
Cedron homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Simaba cedron, Planch.

Natural order: Simarubaceae.

Preparation: Triturations and tincture of the seeds.


Emotional. Gloomy, depressed spirits. Disposition to weep. Inquietude and excessive anguish. Anxiety (after 9 hours).

Dread of friends (in females, particularly). Intellectual.

Torpor of the mental faculties and uneasiness. Dulness of the senses. Did not know her acquaintances. The greater part of the mental symptoms were repeated in the morning and aggravated at night.


Vertigo. 11 A.M., slight dizziness (3rd day). On rising from bed, dizzy, and could not see to light a candle, and could not tell when it was lighted. General Head. Bending the head backwards, with pressure on the occiput and parietal regions, as if those parts were going to burst. Head dull and heavy in the evening. Headache, especially deep in the orbits, obliging him to shut his eyes, and extending to the occiput (2nd day). Headache worse in open air (about 9 P.M)..

Distensive headache, increased during the night. Head felt as if swollen. Whole head feels swollen and heavy, most on right side (after 2 hours and a half). Forehead. Pressive pain above the eyes, as from a band compressing the forehead.

Throbbing pain in head, commencing in temples, extending around the forehead. Temples. Temporal arteries enlarged.

Pulsations in temporal arteries (after half an hour). Pain in temples (2nd day). Slight pain in temples (15 drops). Continued pain in temples, passing from side to side (60 drops).

Pressure at the right temple, causing a dull pain in the whole right side of the head, disappears wholly towards noon. Throbbing in temples. 10 A.M., throbbing in temples (3rd day). Throbbing in temples, increasing to pain. Throbbing in temples, increasing to pain, extending around and over the eyes. Beating in temples, increasing to pain and extending over ears (after half an hour). Pulsating sensation in temple, and a twisting pain behind right ear, changing to a dull pain, and extending to the temples (after half an hour). Vertex. Awoke with dull pain in whole upper head (3rd day). At 10 P.M., dull pain in top of head (3rd day).

Pressure at the top of the head, slight in the daytime, somewhat violent just at the moment when the shivering begins; it never wholly ceased during the whole proving. 10 A.M., dull pain in vertex (3rd day). Awoke late, after a sound sleep, with dull pain in vertex (2nd day). Occiput. Pain in occiput and forehead (10 drops). Sharp pain in occiput.

Successive sharp pains in occiput, abdomen, and lower limbs; pains in only one place at a time (3rd day). Pressure in occiput in the morning (2nd day). 10.30 A.M., occasional sharp, jerking pains in occiput (3rd day). The pains in head are all dull, except those in occiput, which are acute (3rd day).


Eyes red and protruding, with pressive pain extending to forehead. Redness of the eyes, and itching of the inner and outer surfaces of the eyelids (during fever). Eyes feel dry, when exposed to air (2nd day). Alternate dryness and smarting of the eyes, with moisture. Eyes felt swollen. Smarting in the eyes, especially when closing them (during fever). Smarting and burning in eyes, with great discharge of tears (50 drops). Itching of the eyes. Brow, etc. Pain across the eyes, from temple to temple. Severe shooting pain over left eye (15 drops, after three hours and a half). Lids. Eyelids injected, bright red, and painful when pressed. Spasmodic twitching of the muscle levator palpebrae superioris, observed in two provers, during three successive nights.

Enlargement of the Meibomian glands and conjunctiva. The left eyelid seemed dried to the ball (2nd day). Burning sensation in upper lids (after two hours and a half). Lachrymal Apparatus. Profuse secretion of tears, which instantly ran down face (160 grains. Acrid tears, which seemed to scald the cheeks as they ran down (40 drops. Conjunctiva.

Conjunctiva inflamed and dry (2nd day). 11 A.M., redness of whites of eyes (2nd day). Pupil. Pupils fixed and dilated. Dilated pupils (after 9 hours). Vision. Misty vision, as from thick smoke. Objects seem red (after 9 hours).

Objects appeared red at night to one prover, and yellowish during the day; these symptoms lasted seven days in the same prover (young lady of 18), and disappeared after administration of Belladonna Dimness of sight (after 9 hours). On rising from bed, could not see to light a candle, and could not tell when it was lighted, with dizziness.


Pain over ears (after 20 minutes). Pressure over the ears (after half an hour). Singing in ears, as of crickets. Buzzing of the ears towards noon. Hardness of hearing at night.


