
Dulcamara homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common names: Woody Nightshade (not Deadly Nightshade, Belladonna), Bittersweet (not Climbing Bittersweet, Celastrus). German, Bittersuss. French, Douce-amere, Morelle.


Solanum Dulcamara, Linn. Natural order: Solanaceae. Preparation: Tincture of plant above woody portion, gathered just before flowering.


Emotional. Delirium. Delirium at night, with increased pains. (* Not found.-HUGHES. *) Delirious fantasies and delirium. She awakes early, as if called, and sees the form of a ghost, which keeps enlarging until it disappears. Constant picking in the air and at his clothes. Restlessness of mind. Screaming, as in hydrocephalus. Anxiety and fear of the future after midnight. Very ill-humored, discontented with everything, for several days. *Quarrelsome mood in the afternoon, without, however, being vexed thereby. *Impatient in the morning; he stamps the feet, throws everything away from him, begins to rave, and at last to cry. Intellectual. Patients did not seem to know what was going on about them. Took no notice of his surroundings, and heard nothing when spoken to.


Confusion and Vertigo. Stupefaction of the head. Violent stupefaction. Vertigo, etc. Vertigo in the morning on rising from bed, so that he almost fell, with trembling of the whole body and general weakness Vertigo while walking at noon, before eating; it seems as though all objects in front of him stood still, and it became black before his eyes. Momentary vertigo. Slight, very transient vertigo. Dizziness of the head, with rising warmth in the whole of the face She staggers and reels. General Head. Dulness in the head, as after intoxication, disappearing in the open air. Dulness in the head, with drawings in the frontal eminences. Dull and confused in the head in the evening. Dulness and painful stupefaction of the head. Heaviness of the head Heaviness of the head, with a boring-out pain in the temples and forehead, as after a debauch. Heaviness of the whole head throughout the day, as if the scalp were tense, especially in the nape of the neck, where the sensation became a crawling. Heat in the head. Head hot, dizzy, with obscuration of vision, which changed to flickering of black spots before the eyes on waking in the morning. Pressive tensive pain in the head, above the right eye (after three hours). Headache. Headache in the morning in bed, aggravated on rising. Headache, making him stupid, lasting ten days. Headache, with indolence, icy coldness of the whole body, and inclination to vomit. Dull headache, especially in the left frontal eminence. Boring headache from within outward, before midnight. Drawings in the head, extending from both temples inward. Slow drawing pain through the whole brain, especially in the evening (after quarter of an hour). Pressure, as with a dull instrument internally, only upon very small places of the head. Pressing-out headache on walking in the open air towards evening. Dull pressive headache, becomes worse in the evening, with increasing coryza. Stitches in the head, so that she became angry about them, mostly in the evening, relieved by lying down. Forehead. Heaviness in the forehead (after twelve hours). Heaviness in the forehead for several days, with stitches in the temporal region from within outward. Bursting pains extending from the forehead to the bridge of the nose (after third day). Dull headache in the forehead and root of the nose, as if he had a board in front of the head. Boring pain from within outward, now in the forehead, now in the temples. Boring pain from within outward in the right half of the forehead, above the superciliary ridge. Burrowing and pressure over the whole of the forehead. Burrowing headache deep in the forehead, with gloominess and feeling of distension in the brain, in the morning, in bed, worse after rising. Rapid, jerking drawings in the frontal eminences down to the tip of the nose. Drawing in the left frontal eminence, especially stooping. Pressive drawing in the left frontal eminence. Pressing-out pain in the left frontal eminence very late in the evening. Jerk-like pressing outward in the forehead, worse on motion. Violent stitches in the forehead, deep in the brain, with nausea. Painful, pressive throbbing in the left side of the forehead, with dizziness. Temple. Boring in the right temple. Pressure as with a dull instrument, now in the right, now in the left side, in the temples. Tearing in the left temple at intervals. Pressive drawing in the left temporal region in the afternoon. Pressive tearing in the temples at intervals. Vertex. Drawing pain on the vertex, extending to the nasal bones, where it became a constriction, in the evening while eating. Pressure as with a dull instrument, by paroxysms, on the left side of the vertex, from without inward. Pressive stupefying pain in the left side of the top of the head. Tearing pressing together in the top of the head. Parietals. Stupefying headache just above the left ear, as if something blunt were pressed into the head. Occiput. Heaviness in the occiput, lasting three days. Sensation as thought the occiput was enlarged. Headache in the occiput in the evening, in bed. Pressive pain in the left occipital bone. Pressive stupefying pain in the occiput, rising up from the nape of the neck. Slow sticking in the occiput, as with a needle constantly drawn in and out.


Objective. Eyes wide open, moist, and glittering. Inflammation of the eyes. Subjective. Feeling of dryness and tension in the eyes. Feeling as though fire darted from the eyes, while walking in the sun, and in the room. Pressure in the eyes, very much aggravated by reading. Sensation as though his eyes would be pressed out and be protruded from the orbits. Orbit. Contractive pain in the border of the orbit. Lids. Twitching of the lids in the cold air. A kind of paralysis of the upper lid, as if it would fall down. Pupil. Pupils very much dilated. Pupils extremely dilated. Pupils alternately contracted and dilated. Vision. Dimness of vision. (* With S. 27.-HUGHES. *) Scarcely able to see. Commencing amaurosis, and so much dimness of vision that he seemed to see only through a veil. Sparks before the eyes.


Earache the whole night, so that he was unable to sleep; in the morning the pain suddenly disappeared, except some continued rushing noise. A transient drawing in the external meatus auditorius. Stitches in the meatus auditorius and parotid gland. A pinching stitch in the left ear, extending towards the drum Twinging in the right ear, with small stitches. Twinging pain in the left ear, with great nausea. Tearing in the left ear, with stitches from within outward, with drumming and bubbling, so that he could not hear distinctly, and with crackling on opening the mouth, as if something snapped asunder. Prickling in the ears as if cold air were in them. Hearing. Ringing in the ears. Clear ringing in the ears (after four and eight days).


Sneezing. Stopped coryza, with confusion of the head, and sneezing. Bleeding of the nose. Bleeding of the nose, with profuse discharge of bright red very warm blood, and pressure in the region of the longitudinal sinus, which continued even after the bleeding. Very dry nose, in the evening.


Face puffy, anxious distorted. Face puffy, burning hot. Cramplike contraction in the face beneath the left ear, extending to the ramus of the lower jaw, (J. R., from Hahnemann). Cheeks. Drawing and tearing in the whole cheek. Painless pressure upon the left malar bone (immediately). Lips. Twitching movements of the lips, in the cold air. China Trismus. Pinching in a small spot on the lower portion of the chin.


Teeth. The teeth are dull and seem insensible. Gums. The gums are loose and spongy. Tongue. Tongue very white. Tongue is swollen stiff, and seems paralyzed; was unable to articulate a word, and has to make his desire known by writing. Paralysis of the tongue.

Paralysis of the tongue, after long use. (* Only a citation from Gowan (S. 119), According to Murray.-HUGHES. *) Paralysis of the tongue, in the evening; this symptom increased so much in the course of three or four hours that he could scarcely move his tongue. Paralysis of the tongue, hindering speech (in cold damp weather). Tongue could not be protruded. Dry tongue. Dry, rough tongue. (* See S. 489. *) Itching crawling on the tip of the tongue. General Mouth. Pimples and ulcers in the mouth, on the inside of the upper lip, on the anterior portion of the palate, with tearing pain on moving the parts. Mouth dry. Saliva. Accumulation of saliva. (* Not found.-HUGHES. *) Accumulation of saliva, with loose, spongy gums. Constant grasping at the mouth, as though he would take something out of it; constantly spitting about. Saliva tenacious and soap like. Tenacious, soapy saliva is discharged in large quantities. Taste. Flat, soapy taste in the mouth, with loss of appetite. Speech. Stammering from time to time, as if delirious or intoxicated. Indistinct articulation, although he constantly endeavored to speak. Loss of speech. Speech is impossible, followed by rattling respiration, cramps, tetanic stiffness, and death.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.