Strontium Carbonicum

Strontium Carbonicum signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Strontium Carbonicum is used…

      Strontiana carbonica. Strontianite. SrCO3. Trituration.


Angina pectoris. Ankle, sprain of. Anus, burning in. Apoplexy. Bones, diseases of. Cardialgia. Constipation. Cramp. Diarrhoea. Emaciation. Enuresis. Feet, cold. Femur, caries of. Haemorrhoids. Headache, congestive, tensive. Heart, affections of. Hiccough. Hoarseness Leucorrhoea. Menses, disordered. Phlebitis. Sciatica. Sprain. Sternum, pains in. Sycotic eruptions. Varicosis. Vision, affections of.


Native Strontium Carbonate, a mineral named Strontianite, was first discovered in the lead-mines of Strontain in Argyllshire, from whence it received its name. It occurs in massive, fibrous, stellated, rarely ortho rhombic crystals. The metal *Strontium is dark yellow. *Stro. c. varies in colour from white to yellow and pale green. It was proved by Nenning, Schreter, Seidel, Trincks, and Woost. Among the prominent symptoms were flushing in the face and violent pulsation of the arteries, congestion to heart, lungs, and head. The distinctive feature about these states with *Stro. c. is that they are better by warmth and wrapping up and worse by cold. This also distinguishes the headaches of *Stro. c. The headaches are boring, pressive, and *tensive. There are various expressions of the congestive state. One of the tensive pains is peculiar: “Tension from vertex to upper jaw, as if head were expanded from within, and as if scalp were too tight, worse in evening when lying with head low, slowly increasing and decreasing, better from heat. The *pressure appears in the stomach, it is better by eating, and worse by walking. There is also pressure after eating. There is both diarrhoea and constipation, the stools of both are accompanied and followed by burning in the rectum. A. P. Bowie (H. R., ii. 62) cured this case occurring after a tedious labour: Stools large and hard, expelled with great effort, followed by great pain in anus, burning, lasting a long time and compelling patient to lie down. Anus violently contracted after stool. Complains of coldness in spots on calves of legs. *Stro. c. 6 entirely relieved. The diarrhoea is worse at night, and the stools are yellow. Walking worse all complaints: headache, leucorrhoea, dyspnoea, pressure in sternum. The symptoms about the chest and sternum, with the worse by walking, suggest angina pectoris, and a similar but less serious state often met with in gouty patients. The *tension is manifested in the nape, as if the tendons were drawn up, tensive drawing in dorsal and lumbar muscles. In the arms there is venous tension: “the veins of the arms and hands are injected and tense, with great prostration and ill-humour” _ suggesting phlebitis and varicosis. *Stro. c. has a relation to sprains and bone affections. The femur is especially affected by it. It is particularly suited to bone affections of scrofulous children when associated with diarrhoea.The diarrhoea of *Stro. c. is worse at night, is very urgent, can scarcely leave the vessel before having to return, better after 3 A.M. *Stro. c. is indicated in chronic sprains of the ankle when oedema exists. C. M. Boger (H. R., xv. 339) cured with *Stro. c., after other remedies had failed, a sciatica accompanied by oedema of left ankle. *Sensations of *Stro. c. are: As if a load on chest. As if head were expanded from within. As if scalp were too tight. As if tendons of neck were drawn up. As if bruised in back and sacrum. As if all power had left right arm. Gnawing as if in marrow of bones. Symptoms as if in marrow of bones. Symptoms like phantoms difficult to locate. External soreness is a note of *Stro. c., also numbness. Emaciation has been caused by it. The symptoms are worse by touch, by rubbing, by scratching. Lying with head low worse tension in head. Motion worse, walking especially aggravates. Stooping aggravates. Motion better weakness of right arm. worse Evening, night, and early morning, 2 or 3 A.M. Warmth, covering relieves. Heat of sun better tension in head. Least draft aggravates. Pain and itching alternate. Right side most affected. Pressure in stomach is better by eating, and worse after a meal.


*Antidoted by: Camph. *Compare: Barayta carbonica (closest congener, scrofulous, apoplectic conditions, chilliness). In headache better wrapping up warmly, Silicea (Silicea headache comes up spine and over head, Farrington says Stron. has the same ). Better wrapping, sheep dung stools, Magnesia muriatica Sprains, Arnica, Rhus, Ruta. Caries of femur with watery diarrhoea, Silicea Scrofulous bone affections, Staphysagria Pains increase and decrease gradually, Platina, Stannum better By light, aversion to darkness, Stramonium, Ammonium muriaticum, Calcarea Barayta carbonica, Arsenicum, Carb. a., Carb. v., Causticum, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rhus, Val. (Cin., aversion to light). Worse walking, Aesculus h. Threatened apoplexy, Ast. r.


