
Gambogia homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common names: Gamboge, Gummi Gutti.


Garcinia morella, Desrousseux (var. pedicellata), (Hebradendron gambogioides, Graham). Natural order: Guttiferae.


Cheerful, talkative. Ill-humor and vehemence on rising in the morning. Ill-humor, vexed, anxious, with continued desire to work, although the work does not advance as he would wish.


Vertigo. Vertigo frequently, during rest and motion, in the morning on rising, or in the forehead when spinning (succeeded by anxiety). General Head. Heaviness in the whole head, with inertia, drowsiness and pain in the small of the back. Pain in the whole head and beating in the forehead, towards the nose, in the forenoon. Frequent mounting of heat to the head, with sweat. Compressive pains in the head. Oppressive headache, with heaviness in the forehead (in the afternoon, relieved in the open air), or with heat in the head and whole body. Forehead. Heaviness and beating in the forehead in the forenoon. Temples. Feeling of great coldness in the left temple, as if occasioned by a wet, cold cloth, for a quarter of an hour in the afternoon. Transitory tearing in the left temple in the afternoon. Vertex. Headache in the vertex, as if bruised, relieved in the open air, in the forenoon. Parietals. Sharp stitches in the right side of the head and in the temples. Compressive pain in the head, from both sides, in the forenoon.


Dryness of the eyes, with yawning and sneezing. Violent burning of the eyes and photophobia in evening or afternoon, relieved by walking in the open air, but returning on the following morning.

Violent itching of the eyes in the evening. Lids. Nightly agglutination, burning in the morning, photophobia through the day, and frequent stinging pain in the eyes. Pressure in the internal canthus of the right eye, as from a foreign body, obliging him to rub frequently. Itching of the lower lid.

Itching of the inner canthi (and in the forehead) with discharge of acrid, corrosive tears after rubbing; relieved in the open air. Vision. Occasional dim sightedness of the right eye, as if looking through gauze.


Painful drawing from the right ear to the vertex in the forenoon. Violent sticking in both ears. Violent tearing deep in the ears. Throbbing pain in the left ear, as from an abscess. Hearing. Frequent noises in the ears in the morning. Frequent buzzing in the ear in the afternoon and evening, going off after a sensation as if a leaflet was bursting in the ear.


Objective. Sneezing. Violent chronic sneezing, only in the daytime, generally in the forenoon; excited to an intense degree by strong smells, with irritation in the right nostril above the wing of the nose; dryness of the right nostril; pressure in the internal canthus of the right eye, as from a foreign body (obliging him to rub frequently); occasional dim sightedness of the right eye, as if looking through a gauze, without any catarrhal feeling, without stoppage of the nose, without bleeding at the nose, or diminution of smell. (*The sneezing occasioned the following complaints: Violent tearing pain in the forehead, acute stitches in the left side, heaviness of the lower limbs, flushes of heat all over the body; this symptom has been observed on a lady florist, of nineteen years, and an exquisitely lymphatic constitution, who had been suffering with this affection for a year past, with scarcely any interruption, in consequence of pounding half an ounce of Gamboge. Sil relieved her somewhat, but the lady gave up the treatment. *) A quantity of mucus in the nose smelling like pus. Catarrh, at first dry, afterwards with discharge of offensive mucus. Stopped coryza. Bleeding from the right nostril in the evening. Hemorrhage from the nose, mouth, throat. Subjective. Dryness of the right nostril. Tearing in the nasal bones. Ulceration of the right nostril, with burning pain. Itching in both nostrils from evening until morning.


Tearing in the right malar bone for a quarter of an hour in the evening, and in the right lower jaw frequently during the day. Burning vesicles on the inner surface of the upper lip.


Teeth. Feeling of coldness in the points of the incisors. Tearing in the right molars, also in the gums, with sensation as if the gums were sore and swollen. Beating in one of the right lower molars in cold air. Tongue. Burning of the anterior half of the tongue. Burning of the tip of the tongue, which feels hard. General Mouth. Dry mouth. Extreme sensitiveness of the palate, like a smarting or soreness, relieved by cold. Saliva. Accumulation of water in the mouth. Sweetish taste in the mouth and throat, with subsequent expectoration of bright red blood. Sweetish taste in the throat and expectoration of bloody mucus. Bitter taste in the mouth.


