
Gastein homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


The springs of Wildbad-Gastein, In Salzburg, Austria. Temperature of waters varies from 20 0 to 30 0 R. Analysis of 10, 000 parts by Redtenbacher shows: Sodium sulphate.2.085 Ferrum carbonate.0.005 Carbonic acid of the Bi-Sodium chloride.0.428 Aluminium phosphate.0.007 carbonate 0.096 Silicic acid 0.496 Calcium fluoride, } Free Carbonic acid, 0.309 Potassium sulphate.0.135 Strontium, } Potassium carbonate, 0.195 Arsenicum, } traces. Lithium chloride.0.027 Titanic acid, } Magnesium carbonate, 0.017 Rubidium, } Caesium, } Loss 0.004 Total solid constituents, 3.399 The “cure” commences with a bath of a quarter of an hour, temperature 26 0 or 27 0 R., increasing the time by ten minutes daily up to one hour, and the temperature half a degree daily up to 29 0 or 30 0, then gradually returning to the first condition; while in the bath one usually drinks a glass or two of the waters.


Lively play of fantasy. Vivid fantasies. Agreeable excitement during and after the first bath. Lively mood. Conversational.


Confusion and Vertigo. Confusion of the head. Confusion of heat, frequently dizzy (after some days). Vertigo, and rush of blood to the head. Vertigo, as if an attack of apoplexy would come on; great rush of blood to the head (feeling of general fullness), with suppressed pulse, a feeling of deafness, numbness, and paralyses of the left arm that had formerly been paralyzed by gouty and rheumatic pains in the shoulder and wrist. Slight vertigo. General Head. Heat in the head in the evening. Dizzy heaviness of the head, as after a night’s debauch, reeling forward; afterwards, pressure in the forehead, with nausea. Dull headache in the morning (eighteenth day). Rush of blood to the forehead. Pressure in the forehead, with nausea. Intolerable violent, pressive pains in the forehead. Drawing pains in the left temples (tenth day).


Bright look to the eyes. Sensation as though there were sand in the eye, followed by a burning soreness, redness of the conjunctiva of the lids, lachrymation, and agglutination in the morning. The lids suppurate and are agglutinated. Lachrymation in the open air.


A small pustule forms in the left ear, with pressure and painfulness on touch (fourteenth day). Much heat in the ears, with roaring (fourteenth day). The ears feel stopped (seventeenth day). Pulsation in the ears on ascending steps (sixteenth day). Hearing. Re-echoing, on speaking loudly into the ear (seventeenth day). Rumbling and thundering in the ears. Singing and ringing in the ears increased (in the vapor). Sounds of bells and trumpets, so starting, that she thinks they are real, frequently recurring, even after twenty-one days.


An indefinable, almost painful sensation high up in the nose, followed by a condition similar to vertigo. Sensation of constriction in the mucous membrane of the nose.


The expression becomes lively. The color of the face becomes fresh and clear. Feeling of swelling in the face, especially in the nose.


Teeth. On biting the teeth together, they feel as if coated with mucus (after drinking the water). Slight drawing in the roots of some teeth (nineteenth day). The teeth, especially the carious ones, become sensitive and painful. Tongue. Coating of the tongue (secondary action). General Mouth. Dryness of the mouth and throat (eighth day). Sensation of dryness in the mouth in the afternoon (sixth day). Feeling of dryness, and slight contraction in the mouth. Saliva. Slimy saliva in the mouth (first day); better (fifth day); increased (tenth day). Great accumulation of water in the mouth after dinner (first and following day). Discharge of clear water from the mouth, more profuse than usual, and lasting a long time, mixed with some mucus (thirteenth day). ptysis of clear water, almost uninterruptedly, from morning till noon (sixth day). Much mucus in the mouth and fauces. Much spitting, and frequent eructations (seventh day). Taste. Somewhat bitter taste (thirteenth day). Bitter taste, especially in the morning.


Great dryness in the throat (thirteenth and twenty-third days).