Operation (photopsia). Sprains. Haemorrhages (chronic sequelae).


Inquietude and anguish. (Depression of spirits. R.T.C.) Apprehension as from a bad conscience. Peevishness, with tendency to fly into a rage. Excessive forgetfulness.


Headache, with nausea and vertigo. Troublesome pressure in forehead.Threatening apoplexy, violent congestion to head, better wrapping head up. (Dizzy when talking to people. R.T.C.) Burning in forehead. Tensive headache as if all the skin were being drawn towards the vertex, and the contents of the skull pressed outwards, worse in evening when lying with the head low, slowly increasing and decreasing, better from heat. Chilliness over scalp and upper part of back, worse in evening, at night, and in cold air. Tension on head (externally and internally), worse in evening, and from cold, better from warmth, especially in heat of the sun. Tension from vertex to upper jaw. Distensive pressure in entire head, in left side of head. Lancinating headache. Stitches in head. Vibration in temples in evening. Sensation of burning heat in head and face, when walking in afternoon, with redness of face, anguish, and sleepiness. Boring in small spot right side of occiput. Dull, pressive pain in occiput. Sensation of heat of head and face, with red face, anxiety, and sleepiness. (Tendency of hair to fall out with irritation of scalp. R.T.C.).


Burning in eyes. Burning, drawing, and redness in eyes. Pressure on upper part of eyeball. Violent jerking and quivering of eyelids. Red and blue circles before eyes, after rubbing them, with pressure, as by sand. Sparkling before eyes. Luminous vibrations before the eyes. Photopsia, remaining after an operation, especially when objects appear covered with blood. Green spots before eyes in the dark.


Tearing in front of right ear as if in the bone. Sticking in front of left ear extending into it Boring & tearing in right ear. Roaring & tearing in right ear in frequent paroxysms. Humming in the ears.


Quivering on one side of nose. Blowing of (dark) sanguinous scabs from nose. Twitching of left side of nose.


Redness of face, with burning heat. Itching of face, of right cheek, worse by scratching. Jerking, tearing and boring in zygomatic processes. Twitching of left malar bone extending to frontal eminence. Violent boring pain in (right) malar bone. Stitch in left side of chin extending into jaw-point.


Bad odour from mouth. Sensation of numbness and of dryness in mouth, in morning (early when waking), without absence of saliva.


Toothache, with jerking pain. Sensation in teeth as if screwed together. Tearing at root of teeth. Grasping pain in teeth, preceded by copious accumulation of saliva. Gums swollen, painful when touched.


Roughness and dryness of throat. Inflammation of palate, with pain during deglutition. The fauces are inflamed and painful (stinging) during deglutition. Sticking in throat on swallowing.


Nausea, with burning heat in face. Violent hiccough. Sickness after all food, sometimes quickly, sometimes after an hour or two (produced. R.T.C.) (Heartburn, distension of abdomen, flatus with dull aching across waist and aching in left temple. R.T.C.) Pressure in stomach, better by eating, worse on walking. Constriction in stomach with uprisings of clear water. Stitches in stomach now right now left side. Pressure in stomach, with sensation of fulness in abdomen, especially after a meal.


Earthy taste in mouth. Violent thirst, especially for beer. Appetite only for brown bread. Hunger after dinner. (Ravenous, but discomfort prevents him eating more than a few mouthfuls. R.T.C.).


Pressive, bruised pains in hypochondria. Abdomen distended and painfully inflated. Colic in umbilical region. Gripings, with diarrhoea, with chilliness, and shiverings. Lancination in sides. Grumbling in abdomen, with abundant expulsion of very fetid


Stool & Anus

Hard, knotty feces (compact and in large lumps), evacuated slowly, with effort and much pain (in anus). The stool is passed in lumps like sheep-dung, and only with great effort so that she thought she would faint, and with most frightful pain followed by boring in anus. Diarrhoea, of yellow water, with gripings and pinchings in abdomen. Diarrhoea worse at night, is scarcely off the vessel before he must return, better towards morning at 3 or 4 o’clock. Tenesmus after (the diarrhoea-like) stool. Burning sensation in anus, during and after a stool. Pain, as from haemorrhoids in rectum.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica