
Drosera homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

   Common names: Round-leaved Sundew; (Germ)., Sonnenthau; (Fr)., Rosee an Soleil; (Span, ), Rociada.


Drosera rotundifolia, Linn. Natural order: Droseraceae. Preparation: Tincture of entire plant.


Emotional. Joyful, good courage; he had not fear of evil, because he was conscious of having done right. (* Reaction, curative action.-HAHNEMANN. *) Quiet mood. (* Reaction, curative action.- HAHNEMANN. *) Internal quiet and good humor (after twelve hours). (* Reaction, curative action.-HAHNEMANN. *) He is depressed by the persecutions of others on all sides, and also discouraged and solicitous about the future (after four hours). He is dull and despondent about the troubles of life, which men cause each other and him, about which he is anxious and solicitous, together with loss of appetite (after five hours). Joyless, stupid, and disinclined for physical or mental labor (after thirty-three hours). Anxiety, especially in the evening about 7 or 8 o’clock, as if he were impelled to jump into the water in order to take his life by drowning; he was not impelled to any other kind of suicide. Anxiety when alone; he constantly desired to have some one with him, and would not be without men, and was more quiet if he could speak to some one; but if he were again left alone, he became all the more anxious, until falling asleep; on waking, the anxiety, returned (six evenings in succession). Anxiety, with sudden flushes of heat over the whole body, especially over the whole face, as if he should hear unpleasant news (after three hours and a half), and again (after twenty-seven hours) shivers over the whole body, without heat or sweat. The anxiety seems to rise up again from the region beneath the ribs. Anxiety, as if his enemies allowed him no rest, but persecuted and pursued him. Restless mood and anxiety the whole day; full of distrust, as if he were dealing with none but false men (after thirty-eight hours). Extremely uneasy, sad mood the whole day; he imagines that he would be deceived by tricky, designing men. Taciturn, quiet, and anxious; he was constantly in dread of hearing something unpleasant. He is very much affected by offences, with some vexation. Very ill-humored; a trifle puts him out. An insignificant circumstance so aroused him, that he was beside himself with rage (after four days and a half). Obstinate in the execution of his matured plans. Intellectual. Uneasiness; while reading, he is unable to keep his mind upon any subject, but is constantly obliged to change to another (after thirty-six hours).


Confusion and Vertigo. Head is confused and heavy. Vertigo on walking in the open air (after fourth day). Attack of vertigo on walking in the open air; is constantly inclined to fall to the left side (after nine hours). Dizzy and whirling, with disinclination to work (after thirty-three hours). General Head. Heaviness of the head on holding it upright, but not on stooping (after thirty-seven hours). Painfulness of the whole brain; he feels every step in it (after right hour). Heat of the head. Pressive headache. Tearing pain in the brain, more towards the forehead; more violent on moving the eyes; relieved by resting the head upon the hand (after ten hours),. Forehead. Tearing, tensive headache in the forehead, more violent on stooping (after eleven hours). Headache in the forehead, like the confusion of the head which arises from violent talking, after violent motion and while walking. Headache above the orbits, on stooping, disappearing on walking. Boring pain from within outward in the forehead, only on stooping while writing (after seven hours),. Pressive pain, extending from within outward to the forehead and to both zygomata (after seven hours and a half). Sharp, cutting, needle-like stitches in the right side of the forehead (after thirty-three hours). Sore pain in the left frontal eminence. Pressive, gnawing headache externally above the right brow, together with drawing thence into the cerebellum, in the morning (after twenty-eight hours). Temple. Headache, pressing from within outward at the right temple. Pressive headache above the right temple (after three hours and a half). Parietals. Drawing pain in the right half of the brain, extending towards the occiput (after nine hours). Dull, drawing pain in the left side of the brain, extending towards the temple (after twenty-eight hours). External Head. Biting, burning pain in the scalp of t he vertex (after ten hours). Dull, boring pain externally on the crown (after ten hours). Pressure, at times conjoined with gnawing, externally on the upper part of the head (after two hours). Sore sensation in the skin of the right temple. A sore pain in the scalp above the right side of the forehead (after thirty-two hours). Burning, sore pain in the scalp of the right side, always disappearing on touch (after six hours and a half). Itching-gnawing on the forepart of the scalp, disappearing on rubbing. Excessive itching on the whole of the scalp, especially on the sides, obliging him to scratch (after twelve hours).


