Calcarea Carbonica homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3). Preparation: For Hahnemann’s provings, trituration of the middle layer of the oyster-shell. For Dr. Koch’s provings, precipitated carbonate of lime from a solution of chalk in hydrochloric acid, is triturated with an equal quantity of sugar of milk; twenty parts of this are mixed with one hundred parts of alcohol, and this is termed the tincture.


Emotional. Illusion of fancy when going to sleep, as if she heard noises and clattering about her bed, which caused shuddering. As soon as she closes the eyes, in the evening, in bed, a swarm of fancies present themselves to her. Great desire to be mesmerized. Repugnance, aversion, disgust for most persons. Disinclination for every kind of labor. Dread and aversion to labor, with great irritability, and heaviness of the feet. Loneliness is very oppressive, with coldness of the face, hands, and feet. Much crying (in an infant, whole motion had taken Calcarea). Cries and complains about the long-past offences. Weeping about trifles, with a sensitive, irritable mood. Weeping when remonstrated with. Moods. Sad, despondent mood, with irritable inclination to weep. She became sad, and was obliged to weep, from every walk in the open air. Despondent and melancholy, in the highest degree, with a kind of anguish. Melancholy, not exactly a sad feeling, about the heart, without cause, with a kind of voluptuous trembling of the body. Sorrowful and peevish; she looked upon everything from the worst side, and imagined everything evil. She is very hypochondriac; she thinks that she is deadly sick, nevertheless can complain of nothing. Despairing mood, with dread of disease and suffering, with foreboding of sad events. She despaired of her life, and believed that she must die, with a most sad mood, and weeping, and frequent sudden attacks of general heat, as if hot water had been dashed over her. Anxiety in the afternoon, subsequent to nausea in the forenoon, with headache. At night, she was very anxious and raving; she started up anxiously in a dream, with trembling on waking out of it (after twenty days). Anxious at night, as if she would become insane, followed by shuddering chilliness for a few minutes, and a sensation as if the body were dashed to pieces. Anxious, restless and busy mood; she is undertaking many thighs but accomplishing nothing; after this activity, she is very much exhausted. Anxious about every trifle, and lachrymose. Great anxiety and palpitation. Frightened, apprehensive mood, as if some misfortune were about to happen to him, or some one else, which he could in no way overcome (after twenty-three days). Every near sound frightened him, especially in the morning. Fearful and restless, as if something evil would happen (after four days). She feared that people would observe her confusion of mind. She feared she would lose her reason. Dread and anxiety of the future, with fear of consumption. Irritable, weak, and despondent, in the morning, after a little work. Fretful, with persistent obstinacy for three days (after twenty-eight days). Frequent attacks of irritability and anxiety. Very peevish after a few hours. Peevish, without cause, especially in the morning. Peevish without cause, for two evenings in succession. Very peevish and irritable (after taking cold). So peevish about trifles that she was dizzy the whole evening, and went to bed early, but could not sleep (after twenty days). Peevish about trifles, and very irritable, in the morning, before the stool; he gets angry at everything. Frequently peevish, and she spits out saliva. Peevish and restless. Obstinate disposition. Obstinate, depressed mood. Insupportable and sullen mood. Everything is disagreeable, with great peevishness. The thought of former vexations provokes him to anger. Impatient and desperate. Unnaturally indifferent, unsociable, taciturn (after eight days). Intellectual. Thoughts vanish; his memory is short. She misplaces words and easily chooses a wrong expression. Great weakness of the imagination; during a slight effort in speaking, it seemed as if the brain were paralyzed, especially in the occiput; he could no more think nor recollect what had been said; with confusion of the head. Very forgetful (after forty-eight hours). On stooping or moving the head, it seemed as if she did not know where she was. Loss of consciousness, with anxious oppression of the stomach, from which she was suddenly awakened as by a violent fright. In the evening, two attacks of loss of consciousness, when walking; she would have fallen to the floor, if one had not caught her (after five days). Loss of consciousness, with illusion as regards place; it seems as if the room were a bower. Stupefaction, like unconsciousness of external objects, with waving tingling on the upper part of the head.


