
Euphorbium homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Gum Euphorbium. The resinous exudation or juice of Euphorbia resinifera, Berg., exported from Morocco. Preparation: Tincture.


Quiet, reflective; seeks quiet, though with inclination to work. Earnest and quiet mood, even while in company with others. Melancholy. (* From Euphorbia lathyris, Archiv, 6. 3, 182. *) Anxiety. Anxiety, as if he had taken poison. Apprehensive, solicitous mood, though not unfitted for work.


Vertigo. Vertigo while standing; everything turned about, therewith he threatened to fall to the right side. Violent attack of vertigo, while walking in the open air, even to falling to the left. General Head. Screwed-in sensation in the whole of the brain and in the zygomata, with toothache. Headache, as from disordered stomach. (* From the dust of the powder, Archiv f. Hom., 6, 3, 164. *) Violent headache. Headache, as though the head would be pressed asunder. Tensive pressure in the head, especially in the forehead and cervical muscles, in every position. Sticking headache, especially in the forehead. Forehead. Pressure in the right side of the forehead. Dull pressure in the forehead above the left orbit. Pressive pain in the forehead (after twenty-four hours). Pressive pain externally in the forehead above the left eye, with lachrymation, and inability to open it on account of pain. Dull, stupefying, pressive pain in the forehead. Sticking pain in the left side of the forehead. Vertiginous tearing in the left side of the forehead, on moving the head. Temples. Pressive sticking pain externally in the temples. Parietals. Stupefying pain in the forepart of the right side of the head, which then extends into the forehead. Pressure in the left half of the brain. Pressive- sticking headache beneath the right parietal bone. Occiput. Pressive pains in the occiput. Bruised pain in the left side of the occiput; he was unable to lie upon it.


Objective. The white of the eye covered with deep fine vessels, so that it looked a pale rosy-red, and slightly puffy; the cornea was somewhat dim; the pupils very small, somewhat drawn upward, insensible; the inner vascular zone of a dark brownish-red; vision was prevented by photophobia and lachrymation. Glutinous sensation in the right eye, as though it were full of matter. Subjective. Pressure in the eyes, as from sand. Sticking pains, extending into the inner portion of the eye. Biting in the eyes, with lachrymation. (* From the dust of the powder, Archiv f. Hom., 6, 3, 165. *) Brow and Orbit. Left eyebrow and temporal region were swollen, red and hot, not very sensitive to touch, the upper lid hanging down over the lower, oedematous, and immovable; the eyes were watery, with sticking in them, and frequent vision of sparks. Tearing-sticking pain in the orbit, extending across the eyebrow and lids (after two hours); both lids much swollen, the upper hanging down immovable; both were hot. Lids. Pale-red inflammation of the eyelids, with nightly secretion of matter which agglutinates them. Swelling of the lids, with tearing above the eyebrows, on opening the eyes. Agglutination of the right eye in the morning, in waking, so that it was difficult to open it. Heaviness of the eyelids; they close irresistibly, with reeling in the head. Feeling of dryness of the lids; they press upon the eye. Hardened mucus in the right external canthus. Pinching in the left external canthus. Itching in the left external canthus, disappearing on rubbing. Lachrymal Apparatus. On raising the lid, which was very difficult, a gush of tears. Pupil. Dilated pupils (after six hours). Vision. Short and dim vision, so that he only recognized his acquaintances when very near, and even then only as through a veil. (* From applying the juice of Euphorbia dulcis to the lids. Archiv f. Hom., 6, 3, 165. *) Photophobia. Intolerance of light and noise. Double vision; on looking at any one walking, it seems as though a second person were walking just behind him. Everything seems too large, so that he lifts his legs too high, as though he had to step over mountains. All objects appear in variegated colors.


Earache, in the open air. Roaring in the ears, at night. Ringing in the ear, also when sneezing. Noises in the right ear, as from crickets.


Sneezing; (from smelling the powder). Frequent sneezing without coryza. Increased discharge of mucus from the nose, without trace of the coryza. Profuse discharge of mucus from the nose, without sneezing, with suffocative biting therein, extending to the frontal sinuses, so that she could draw no air through the nose. (* From the dust of the powder. *) Fluent coryza, without sneezing. Violent ineffectual irritation to sneeze in the left nostril.