Tensive burning transversely across the left eye and lids (after thirteen hours). A cutting pain transversely across the whole of the left eye. On exerting the vision, he experiences a pain in the eyes, which is more biting than pressing. Severe stitches from within outward to the eyes, especially on stooping. Brow. Drawing, burning pain in the superciliary ridge, more towards the temples (after twenty-five hours). Pain, as if suppurating, upon pressing on the left eye, brow, and lid (after three days). Lids. Agglutination of the lids, as with matter. Sore pain in the right lower lid, worse on touch (after eleven hours). Itching of the lids (after twenty-four hours). Ball. Burning pain in the right eyeball, and fine stitches in the left inner ear (after nine hours). A sharp stitch in the left eyeball during rest. Dull tearing across the left eyeball (after thirty-two hours). Pupil. Dilated pupils (after twenty-five hours). Pupils contracted; (after one to two hours). Vision. Obscuration of vision, without vertigo, with vibrations before the eyes, at 7 P.M., on entering the room from the open air after a walk. It seems as though a veil were before the eyes; the letters run together while reading. Farsightedness (presbyopia) and weakness of the eyes; on attempting to recognize small objects, there is a vibration before the eyes. Glistening flickerings play before the eye, more about the upper part and on one side; when he looks at the flickering, it moves more out of the field of vision; it disturbs him while reading (after forty-eight hours).


External. Drawing pain in the right lobule and part of the cartilage of the right ear (after thirty-one hours). Picking and burning pain externally in the whole of the right ear; soon afterwards, dull drawing from without inward (after fifty-one hours). Tearing and twitching pain in the front of the left meatus auditorius (after thirty-five hours). Sharp gnawing beneath both cartilages of the ears (after half an hour). Internal. A pain internally in the right ear, as if everything would be pressed together, almost cramp like (after seven hours and a half). Tensive sticking in the left ear, more external than internal (after twelve hours). Dull stitch in the right ear, not wholly external (after three hours). A broad, slow stitch through the left ear, extending inward (after two hours). A tickling stitch in the innermost portion of the right ear. Twinging and sticking in the left middle ear (after thirty hours). Hearing. Difficult hearing, with increased humming before the ears. Humming and roaring before the ears, or like the sound of a distant drum, continuing during both motion and rest.


Objective. Frequent sneezing, with or without fluent coryza (after thirteen and twenty-four hours). Painful sneezing and a cough, which obliges him to lay the hand upon the chest and hold it. Violent fluent coryza, especially in the morning. Blowing of blood from the nose in the morning while washing the face (fourth day). Epistaxis in the morning and evening. Epistaxis on stooping. Prickling in the left side of the nose, and crawling in the left ear. Crawling sensation in t he right nostril, provoking sneezing (after twenty-six hours). Smell. Great sensitiveness to sour smells (third day).


Cheeks. Biting pain on the inner side of the left cheek, as after pepper (after two hours). Sudden fine jerking in the left cheek, which gives him a start (after eight hours). Drawing pressure on the superior maxillary bones (after two hours). Lips. Cracking in the middle of the lower lip. Constant dry lips, with little taste. China Burrowing pressure in the right articulation of the jaw and in the adjacent bones, continuing during rest and motion, always worse on opening the mouth (after fifty-two hours). Violent pressive pain in the right articulation of the jaw during rest and motion (after twenty-six hours). Sticking-tearing in the left lower jaw, as if in the periosteum (after eight hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.