Confusion. Confusion of the head (first day). The head feels confused. A dull, continued confusion of the head. Sudden confusion of the head, as if it were too full. Painful confusion of the head, so that she did not understand what she had read, did not comprehend what was spoken. Confusion in the head, in the morning, on waking. Confusion of the head, in the morning, on waking, with trembling through the whole body, and rush of blood to the head. Great confusion of the head, after the midday nap. Confused trembling condition of the head (first day). Stupefaction of the head, like vertigo, the whole afternoon (after twenty-four days). Stupefaction of the head at night, on account of which he awoke; it continued to get worse until it almost amounted to faintness, followed by trembling of the limbs and weariness, so that he was unable to fall asleep again. Insensibility and bluntness of the whole head, as in a severe coryza. Vertigo. A feeling of vertigo, as if he were raised up and pushed forward. Vertigo from vexation. Vertigo and painful turning of the head, as if in a circle, in the morning, when rising; especially very dizzy when walking and standing, with chilliness and needle stitches in the left side of the head. At night, excessive vertigo, with flickering before the eyes, which lasted till midday. Very transient vertigo, mostly when sitting, less when standing, and still less when walking. During menstruation, vertigo, on stooping, and rising up again. Severe vertigo when stooping, followed by nausea and headache. Vertigo in paroxysms, after stooping, when walking and standing; she was obliged to steady herself. Vertigo, on suddenly turning the head, and also when at rest. Vertigo, on walking in the open air, as if he would tumble, especially on suddenly turning the head. Vertigo after walking, when standing, and looking about, as if everything were turning around with her. Vertigo, even to falling down, with weakness. Dizziness and loss of sense, after turning in a circle. Dizziness in the head, in the morning, after rising, with nausea and roaring in the ears, and feeling as if he would fall down in consequence (after twenty-two days). So great dizziness, in the forenoon, that everything seemed in a half dream. Dizzy tottering, in the evening, when walking in the open air, so that he staggered to and fro. Sensations. Warm streaming of blood from the pit of the stomach to the head, twice. During menstruation, rush of blood to the head, and heat in it. Rush of blood to the head, with heat in the face (two hours after dinner). Rush of blood to the head, with heat of the face, seven hours after a meal. Rush of blood to the head, with discharge of blood from the anus, for several days in succession. Congestion of blood to the head and chest, preceded by painful stiffness in the spine. Great affection of the head, the day after coition. Great dulness in the head, every morning, on rising from bed. Heaviness and the heat of the head, almost only in the forehead. Heaviness in the head, in the morning, on waking, for several hours (after twenty hours). Great heaviness of the head, in the morning, on waking, with heat in it; both are much aggravated on moving the head and on raising it (after twenty-seven hours). Constant fulness. Shivering in the brain, on severe motion, with dull tearing pain (twelfth day). Painful shivering in the brain, especially in the left side of the occiput, on slightly shaking the head, and on every step. Icy coldness in and on the head (after four hours). The head becomes cold very easily, which causes headache, as if a board lay upon the head, with pressive pain in it, and chilliness of the whole body (after six days). Heat about the head, in the evening. Headache the day before menstruation. Headache, also vertigo, every morning on waking. In the forenoon, first, headache, which continually increased, with rapid sinking of the strength, so that he could scarcely reach the house, with great heat in the forehead and hands, with much thirst for acid drinks; then, after lying down, ice-cold hands with rapid pulse (after twenty-one days). Pain in the head, as though the skin were detached, extending downwards upon the neck. Headache, with nausea (after twelve days). Feeling of fulness in the head, constantly. The head hurts as if tense. During every cough, the head is painfully shattered, as if it would burst out. Digging and pressure in the head, which extend to the eyes, the nose, the teeth, and the cheeks, with great sensitiveness to nose, and attacks of faintness. Painful dragging, from within outward, in the whole head, with a feeling as if the brain were pressed together (fifteenth day). Drawing headache, extending upward from the neck. Pressive headache, mostly in the forehead, increased in the open air. Sticking headache, extending outward to the eyes (the first days). Sticking pains in the brain, with a feeling of emptiness of the head, for three days (after twenty-eight days). Stitches in the head. Stitches in the brain. Transient stitches, here and there, in the head. Stitches in the head, in the evening, with stitches in the limbs. Stitches in the whole head, for half an hour, if she rises up from lying flat on the back, and also after stooping. During the cough, stitches in the head. Several stitches through the head, with great chilliness. During the cough painful shootings in the head, like tearings. Tearing on the head and in the eyes, with redness of the whole face, every afternoon, from three or four till nine or ten. Jerks in the head, momentarily. Single jerks or shocks through the brain. Throbbing headache in the middle of the brain, every morning, and continuing the whole day. Stitch-like throbbing in the head, when walking rapidly. Forehead. Heaviness in the forehead, aggravated by reading and writing. Headache in the forehead. Headache in the forehead, over