
Digitalis homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common names: Foxglove; (G). Fingerhut.


Digitalis purpurea, L. Natural order: Scrofulariaceae.

Preparation: Tincture prepared from the leaves of the second year of the plant.


Emotional. Secretive insanity, with obstinacy; he tries to escape. Delirium (third day). Slight delirium at night, with some agitation (third day); rather violent delirium in the night (fourth day); so delirious during night that it was necessary to use restraint (fifth day). Irrational talking, with uneasiness, at night. I was in a state bordering on drunkenness (second day). Intoxicated feeling. Excessively intoxicated. Many lively fancies. Great desire to be alone. Disinclination to talk. Continual sighs and groaning (fifth day). Gayety bordering on intoxication, with debility. Peaceful, quiet mood (curative action). Great depression. Dejection. Dejection of mind and apprehensiveness. (* Not found.-HUGHES. *) Sadness, with feeling as though he were very sick; all objects appear to him as to one sick with a fever. Great sadness and dejection throughout the whole proving. Weeping sadness about many things which have disappointed him. Gloominess and ill-humor. Anxiety, as though he has done wrong. Anxiety, with great dread of the future, worse about 6 P.M., with sadness and weeping, which bring relief. Great anxiety. Internal anxiety, like pangs of conscience, as though he had committed a crime, or expected to be reproved, continuing nearly three months. (Loss of courage.) (* On account of the apparent inefficacy of the medicine.-HUGHES. *) Fear of death. Apprehensiveness, as if rising from the upper abdomen. apprehensiveness, with much sighing, throughout the whole proving. Fearful apprehensiveness of a sad character, with great depression, extremely aggravated by music. Very irritable and out of humor (seventh day). Great irritability; everything, especially sad things, affect him very much, and the merest trifle can make him hopelessly despondent; lasting more than three months. Gloomy, morose mood; he gets angry at everything. Much agitated; continually complaining (fourth day). Indifference. Indifferent mood in general, as if he had not slept as much as usual, yet without sleepiness. Very indifferent to everything, for several days. Intellectual. Increased energy of the intellectual faculties; the imagination in particular was unusually active (first day). Great desire to work (after one;hour and a half). Inclination for mental labor and all kinds of business (curative action). Mind incapable of study (ninth day). Intellectual faculties obscured and dull (seventeenth day). Intellectual faculties greatly weakened (after seven days). Intellectual faculties seemed to be affected, as if I had taken more wine than usual (fifteenth day). Intellectual faculties were in a state bordering on delirium (third day). Impaired thought (fourth day). Thinking is difficult, and he forgets everything, immediately, with internal and external heat of the head. Dulness of mind, with indifference, especially at evening. Confusion of ideas for six days. Was unable to connect my ideas (sixteenth day). Weakness of memory. Patient stupefied (seventh day). Intellectual faculties were in a state approaching stupor and delirium (fourth day). Stupor, and decided comatose condition; answered question vaguely (after four days). Lost his consciousness, and at last fell down in a state of syncope (second morning).