Feeling of swelling in the throat. Choking sensation in the throat, ascending from the chest, arresting the breathing. Sticking in the throat, always on swallowing, disappearing after eating. Violent stinging in the right side of the throat, when swallowing, and when not. Sore pain in the throat, which is felt on external touch. Roughness and burning in the throat, obliging one to hawk constantly. Fauces. Burning soreness low down in the fauces when not swallowing. External Throat. Tearing in the tendons of the sides of the throat, with choking sensation in the throat, lancinating tearing in the left side of the throat under the ear, aggravated by external pressure, thence descending to the region of the larynx, with stinging in the throat during deglutition. Stinging in the goitre.


Appetite. Appetite much increased, almost amounting to ravenous hunger, with much thirst (loss of thirst during the first day of the proving). Violent hunger. Aversion to food. Thirst. Thirst after dinner, and especially in the evening.

Violent thirst in the evening, also at night, preventing falling asleep. Eructation and Hiccough. Frequent, violent empty eructations. Hiccough in the morning after rising. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea and aversion to food. Nausea, proceeding from the stomach (as if the stomach would become everted) during a walk in the open air, with accumulation of water in the mouth, gulping up of sour water and movements in the stomach. Nausea, inclination to vomit, ptyalism, roughness of the throat. Qualmishness on eating soup in the morning, relieved after eating bread. Slight qualmishness and frequent attacks of nausea. Inclination to vomit, followed by painful twitching in the umbilical region, and diarrhoeic stools. Constant heaving, going off after dinner. Violent vomiting. Horrid vomiting and purging, with fainting. Stomach. Weakness of the stomach, as after long fasting, with accumulation of water in the mouth. Contractive and sore feeling in the stomach, with sensitiveness to the touch. Painful feeling of constriction of the stomach after dinner. Aching in the stomach, with slight qualmishness. Gnawing in the stomach, with slight moving of flatulence in the abdomen. Pressure in the stomach and chest, arresting the breathing, in paroxysms, going off after an eructation. Dartings in the stomach, causing one to start. Constant pain in the inner-most parts the stomach, as if sore, with sensitiveness of the integuments to the touch.

Ulcerative pain of the stomach, going off after eating, succeeded by rumbling in the abdomen during a walk in the open air, and papescent stool. Beating in the stomach, aggravated by leaning against anything.


Hypochondria. Extremely painful burning in the region of the liver. Umbilical. Extremely painful contraction, as with pincers, in the umbilicus. Feeling of constriction and twisting beneath the umbilicus, with urging to stool. Painful gnawing in a small spot beneath the umbilicus. General Abdomen. Inflammation of the intestines. Inflation and accumulation of flatulence.

Inflation and tension of the abdomen, with pinching in the umbilical region. Rumbling in the bowels. Emission of fetid flatulence, preceded by cutting in the bowels. Frequent emission of flatulence, particularly in the evening and at night.

Empty feeling in the abdomen and stomach. Burning and moving of flatulence in the abdomen. Pinching in the abdomen after eating. Frequent violent pinching in the entire abdomen, without urging, or else succeeded by diarrhoea and burning in the anus, after which the pinching ceases. Immediately after eating, twitching in the abdomen or sleep. Sensation of flatulence in the hypogastrium, most painful in the small of the back, succeeded by urging. Tension in the groins. Tension in the groins when standing. Constrictive pain deep in the left inguinal region.

Pinching in the groins, without flatulence. Pinching, as with nails, in the right groin. Sticking in the groins (as from flatulence). Sudden dart in the right groin, causing one to start, when sitting.

Rectum and Anus

Sticking in the anus before stool. Frequent urging, with pinching around the umbilicus, from morning till evening, and protrusion of the rectum (after ten drops of the eighteenth potency).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.