the nose. Painful, full sensation in the forehead, with throbbing in the temples. Sharp tensive pain in the forehead. Pinching pain in the forehead. Stupefying, pressive aching in the forehead, as in vertigo, during rest and motion (after one and a half hours). Boring pain in the left side of the forehead externally, after walking in the open air. Dull pain in the forehead, with confusion of the head, in the morning, on waking, with dry coated tongue (after five days). Violent dull headache, first in the forehead, then also in the occiput, for several days (after eight days). Stitching-like tearing in the forehead. Pressure in the forehead. Pressing in the forehead (after four days). Violent pressive headache in the forehead (first day). Pressive headache in the forehead, as if it were very thick there. Painful pressure in the forehead, extending down into the nose (evening of first day). Pressive pain in the forehead (about noon, first day). Pressing out in the forehead, very severe, and causing vertigo, relieved by pressure of the cold hand, and disappearing on walking in the cold air (after nine days). Sticking headache, in one-half of the forehead, which is better when lying. Four stitches in the left side of the forehead, at 11 A.M. (second day). Tearing in the left frontal eminence (first day). Throbbing pain in the forehead. Sticking- throbbing pain on the right frontal eminence. Temples. Swelling in the right temple, in the morning, which at evening had disappeared (after fifteen days). Swelling below the left temple (after fifteen days). At first dull, then pressive headache, in the temples, in the morning on waking, with many empty eructations. Pinching-drawing pain in the left temple, towards the parietal bone, with heat of the face. Pressure in the temples, every day, for eight days. Sticking pain in the left temple (in the nervus temporalis profundis). Frequent stitches in the temples (after seven days). Stitches in the left temple (second day). Stitches inward through the left temple, and again outward through the right (after five hours). Tearing pain the whole day in the temples, the orbital bones, and the cheeks, which become much swollen. Spasmodic jerking pain in the right temple. Slight creeping, as of formication on the left temple (first day). Vertex. Tension in the upper part of the head. Drawing pain in the upper part of the head. Pressure in the head, now in the upper part, now in the temples (after twelve days). Stupefying pressure in the upper part of the head, as after rapidly turning in a circle (after twenty-four days). Spasmodic pain, extending from the forehead to the vertex (after taking cold), (after six days). Almost constant drawing pain beneath the vertex. Drawing pain beneath and vertex, and in the temples, which seems to come up from the back. Spasmodic drawing beneath the vertex, in the upper part of the head, with stitches in the temples, and heat in the ears (after forty-eight hours). Violent, pressive pain in the vertex. Severe pressive pain in the vertex, awakens him every morning at 5 o’clock, and after an hour disappears. Pressure in the vertex and forehead, after dinner. During menstruation, pressive pain on the vertex. Violent pressing outward, almost sticking pain, in the region of the vertex, while stooping (after fourteen days). When walking in the open air, a pressive headache in the vertex, which continued until going to sleep. Parietals. Swelling on the right side of the head, without pains (after fifteen days). Heat in the left side of the head. A numb spot externally, on the right side of the head. Headache only on the side on which he had just been lying (a burning?). Frequent one-sided headache, always with much empty eructation. Tension and pressure in the right side of the head, as from a blunt instrument pressed downward through the head, by paroxysms. Compressive pinching headache on the left side. Drawing pain in the whole right side of the head, in the zygoma, and in the jaw (after four days). Sudden pain in the left parietal bone, as if the bone were hacked to pieces, with shivering over the whole body. Pressive headache on the parietal bones, apparently more in the bones (immediately after taking), (first day). Sticking headache on the right side, extending into the eye. Sticking headache in the left side, above the temple (after two days). Stitches in the upper part of the right side of the head, extending to the right eye (after twenty-nine days). Shooting pains in both sides of the head, with nausea. Occiput. Crackling, audible for several minutes, in the occiput, towards midday, followed by warmth in the neck. Heaviness and pressure in the occiput (after thirteen hours). Headache in the occiput, whenever she ties anything tightly about the head. Drawing pain in the occiput, always towards the side to which he moved the head; disappeared after sneezing (after twelve days). Gnawing sensation in the occiput. Tensive pressure in the occipital bone. Cutting pain in the occiput, and in the forehead, as if something sharp were pressed into them, aggravated by walking, and by pressure with the hand (after third day). Stitches in the right side of the occiput (after eleven days). Itching on the occiput. External. The hair falls out on combing. Much eruption on the head. Eruption on the scalp, with swelling of the glands of the neck. The scalp at the vertex becomes scaly. Thin moist scurf on the scalp (after twelve days). Several places on the head pain when touched (after fourteen days). Itching on the scalp. Itching on the head, every night, on waking. Itching on the scalp, when walking in the open air. Burning-itching on the scalp (after thirteen days). Burning-itching, as from nettles, with severe crawling on the scalp, and the lower portion of the face, in the evening, before going to sleep.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.