
Formica homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

   Common name (Fr)., Fourmi fauve des bois.


Formica rufa, Linn.

Class, Hymenoptera.

Preparation: Tincture of live ants.


Emotional. Mind unusually excited (after thirty minutes). An exhilarated condition, almost like that produced by champagne, began after the pain in the vertex had somewhat abated, and continued until after 9 A.M.; at the same time, a cold feeling inwardly when inhaling (as from mint). All day very happy and inclined to be jolly (second day). During the day remarkably happy and able to study; everything of mind and body, but easily depressed, and by slight causes this happy state was changed for a short time to despondency; sudden, but momentary spells of unhappiness; everything looks dark (mentally), (third day).

Easily depressed; things do not look as cheerful as on yesterday and before; little things cause lowness of spirits, yet soon return to cheerfulness (forty-sixth day). Sudden and unexpected returns of sense of mortification and grief, with vivid recollection of circumstances long since passed, which had caused great mortification and pain, and which had rendered several years of his life unhappy; this was caused by the transaction of a near relative; this grief continues, and manifests itself whenever he is not occiput (after several weeks). Irritable feeling, with disposition to become angry easily and at slight things (first day). Morose and disinclined to work, fearful and apprehensive, all the evening. Intellectual. Remarkable and unexpected activity of the mind during the day, with absence of the usual dulness and sleepiness (second day). Unable to study long at night (first day). She begged earnestly to be removed, and then became unconscious, and with rattling in the throat died in three-quarters of an hour.


Confusion and Vertigo. Dull, confused sensation in the head, which continued for twenty minutes (fifteen minutes after first dose); same sensation, but more distinct (after second dose); still more distinct and of longer duration (after third dose), (first day). Dizziness in the morning, after dressing, when writing (second day). Inclined to be giddy while eating (second day). Giddy, on attempting to rise, at 4 A.M. (third day). The head symptoms more marked than formerly; slight vertigo; confusion of ideas; difficulty of thinking (after fourth dose).

General Head. Great congestion of head and chest. A stupid feeling in the head, with a sensation of stiffness in the neck at the same time. Dulness of the head, and pressure on both sides between the temples of ears. Heaviness of the head, and a sensation as if the brain were too large and heavy (first day).

Fullness and dulness of the head (part of S.92). Headache daily, from 12 M. till 10 P.M., worse when stooping. Headache all day long, better after combing. Headache in the posterior upper and inner part of the head, increased by drinking coffee, and each time during and after washing with cold water, in the morning (after a dose), (second day). Headache, with nausea. Headache, with vomiting of yellowish, bitter mucus, and stitches in left side of chest, in the morning when waking (fifteenth day). After a day of unusual exertion in the garden, had a severe sick headache, with nervous shudderings and vomiting; is subject to these sick headache after overfatigue, but this was more severe than usual, and accompanied by shooting neuralgic pains in the temples, which she never had before; in the afternoon (fifth day). Headache, with occasional fluttering of the heart, in the afternoon (sixth day). Dull headache in evening (ninth day).

Dull pain in the head (commencing at the base of the cranium and extending upwards), most in the temporal regions. Dull pain in the whole head, with occasional boring pain in the right temporal region, with vertigo; pain also in the left. On getting up has the small dull, “thick” headache at the posterior upper and inner part of head (fourth morning). A little headache in the afternoon (fourth day). Forehead. Pain in forehead, with nausea, at 11 A.M. (second day). Dull pain in forehead during the afternoon (fifth day). Dull, heavy pain in the forehead (three hours and a half after third dose, first day). Dull, uncomfortable pain in the forehead, with heat, fullness, and pulsation (third day). Dull headache in forehead in morning (seventh day). Headache, dull, in the right frontal region (first day). A dull headache in the front of the head, with occasionally a shooting pain from the right temple into the head, in the afternoon (second day). Frontal headache, dull, lasting from 12 M. to 10 P.M. (second day); headache as bad as yesterday; at 12 m. some pain, and still lasting (third day). Considerably more pain in the forehead, also more pricking, with slight itching (third day). Sensation like a bubble bursting in the forehead, running around the left side of the head, at noon (first day). Temples. Lancinating pain in the right temporal region (from within out). Vertex. Headache on the top of the head and forehead, particularly through the temples (first day).

