest until she gets tired of holding head and body in one position, when she would have to move it. *Sanicula 30 made a rapid cure. ***C. M. Boger (*M. Couns., xvi. 265) relates the case of a light-haired carpenter, 35, who had hacking cough from trachea after rising in morning, also in evening. Sneezing occasionally during day. Crusty sores in right nostril. Dull pain in frontal sinuses, worse stooping. Aching in muscles of whole back, stitches upward, worse from motion. Foot-sweat, making feet sore, stiffens stockings, destroys shoes. Itching eruption over sternum. Itching pimples on coccyx. *Sanicula 10M (***F. C.) cured. Gundlach (*M.A., xxiii. 382) relates these two cases of constipation. (1) Mr. A., always accustomed to take pills. No stool, nor desire, for five days. Dull frontal headache with vertigo, stooping or getting up suddenly causes vertigo. When walking gets blind and dizzy, has to stand still till it passes off. Poor appetite, tongue large and flabby, coated yellowish. Bad taste in morning, at times stomach full and oppressed after eating, accumulation of gas. Stool scanty and requires great effort to expel. “Not done’ sensation after stool. *Sanicula 10M cured promptly and completely. (2) Miss R., 20, constipated all her life. Goes a week without desire. Great effort required to expel stool, which would at times slip back. ***Sanicula 30 helped at once. ***W. J. Guernsey (*M. A., xxiii. 382) relates several cases of bowel disorder in children. (1) R., aged one month, has sore mouth. Jumps on waking from sleep. Stool difficult with straining. *Sanicula 10M cured in a few days. Three months later same child had swelling about eyes. Discharge of water from nose. Rubs nose constantly, looking frightened. *Sanicula 10M cured in five doses. (2) B., four months, stools loose, green. Restless at night. Losing flesh. Eyes look very heavy. Has had sore mouth removed by the mother with *Borax wash. *Sanicula 10M, 50M, and cm, gradually cured. (3) S., aged seven months, stool loose and copious. *Stool becomes pale on standing. Urinates much. Vomits large chunks of milk. Wakens screaming in fright. *Sanicula 10M. All symptoms disappeared, but a large carbuncle appeared on right buttock, which, however, was less painful than its size would indicate, opened in five openings and discharged within a week, rapid recovery following. Guernsey chose *Sanicula on the italicized symptom, being the *direct opposite of the special *Sanicula condition, and as it is noted under no other remedy. Opposites as well as similars may serve as indications. Gundlach (*H.P., xiii. 158) reports these cases: (1) Printer, 40, suffering for some weeks from results of overwork. Dull pain in forehead over eyes, feels as if eyes being driven back into head, worse in warm, close room, by application of mind, better in open air. Mind wanders when trying to apply it. Cannot keep at any one thing. No appetite. Bad taste, tongue coated white, worse morning. Dry mouth, no thirst. Fears he will lose his reason. *Sanicula 10M cured. (2) Mrs. H., 45, constantly chilly mingled with flushes of heat. Chills worse moving, even turning in bed, better by external warmth. Chills at irregular times, spread from below up. During chill wants to be covered, during heat wants covers off. Pains and aching in limbs, feels sore and bruised, both flesh and bones, can’t put hands to head or behind for pain in shoulders. Head dull, heavy. Warmth ameliorates pains, but worse head. Bad taste, wants sour things: some thirst with fever, urine dark, scanty. *Sanicula 10M cured. ***J. V. Allen (*H.P., ix. 380) observed that in the eye cases of *Sanicula there is marked photophobia without much inflammation. The cases he cured had these symptoms: Must close eyes continually, with this an awful discharge of thick, yellowish, greenish matter, excoriating any part it touches. In one child there was as well greenish nasal discharge, excoriating nostrils and lips. *Peculiar Sensations are: Head as if open and wind went through it. Of cold cloth round brain. Of scalp all drawn up to vertex. Coldness in throat. Throat as if too large. Back as if in two pieces. Lumbar vertebrae as if gliding past each other, especially when rocking in a chair. Feeling of distraction. There is great fear of the dark, constant desire to look behind her. Dreams of robbers. “Stool full of jagged particles’ suggests the condition known as “intestinal sand. ‘ Square stool is also peculiar. The symptoms are worse by touch. Child cannot bear to be approached. In bed one cannot bear to lie near or touch another. Cannot bear to have one part touch another, sweat where parts (as crossed thighs) touch. Part lain on sweats. Must loosen clothing. Slight pressure worse more than hard. worse From strain, from riding in cars. worse Descending. worse Motion, raising arms, putting arms behind back, working. worse Misstep, walking, jar. Cough causes bursting in vertex. better Rest. worse Leaning head forward, better leaning it back. Awakes at night with arms under head. On waking child rubs eyes and nose with fist. Light and noise worse. Eating worse, urging to stool whilst eating. Also worse before eating (hunger), and better after breakfast, and when stomach full. Swallowing worse. better Vomiting. worse At noon. better In open air. worse warm room (head and skin symptoms chiefly). better Warmth, wraps up head in cold weather. worse Becoming cool after running (pain in jaw). worse From draught of air, especially cold air. Cannot bear cold wind on back of head or neck. worse Change, especially to damp weather. Periodicity, chills every other day. Symptoms of the proving recurred repeatedly during five years. Smoking worse eructations, better nausea. Pains go right to left, front to back, and back to front, shift much.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica