
Cimicifuga homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

  Common names: Black snake root, Bugbane, Rattle weed.


Cimicifuga racemosa, Ell. Synonyms, Actaea racemosa, Linn; Macrotys actaeoides, Raf.; Botroflus serpentaria, Raf.

(Medorrhinum Flora).

Natural order: Ranunculaceae.

Preparation: Tincture of the root.


Emotional. A sort of delirium, with an inclination to run over the subject on which he was reading. Half intoxicated feeling, with swimming of the head (after half an hour). Miserable, dejected feeling. In afternoon, depression and dulness (second day). Anxiety. Feels grieved and troubled, with sighing; next day, a feeling of tremulous joy, with mirthfulness, playfulness, and clear intellect. Intellectual. Mind clear (as a first effect). Mind dull and heavy. Not disposed to fix the attention on any subject (second day).


Vertigo: Vertigo. Vertigo to such an extent that she could not sit up (after two hours). Vertigo, fullness and dull aching in vertex (after ten minutes). Vertigo, impaired vision, dizziness, dulness with fullness and aching in the vertex. Dizziness, dulness in the head (second day). General Head. Dulness and heaviness of the head and eyelids, as if produced by cold.

Dulness of the head, and pain in forehead and occiput (fourth day). Dull sensation throughout the head, as though he had been on a “spree,” and was getting over the effects. Heaviness in head. Heaviness and dulness of the head. Heaviness, dulness, fullness, slight dull pain. Pains in head and face constant, and very severe. Slight pain in the head.

Slight pain in the head, in the evening. Great pain in the head, back, and limbs (after two hours). Severe pains in the head, with much somnolency and coldness (after one hour), followed by warmth (after two hours). On waking, had a most distressing pain in the head, with vertigo, flushed face, dilated pupils, and an increase of twelve beats in the frequency of the pulse (after three hours). Slight dull pain in head. Constant dull pain in the head, particularly in the occiput, extending to the vertex, during the forenoon and part of the afternoon (second day). Fullness and pressure in the brain (second day). Slight fullness of head. Feeling fullness, with headache. Sense of fullness and heaviness of the head; soon after dull pain of forehead, heat of face, and slight sweat. Head feels too large. Brain felt too large for cranium; brain feels compressed. Headache. Dull headache on getting up in morning. Dull, heavy headache, more in left temple, at 9 A.M. (second day). Aching pain in head, particularly in occiput, experienced only while indoors, relieved by the open air; it increased during the afternoon, and was quite severe in the evening; about 9 P.M. it disappeared entirely, after a walk in the open air (after two hours). Feeling of pressure in head and heat in head and face (after on hour).

Head and eyes relieved from an existing pressure. Acute pain generally through the head, during the day, at times more severe on the left side. The pain in the head is always relieved by the open air. Forehead. Pain in front and top of head. Pain in forehead, which seemed to proceed from the right temple in burning lines, accompanied after an hour by a sense of fullness and heat; pain heat, and fullness soon become continuous, with a sense of drowsiness (10 drop doses). Pain in forehead and occiput, with heaviness of head (after one hour); the pain in the head continued for ten days. Slight pain in forehead, with dryness of the pharynx, and aching in the eyes, apparently between the eyeball and orbital plate of the frontal bone, at 10 P.M. (fourth day). Occasional transient pain in forehead over right eye. Dull pain in forehead, in afternoon. Dull pain in forehead, before breakfast (second day). Dull pain deep in forehead (soon after). Dull boring pain in forehead over left superciliary ridge, continuing for two hours (after three hours). Awoke at 2 A.M. with excruciating though dull pain in forehead, extending to temples, with coldness of forehead. Headache (frontal) (fourth day). After hearty dinner, headache in left frontal region, continuing at intervals during the rest of the day; worse outdoors; after sleep, headache as before, worse during a walk out of doors; better after entering a room (second day). Pressure in front part of head and eyes. Temples. Pain in left temple.