Surging in upper part of the brain, momentary, and followed by slight dimness of vision, at 10 P.M. (second day). Headache after dinner on the left side, same as first day (third day).

Drawing headache in left side, after 12 o’clock, relieved after supper (fifth and sixth days). Tearing pain in occiput at 10 P.M. (third day). External Head. The hair on his head ceases falling out when combing (third and fourth days). Before a snowstorm, pain in the aponeurosis and muscles of the head, neck, shoulders, and back. Heat in the scalp (feverish).


Pain in the eyes mornings when awaking, which become better by washing. A cool burning in the eyes, as though snowflakes were falling on the conjunctive and cornea. Feeling of fullness in eyes and ears, with fine stinging in ears (second day).

Irritation in the eyes, as from sand. Brow and Orbit.

Inclination to pain about one inch above the left eye, alternating with pain in the left parotid region, accompanied with pain in the whole temporal region, when touching it with the hand (second day). Pain over both eyes, every day from 12, aching; earlier every day; the same also in the morning. Slight pressure over left eye for a few minutes (after fifteen minutes).

A violent stitch-like tightening over the left eye, posteriorly and inwardly, as if a stick were pressing around something (after a few seconds); this is repeated for several minutes with greater violence, with a burning sensation; it is followed by a painful dulness of the head, except the upper back part. Pain in the left supraorbital region, with giddiness, when going to bed at 11 P.M. (second day). Pain (boring) in the right orbit, followed by pain in the left ear. Dull, pressing pain deep in the orbits.

Lids. Spasmodic twitching of upper lid of right eye, lasting an hour (third day). Itching and soreness in the outer canthus of the right eye, with dimness of sight; sensation as of sand in the eyes, much lachrymation and soreness of the lids. Conjunctiva.

An intolerable itching in the conjunctiva in the morning, which burns when rubbed (first day). Ball. Shooting pain in left eyeball (second night). Vision. Appearance when looking at objects as if seen through a mist (second day).


All the part around the ear swollen and uncomfortable. Pain in left ear (part of S.63). Pain in the left ear (after one hour); subsequently also in the right, but not so severe. Slight pain in left ear (third day). Slight pain in the deaf ear, extending up into the temple, with external sensitiveness. Slight earache for a few hours, almost immediately (after fourth powder).

Pressive pain in both ears (with heat). Stitches in left ear, in afternoon (eleventh day). Slight stitches in left ear (nineteenth day). Long, deep stitches in left ear, lasting two hours, afternoon (second fifth, and thirteenth days). Shooting pain in left ear, at 10 P.M. (third day). A sharp shooting pain in the left ear. Ten or twelve sharp twinges of pain in the right ear (perhaps attributable to a thin muslin nightcap), in the morning before rising (fourth day). Deep seated itching in left ear, at times amounting almost to pain (fifth and sixth days).

Nose Objective.

Sneezing and fluent coryza, followed by a severe pain in the vertex, like a stitch from a dull instrument, a little to the left of the middle, near 9 P.M.; the coryza lasted but fifteen minutes, the pain longer. A cold in the head coming on (sixth day). She was suddenly attacked with a cold in the head, without any other symptom of having previously taken cold; this passed away in about half an hour, in the evening (after fourth powder). Several days after ceasing to take the remedy she got a catarrh (cold in her head), very common to her, only on the right side of the nose, and affecting the right eye; it lasted two days, then suddenly disappeared without going to the left side, which had always been the case in former attacks. Coryza fluent, thin, acrid, causing a burning in the nose. Subjective. Nose sore to the touch, feels as if stopped up. Smell. Smelling Irish whisky, which contains a little creosote, he gets a decided aversion to it.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.