
Cyclamen homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common names: Sow-bread; (Germ)., Erdscheibe.


Cyclamen Europaeum, Linn.

Natural order: Primulaceae.

Preparation: Tincture of the root gathered in spring.


Emotional. Disinclination to talk; reading was irksome; in paroxysms, lasting two to several hours. He is constantly absorbed in himself and disinclined to talk. Tranquil mind.

Gentle disposition, contented with himself (after three hours).

Towards evening he suddenly feels a strange joyous sensation, with vivid fancies full of pleasant imagery. Profound reflection concerning the present and future, almost to weeping (after twelve hours). He is absorbed in deep thought; he desires to be alone, and thinks especially about his future state (after one hour). More melancholy than ever; she complained of her weeping mood (third day). Extreme sadness, as if he had committed some evil, and had not done his duty (after ten hours). Internal grief and anxiety of conscience, as though he had not done his duty, or had committed a crime (after one hour). Anxiety (second day). Ill-humor (forth day); (sixth day). Ill-humored, morose mood; he could easily take offence at every trifle and get very much exercised about it. Out of humor (third day). Out of humor without cause (second day). Fretful and sad; has no desire to work; she feels a great anxiety, as if some great misfortune were impending (second day). Very fretful the whole day; disinclined to speak and insensible, having very little feeling in his body.

At times extreme fretfulness and sleepiness of mind, with weakness of body; the latter soon disappears when he commences to move about. Sometimes he is very ill-humored and fretful, but suddenly he feels again a strange joyous sensation, to which he even gives expression by a slight quivering of the joints.

Although previously lively, he now became suddenly very earnest and somewhat fretful (after two hours); after some time he became again lively, soon again ill-humored. Intellectual. Dulness of mind; is neither inclined for able to do any work (third day).

Disinclination to work, followed by remarkable desire therefore, in paroxysms, lasting two to several hours. Disinclination for every work, lasting till towards evening; he could not make up his mind to undertake even the slightest thing. Impaired power of thought. Weakness of memory (sixth day). Memory is very much blunted; he can scarcely remember occurrences that have just happened, but it is soon again very active; in rapid alternations. Great forgetfulness; he easily misplaces his words (seventh day). The mind is in a constant state of stupefaction; he at times seems to be slumbering; is unable to either rejoice or to be sad, although he constantly feels as though he had just suffered from an overwhelming affliction; only when he becomes excited is his mind somewhat clearer, and then he acts like one who has just awakened from slumber, and only half understands what is going on about him (second day).


Confusion and Vertigo. Confusion of the head; (sixth and seventh days). Confusion of the head, which, with the other symptoms of the head, was relieved after cold applications to the forehead, so that she began to read; after about forty-five minutes sudden faintness; all objects seemed to turn in a circle; it became black before her eyes, followed at last by violent vomiting (second day). Confusion of the head, with pressive sensation in the temporal region (seventh day). Confusion of the head, with obscuration of vision. Confusion of the head, with transient roaring in the ears (after four hours). Confusion of the head, with watery mouth, eructations, with pressure in the stomach, after breakfast (sixth day). Confusion of the head, with increased warmth (second day). Confusion of the head, without increased heat (eighth day). Slight confusion of the head, which, however, soon disappears (after two hours). Slight confusion of the head, with obscuration of vision, so that she could not continue her work (she was unable to distinguish outlines of figures), (fifth day). Great confusion of the head in the evening, with vertigo, as if objects were wavering, and feeling of stupidity in the head so that she was unable to think, and did not comprehend what she was thinking or doing, with heat of the head, redness of cheeks, and glistening eyes, alternations of chilliness and heat, full, hard pulse, over 100, and finally nausea and watery diarrhoea, preceded by rumbling and colic (first day. Intoxicated confusion and heaviness of the head, not continuing a long time, but associated with general sick feeling and little appetite (seventh day). Confusion of the forehead (fifth day). Confusion and heat of the forehead. Confusion of the forehead and itching of scalp (second and fifth days).