Confusion and Vertigo. Confusion of the head; (second and third days). Confusion of the head like an intoxication. Confusion of the head, with some confusion of the mind (fifth day). Confusion of the head, which causes difficulty in thinking, and gradually changes into a pressive pain (seventh day). Confusion of the head, which gradually became a pressive pain, extending from the vertex over the whole head, with the same sensation in the eyes as on the previous day, with small and slow pulse, somewhat increased secretion of urine, and for half an hour very violent irritation of the genitals (fifth day, half an hour after 2 grains). Transient confusion of the head, not amounting to vertigo (third day). Slight confusion of the head (first day). Slight confusion of the head, becoming a pressive headache (second day). Slight confusion of the head, which after an hour changed into a pressure in the occipital region; this continued with intermissions till towards noon; while the brain was affected in this way I noticed that external objects frequently presented themselves in a false light; I did not actually see double, but not in a right light (first day). Vertigo, etc. Vertigo, so that she fell down while ascending steps. Vertigo, with anxious sensations though faintness would occur, while standing leaning against a chair (after two hours). Vertigo, on rising from sitting, and noticeable weakness of the limbs (second day). Vertigo, with dimness of vision, disabling her from going down stairs (after three hours). Vertigo, with trembling. (*After each dose.-dose.-HUGHES. *) Slight vertigo, lasting twenty minutes (after ten minutes). Slight and transient vertigo, very soon. Feeling of slight vertigo, so that it was necessary to fix the eyes upon an object for some time (second day). Violent vertigo (soon after). Giddiness, continuing six days. Dizziness. Dizziness in the head, with inability to think. He felt dizzy and heavy (second morning). Felt quite dizzy and heavy (soon after). General Head. The head is affected. (* Not found.-HUGHES. *) The head constantly falls backward while sitting and walking, as if the anterior cervical muscles were paralyzed and powerless. Almost constant;noise in his head. A sudden cracking noise in the head, during the midday nap, with frightened starting up. Obscuration of the head, with dull headache (second day). Dulness in the head, as if hypochondriac. Frequent sensation on bending the had forward, as though something in it fell forward. Violent pain in the head (second morning). Heat on and in the whole head. Flushes of heat in the head (fifth day). Violent heat in the head. Sensation as of swelling in the head. Head heavy, confused, as if full. Headache. Headache for several days. Headache, on stooping, in the morning immediately after rising. Headache worse on walking, stooping, overheating (for several hours). Headache, with confusion of the head. Headache, with slight nausea. Slight headache (tenth day). Slight headache, with cutting pains in the abdomen, followed by warmth over the whole body and pressure towards the bladder (fourth day). Violent headache. Drawing in the cranial bones. Dull pain in the head (sixteenth day). Pressure on several spots of the head. Headache, pressure, and heaviness, as form rush of blood to the head. A tensive pressure affecting the had, especially in the forehead and left temple, in the evening (after three and twelve days). Pressive headache, especially on the vertex and in the forehead (fourth day). Pressive headache, especially in the occiput and vertex (second day). Sense of weight in the head all day (sixth day). Troublesome sense of weight in the head, relieved in the forenoon by an attack of epistaxis (eighth day). Acute headache, on waking in the morning, lasting through the day, worse in the afternoon, and becoming most severe in the evening, so that the prover was obliged to go to bed sooner than usual; he felt unfitted for work the whole day (eighth day). Very acute headache, in the morning on waking (sixth day). Undulating headache, like the beating of waves within the head, towards both sides, aggravated while standing or bending backward, relieved by lying or stooping. Forehead. Slight pain and heaviness in the frontal region (second day). Violent pain in head. Becomes conscious and complains of violent pains in the head. Tensive sensation in the forehead, on turning the eyes to one side. Frontal headache (third day). Slight headache in the frontal region. Suffered from severe frontal headache, with pressure on the temples, in the evening (after second dose, sixteenth day). Pressure, as from a heavy weight, in the middle of the upper part of the forehead, on exerting the mind. Tensive pressure in the forepart of the forehead. Contractive pressure in the forepart of the forehead and in the temples, aggravated by thought. Dull pain in the right side of the forehead, during the forenoon (first day). Dull frontal headache, much increased by movement (ninth day). Dull frontal headache throughout the day, with frequent uneasiness in the region of the heart (seventh day). Wakened with dull frontal headache and nausea (fifth morning). A sharp pressive pain in the forehead, in a small spot over the eye. Some stitches in the left frontal region. Pressive stitch externally in the left side of the forehead. Sudden, very violent sticking tearing in the right frontal region, extending from the right eye-brow upward, lasting but a short time, though suddenly returning three times, at 1 P.M. (second day). Throbbing headache in the forehead or at the bottom of the orbits. Temples. Jerk like pressure, now in the temples, now in the whole head. Pressive sensation in the region of the right temporal bone. Sticking, now in the right, now in the left temporal region. Some dull stitches in the left temple, which shoot through the whole brain, in the evening and at night in sleep. Tearing stitches in the left temple. Tearing in the right temporal region close to the ear. Vertex. Heaviness in the head in the region of the vertex. Headache over the top of the head, with temporary giddiness (sixth and seventh days). Pressure in the region of the vertex, lasting a quarter of an hour. Pressure on the vertex and in the forehead. Parietals. Stitch like tension in a small spot in the parietal portion of the brain, every time on stooping; it extended into the left upper teeth, and always disappeared on rising. Drawing in the sides of the head, causing dizziness. Pressure and tension in the sides of the head (soon). Jerk like pressure in the right side of the head (seventh day). Tearing in the left side of the head. Pulse-like sensation, as if the brain were beating like water against both sides of the skull and would burst it, with confusion. One-sided headache, like an internal itching. Occiput. Violent pressure in the left half of the occiput. Sensation of pressure in the occiput, which distinctly extended from the right to the left side; from the occiput this pressure extended to the vertex; with this some confusion of the head and indications of incipient vertigo. Pressive pain in the occipital protuberance, as from a blow or fall. A pressive pain in the occiput returned after each dose, but, after a grain and a half, increased to the most violent sticking pain, especially affecting the occiput and vertex; the forehead also was not entirely free from pain (first day). External Head. External heat of the head.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.