Great secretion of glassy-looking mucus from nose (50 drops).


Perhaps there was throughout the proving a little puffiness of the face. Cheeks red and burning at night, pale and cold in the morning. Pressing or tearing pain in one or both cheeks, with occasional shooting under the orbits. Dry lips, which have to be moistened frequently (2nd day).


Teeth. Pain in a decayed tooth for the first time. Tongue.

Tongue coated yellow, even to the tip (2nd day). Tongue coated yellow, on rising in morning (3rd day). Slightly yellowish coat far back on tongue. Pricking of the tongue early in the morning, which goes off after eating. About 5.30 P.M., pricking on the tongue, itching of the eyes; half an hour later, chilliness, with heat of the face, pale hands, feet and tip of nose cold (7th day). About 5 P.M., intolerable pricking-itching of the tongue, so that she had to keep rubbing it against the palate (2nd day). General Mouth. Dry mouth, with thick, viscid saliva (after 9 hours). Mouth dry, with viscid saliva when talking. Burning in mouth, throat, and stomach. Burning in mouth, fauces, oesophagus, and stomach, as if mucous membrane was raw (60 drops). Burning and smarting in mouth and fauces (5 drops, after 10 minutes), Burning and scraping feeling in mouth and throat, with profuse discharge of thin saliva (10 drops, after a few minutes). Tingling sensation in mouth, as from the shock of a galvanic battery (10 drops, after one hour). Saliva. After talking, the saliva becomes white and thick, like cream (5th day). Saliva becomes sour at night.

Profuse secretion of saliva, which had a metallic taste (75 drops). Taste. Bad taste in mouth (15 drops). Nasty taste of mouth (2nd day). Nasty, sickish, bitter taste of mouth (2nd and 3rd days). Sickish, slimy taste (2nd day), Sour taste (2nd day). Metallic taste in mouth (30 drops). Taste of iron in the mouth, exciting a profuse flow of acid saliva (2nd day).


Prickling and tingling in throat and fauces, which seemed to extend some way down the oesophagus (15 drops). Constriction of throat, almost preventing her from swallowing saliva (after 9 hours). Difficulty of swallowing.


Appetite and Thirst. Loss of appetite (3rd day). Appetite is impaired as the proving progress. Thirst at night and during the febrile symptoms. Thirst, and craves only warm drinks (during fever). Thirst, and desire for cold water at noon, and warm during night. Excessive thirst (2nd day). Want of thirst during the chills. A version to cold water in the evening. Eructations. On rising in morning, gulping up of a bitter wind, with dull pain in temples (3rd day). Nausea. Slight nausea ( (40M drops). Stomach. Distension of the stomach and disposition to nausea, generally aggravated by rest, but relieved by walking and by eating. Sensation of heat and fullness in stomach. Sensation, as of a stone, on the stomach. Rolling pain in stomach.


Hypochondria. Rose with pain in region of liver (3rd day). Stitches in the spleen and in the liver. General Abdomen.

Inflated abdomen. Abdomen hard and distended, towards evening. Borborygmi in left side of abdomen. Flatulence in morning, with slight colic and occasional discharge of fetid wind. Colic during dinner (2nd day) Colic and cramps in small intestines. In the morning, flatulent colic, with emission of fetid flatus (5th day). Pain in bowels, extending through small intestines (30 drops). Pain and colic in small intestines (60 drops). At noon, sharp pains. Alternating in caecum, liver, and spleen, running from one to the other (3rd day). On getting warm in bed, flying pains in the region of the ascending colon, liver, and spleen, kept him awake most of the night. Severe, sharp griping-cutting pains in lower part of abdomen (75 drops).

Rectum and Anus.

Unsuccessful urging to relieve the bowels. Ineffectual urging to stool (2nd day).


Diarrhoea. Copious stool, with excessive tenesmus (3rd day). A rather copious evacuation in the evening (4th day). Whitish stools, mixed with fragments of a mass similar to clotted milk in some provers. Yellowish, loose evacuations, three days after taking large quantities of Cedron, in some provers. Almost immediately after slight colic, a copious evacuation of a substance that looked like curdled milk, white, with a slightly yellowish tint (from chewing the nut as an antidote to the bite of a coral-snake). Constipation. Constipation (3rd day). Constipation (4th day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.