Confusion in the frontal region (sixth day). Slight confusion of the left frontal region, which gradually extended over the whole head, with prickling in the scalp (first day). Vertigo (immediately), (first day); (second day), etc. Vertigo, as if she were going down a mountain (first day). Vertigo the whole afternoon (fourth day). Vertigo, towards evening (first, second, and third days. Vertigo; if on standing still he leans against anything, it seems as though the brain were moving in the head, or as though he were riding in a wagon with his eyes closed.

Vertigo, with pain in the forehead, towards evening (fifth day). Vertigo and dim vision (after one hour), (second day). Vertigo and weakness accompanied all the symptoms (fourth day). Slight vertigo (fifth day). Great vertigo (first day). Violent vertigo (sixth day). Attacks of vertigo and dim vision (seventh day).

Periodic attacks of vertigo, with general sick feeling, disordered appetite, and fullness in stomach, the whole day (eighth day). Dizziness in the head. Dizzy; all objects seemed to turn in a circle; she immediately lay down on the bed, followed by frequent eructations; she then slept quietly until morning, and awoke feeling well (after two hours), (first day).

A frequent sensation as though objects were turning in a circle; these attacks were frequently repeated on the next day (sixth day); aggravated on moving in the open air, and relieved in the room and while sitting (fifth day). Objects did not seem to turn in a circle (as after the preceding dose), but they had a waving motion, lasting fifteen minutes (second day). General Head.

Great congestion to the head (fourth day). Great rush of blood to the head, with violent headache, anxiety, and dim vision (third day). While lying in the evening in bed, perceptible pulsation in the brain, with late falling asleep. Feeling of heaviness in the head (in addition to his usual headache), (fifth day). Feeling of emptiness in the head, which changes to a prickling in the scalp and skin of the face (second day). Dizzy fullness and heat of the head (third day). Head feels as if bound up (second day). Headache (sixth day). Headache for two hours (third day). Headache in the morning and evening (second day). Headache towards evening (fourth day). Headache in the evening (first day). Headache, in the evening on going to sleep (first and second days). Headache and vertigo (after half an hour), (first day). Headache and vertigo (sixth day). Headache and vertigo, the whole afternoon (first day). Headache, with great weakness and nauseous taste (third day). Headache, with yawning, but without sleepiness (after five hours). Slight headache, lasting several hours. Violent headache, lasting the whole night (eighth day). Violent headache and transient nausea (second day). Violent headache, with flickering before the eyes, on rising in the morning; this headache lasted all this day and the net, diminished on the third, and disappeared on the fourth (third day). Painful drawing in the brain, extending from the left side of the occiput through the left temple as far as the forehead in a direct line (after one hour). Pressive, stupefying headache (thirteenth day). Tearing pressive pain in the head externally. Oppressive stupefaction in the whole head, with obscuration of vision; it seems as though a fog were before the sight, and as though the eyes were about to close (after one hour). Menstruation reappeared after ten days, with relief of the sticking headaches and weakness (third day).

Stitches in the brain, on stooping (second day). Forehead.

Contraction of the frontal muscles, as in anger (sixth day).

Pain in the frontal region (fourth day). Violent pain in the frontal region (eighth day). Violent pain in the forehead (fourth and sixth days). Violent pain in the forehead and temples (fourth day). Very violent pain in the forehead (sixth day). Headache in the frontal region (fifth day). Pressive- drawing pain, extending from the right side of the forehead to the left and then back again into the right side; afterwards in the left temple; disappearing after touch (after nine hours).

Pressive pain in the forehead (sixth day). Pressive stupefying headache in the forehead, followed by nausea and eructations (fifteenth day). Sticking pains in the right frontal and temporal regions, lasting half an hour, after every dose (second day). Sticking headache over the right eye and in the temporal region. Continued sticking in the forepart of the brain, on stooping. Jerking-sticking pain in the right frontal region, which extend to the face, worse on moving (second day). Sudden violent tearing in the right side of the frontal bone. Temple.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.