Aranea Scinencia

Aranea Scinencia homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


A gray spider found in Kentucky on old walls. “Does not spin a web”.


Could not collect his thoughts (with slight pain in head), (second day).


Vertigo worse when stooping (third day).

Vertigo, with nausea (after to hours).

Severe pain in head, affecting the eyes (immediately).

Slight pain in head (after fifteen minutes).

Dull, heavy pain in head all day (second day).

Dull, sluggish pain, but quite intense, all over the head (after dinner), dull pain in head, rather increased till after supper, when it was relieved (first day).

Head dull, with heavy, painful fullness (fourth day).

Dull, stupid filling in head, with feeling of fullness and dull, aching pain (after two hours).

Dull heavy pain in posterosuperior part of head (after twenty minutes).

Could not rest on account of pain in head.


Eyes feel and inflamed (second day).

Eyes felt heavy, with a blur over them (after one and a half hours).

Constant twitching of the under lids (second day).

Eyelids swollen (third day).

Eyes run a good deal (second day).

There seems to be a blur constantly collecting over the eyes (second day).

Glimmering before the eyes (immediately).


Rather profuse flow of saliva (immediately).

Sweet taste in mouth (immediately).

Dryness and prickling in throat (immediately).


Foul stomach (second day).

Slight pain in stomach (after two hours).

Sour eructations (after two hours).

Slight nausea (after one and a half hours).

Strange feeling in stomach, as if he had not eaten for a long time, continuing for about an hour (after half an hour).


Very unpleasant dull rumbling pains in bowels (second day).

Colic increased by bending forward (immediately).

Stool and Anus.

Sensation as if the bowels were loosened (after two hours).

Bowels costive (second day).

Urinary Organs.

Increased secretion of urine, so that he had to get up twice during the night.

Urine cloudy.

Heart and Pulse.

Slight palpitation of the heart on waking, which soon passed off (second day).


Felt fatigued, physically and mentally, as though he had labored hard (had felt uncommonly well in the morning, with good appetite for breakfast) (second day).

The whole system appears deranged (second day).

Felt as if he had been drinking (immediately).

Sleep and Dreams.

Sleepy on sitting down (fourth day).

Sleep well all night (usually restless and seeps but little), (first day).

Uncommonly sound sleep at night (immediately).

Felt as if he had been broken of his rest, yet did not seem sleepy (after one and a half hours).

Very restless during night; could sleep but a few moments at a time, and then not soundly.

Conditions.- Aggravation.

(Bending forward), Vertigo; colic.

(After dinner), Dull pain in head.

(On waking) Slight palpitation of the heart.

(Warm room), All symptoms.


(Morning), Felt uncommonly well.

(Open air), Symptoms rather relieved.

(After super), Pain in head.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.