Headache through the temples; headache as if it would burst. Sensation as if the temples were compressed, occasionally through the day. Sharp cutting pain in right temples (immediately). Vertex. Pain in vertex, during afternoon and evening. Fullness in vertex, in evening. Full feeling in upper part of brain, with dull feeling. Aching pains in vertex and occiput, in paroxysms at times quite severe, immediately after rising; the pains continued through the day, but not so severe as in the morning (second day). After one hour, aching pain and soreness of vertex, increasing to great severity; after two or three hours passing to the frontal part of the head, continuing all night, and depriving him of sleep. Pain from the eyes to the top of the head; it seemed as if the nerves were excited to too much action lasting three hours; under larger doses it lasted six hours. Dull pain in the region of the moral organs; a pressing outward and upward, as if there was not room enough in the upper portion of the cerebrum; this pain was very oppressive and almost intolerable; it began about 5 o’clock P.M. after taking the second dose, and continued unabated till morning, when it was relieved in thirty minutes by a single dose of Bryonia. Parietals. Slight pain in left side of head (soon after). Fullness on left side. Dull pressive pain in left side of head. Occiput. Pain extending from the right eyeball through to right side of occiput, slightly affecting the ear, at night. The pain in the head seemed to extend over and through the whole brain, producing a distinct sense of soreness in the occipital region, which was much increased by motion (15-drop doses).


During the headache the eyes were so congested as to attract the attention of every one, although there was no disagreeable feeling in them. Heaviness of the eyes, as if caused by cold.

Eyes feel as if swollen. Aching of the eyes at 10 A.M. (fourth day). Dull aching pain in eyes (fourth day). Brow. Pain over the eyes (second day). Pain over left eye, extending along the base of the brain to the occiput (second day). Severe pain just over right eye. Acute pain over left eye; in forehead, occiput, vertex, etc., in paroxysms; pain relieved by the open air. Shooting pain over left eye (fourth day). Lids. Inflammation of both eyelids (second day). During afternoon, pain in right eyelid when closing it. Sensation of swelling of right eyelid, with heat, as if inflamed (after four hours).

Stinging in the eyelids (after one hour). Stinging and inflammation of the lids. Ball. Pain in the eyeballs. Pain in both eyeballs (fifth day). Pain in the center of the eyeballs, and also sensation as if pain were situated between the eyeball and the orbital plate of the parietal bone, in the morning on rising, continuing all day, but not so severe as in the morning (second day). Eyeballs occasionally painful for a short time. Eyeballs painful for a short time in the forenoon (second day). Pain in the eyeballs continued for two weeks after discontinuing the drug. Dull pain in both eyeballs. Aching pain in both eyeballs, through the day (fourth day). Severe aching pain in right eyeball, after retiring for the night.

Constant dull aching pain in right eyeball and across forehead, accompanied with nausea. Pupils. Dilated pupils. Pupils dilated (after three hours). Pupils enormously dilated (after two hours). Vision. Vision very much disordered (after two hours). Dimness of vision. Myopia increased. Black specks before eyes.


Objective. Sneezing. Sneezing at 4 P.M. (fourth day).

Sneezing several times (after half an hour). Frequent sneezing and fluent coryza, during the day (second day). Obstruction of left nostril, in evening. After pain in the head, which continued ten days, coryza, sore throat, and extension to bronchial mucous membranes. The pain in the head was followed by coryza, with sore throat and a gradual extension of the disease to the bronchial mucous membrane, dry, short, and hacking cough, night and day, continuing two weeks, which is uncommon, the prover not having had a catarrh or cold for several years. Constant coryza during the day. Smarting and burning coryza relieved. Fluent coryza (third day). Fluent coryza of whitish mucus, during the day. Fluent coryza, aching, and soreness in the nose, during the day (second day).

Fluent coryza, more so than for many weeks, as if caused by cold, at 4 P.M. (fourth day). Abundant watery coryza. Copious coryza (fourth day); (fifth day). Copious coryza during the forenoon (fifth day). Profuse coryza in the forenoon; aching pain in the head; pain in both eyeballs many times through the day (third day). Very profuse, greenish, and slightly sanguineous coryza. Very profuse, greenish, and slightly sanguineous coryza, after rising (fourth day). At first, dry, stuffed condition of the nostrils, which was soon followed by an open, moist condition, with great sensitiveness to the cold air, as if the base of the brain were laid bare, and every inhalation brought the cold air in contract with it; this is exactly similar to that produced by a sudden change of weather in winter, from cold and dry to damp thawing, as by a south wind, which melts the snow. Subjective. Inclination to sneeze, twice in the afternoon. Frequent inclination to sneeze, in the afternoon. Fine stitch to outside of right wing of nose. Stinging sensation in the nose, in the evening (second day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.