Appetite. Appetite increased. Good appetite (later). Diminished hunger and thirst; even with great thirst one is unable to drink much. Appetite diminished (secondary). Little appetite, though previously hungry (first day). Loss of appetite, though he was able to eat. Thirst. Increased thirst. Much drinking, especially on the first day. Eructation. Frequent eructations (sixth day). Constant eructations (ninth day). Many unpleasant eructations (twenty-fourth day). Rising from the stomach in the morning; was obliged to keep it down by swallowing; with loss of appetite, though usually he was obliged to eat very early. Nausea. Nausea and vomiting after a hearty supper (second day). Frequent nausea (twenty-second day). Inclination to vomit, but without result (sixth day). Stomach. Great distension of the stomach, with stupefying rush of blood to the forehead, as if too full, relieved by passing flatulence. Sensation of heaviness and pressure in the stomach. Gastralgia and water brash continuing two months. A feeling of contraction in the stomach. Cramp in the stomach. Very slight, scarcely perceptible pressure in the stomach, at times eructations (first day). Increased pressure in the stomach, with constipation, succeeding rush of blood to the head. Slight oppression in the stomach (ninth day).


Objective. Movings and incarceration of flatulence. Flatulence (ninth day). Feeling of uncertainty in the abdomen (tenth day). Subjective. Heaviness in the abdomen, and dragging from above downward (ninth day). Most violent pain in the region of the cecum, almost causing faintness (in one case, from injection). Habitual colic and diarrhoea.

Rectum and Anus

Bleeding hemorrhoids. Feeling of contraction in the rectum (local effect). Two violent stitches in the left side of the anus (ninth day).


Diarrhoea, with sleeplessness and great weakness. Diarrhoea greenish and bloody (second and fourth days). Mucous, bilious stools. Stools like those of animals. Passage of gallstones. Constipation. Constipation (primary action). Constipation (especially later). Constipation, and moving of flatulence in the abdomen, with ineffectual desire in the rectum. Obstinate constipation. Stool harder (later). Very hard stool.

Urinary Organs

Bladder. Evacuation of stones from the kidneys and bladder. Sensation of loss of power in the bladder (after six days). Urethra. Desire to urinate in the bath. Micturition. Increased secretion of urine. Frequent micturition. Much micturition (later days). Passage of much urine the whole day (sixth day). Excessive amount of watery, cloudy, odorless urine. Little urine with copious drinking (first day). Urine. Light, watery, odorless urine during the first day. Urine dark and depositing a sediment (thirty-fourth day). Urine turbid, thick, ammoniacal (later days). Urine frequently turbid, with purulent sediment. Urine depositing a mealy, white, sand like sediment. Red brick dust sediment to the urine. Slimy, purulent sediment in the urine.

Sexual Organs

Male. The scrotum becomes drawn up. Increased sexual desire. Sexual desire at first increased disappears, and coition is not followed by a n emission. Emission (twenty-first day); on waking (tenth day). Female. Passage of fibrous membranous formations from the uterus. Menstruation which had been suppressed reappears. Menstruation two days shorter, and not half so copious as usual. Suppression of menstruation.

Respiratory Organs

Voice. When reading the voice is very husky, with dryness of the throat (fifteenth day). Some hoarseness, in the evening (twenty-third day). Hoarseness, always after drinking the warm waters. Expectoration of thick grayish bronchial mucus. Expectoration again profuse, lasting nearly the whole day, constant, and in part frothy, mixed with mucus, with unpleasant dryness in the throat (twenty-first day).


Pressive pain in the region of the heart, in the evening (eleventh day). Oppression of the chest. Oppression of the chest (secondary). Pressive pains on the sternum, painful even to touch. The pectoral muscles are painful to the weight of the jacket.

Heart and Pulse

Pressive pain in the region of the heart, in the evening (eleventh day). Palpitation. Pulse becomes rapid but not full nor hard. Pulse more rapid, full, stronger (after a few hours). Pulse 125 after a bath, half an hour later it was 90. Pulse accelerated, during the first twenty minutes 15 beats; falling 5 beats after the bath, as for example, previous to the bath 95; in the bath 110 to 112; twenty minutes after the bath 106, to 104, at noon 100; at 1.30, 106; at 6 P.M., 95; at midnight, 90. After a meal or on ascending a slight height the pulse is accelerated to 100, towards evening was 80 (third day). Pulse rises in the bath to 80; after the bath falls to 64 (second day). Pulse rises in the bath scarcely 4 beats (fifteenth day). Pulse 80, towards evening; 68 and intermittent (after vapor, eighth day). Pulse retarded from 80 to 66, weak and intermittent (third day after vapor). Pulse was slower after the bath, four beats below the normal (seventeenth day). Pulse becomes stronger. Febrile, full and hard pulse. Pulse weak (from the vapor, fifth day). Intermitting pulse (on inhalation of the vapor).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.