Paleness of the face; sickly look. Swelling even of portions of the face not touched by the juice. Erysipelatous inflammation of the face and external head. Violent burning in the face (from the application of the juice). Swelling of the left cheek, with tensive pain, and when touched a bruised pain. White swelling of the cheeks, feeling oedematous to the touch, lasting four days. Red inflamed swelling of the cheek, with boring, gnawing, and digging from the gum into the ear, and with itching and crawling in the cheek when the pain is relieved. Excessive red swelling of the cheek, with many yellow vesicles upon it, which open and discharge a yellowish moisture (from the application of the juice). Erysipelatous inflamed swelling of the cheek, with vesicles as large as peas filled with yellow liquid (from the application of the juice). Tensive pain in the cheek, as if it were swollen. Jerking-like tearing in the muscles of the left cheek, almost as in toothache. Sore pain in the vermilion border of the lower lip, as if he had bitten it.


Teeth. Toothache, aggravated by touch and by chewing, in the next to the last left upper back tooth. Pressive toothache in a left lower back tooth, disappearing on biting the teeth together. A dull pressive pain in the two last back teeth of the left upper jaw. Toothache, as if screwed in, in a hollow tooth, with jerking in it, as if it would be torn out. Sticking pain in the first back tooth of the left lower jaw. Dull sitting pain in the last back tooth of the left upper jaw. Toothache, on beginning to eat, with chilliness; a gnawing-tearing, together with headache, as if shattered by the toothache, with a screwed-in sensation in the brain and in the zygomata. Pain in the tooth like a boil, when touched. Tongue. Coated tongue and almost all the usual concomitants of high nervous erethism. General Mouth. A membranous pellicle peels off the upper part of the palate. Sensation of dryness in the mouth, without thirst. Burning on the palate, as from glowing coals (after five minutes). Saliva. Accumulation of saliva follows frequent shuddering in the skin. Accumulation of saliva, with nausea and shivering. Much accumulation of saliva the mouth. Excessive accumulation of saliva, with salty taste in the mouth on the left side of the tongue. Much tenacious mucus in the mouth, after the midday sleep. Taste. Flat taste in the mouth, after breakfast, with a white-coated tongue. Bitter, sharp taste. Very bitter taste. Foul, bitter taste in the mouth, after drinking beer that he relished, especially on the back part of the tongue. Taste in the mouth as if it were covered internally with rancid fat.


Profuse discharge of mucus from the posterior nares. Burning in the throat. Burning in the throat and stomach, as if a flame streamed out of it; was obliged to open the mouth. Burning in the throat, extending to the stomach, as from Spanish pepper, with accumulation of mucus in the mouth. Burning in the throat, extending to the stomach, with trembling anxiety and heat in the whole upper portion of the body; nausea, flowing of water from the mouth, and dryness of the cheeks. Scraping and rawness in the throat, the whole day. Inflammation of the oesophagus.


Appetite. Great hunger, with a lax stomach hanging down and a sunken abdomen; he ate much with the greatest appetite (after two hours). Thirst. Thirst for cold drinks. Eructations and Hiccough. Incessant eructations. Empty eructations. Frequent empty eructations. Profuse empty eructations. (* From the dust of the powder. *) Hiccough. Frequent hiccough. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea, in the morning (after twenty-four hours). Nausea, with shuddering, soon. Vomiting. Vomiting, with diarrhoea. Stomach. Relaxation of the stomach; it hangs down loose. Inflammation of the stomach. It caused a very severe pain at the pit of the stomach. Agreeable sensation of warmth in the stomach, as after spirituous drinks (after three-quarters of an hour). Burning in the stomach. Burning in the stomach, as if he had swallowed pepper. Burning in the stomach, as from glowing coals. Burning sensation in the pit of the stomach, after eating, combined with pressure. Contraction in the stomach from all sides towards the middle, as if constricted, with accumulation of saliva in the mouth and nausea. Spasmodic contraction in the stomach, with eructations of air. Spasmodic pain in the stomach. Griping and clawing in the left side of the stomach, followed by constriction of the cardiac orifice, with increased secretion of salty saliva and shuddering in the skin. Painful griping in the stomach, as if it would be compressed, followed by accumulation of saliva and nausea. Pressure on the left side of the stomach. His stomach is painful to touch, as if he had received a blow upon it.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.