
Guarea homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common names: Red-wood, Ball-wood.


Guarea trichilioides, Linn Natural order: Meliaceae. Preparation: Tincture and triturations of the bark.


Emotional. Inclination to talk. Mental anxiety. Anxiety during the fever. Fear of losing his reason. Indifference. Intellectual. Disturbance of ideas. Indecision. Forgetfulness, during the fever.


Vertigo. Vertigo. Vertigo when stooping. Whirling dizziness. General Head. Immobility of the head. Sensation as if the brain were falling forward. (Sensation as of a blow on the head, leaving a kind of numbness, with diminution of the thinking faculty, during several days; and resembling the effects of an apoplectic seizure). Heaviness of the head. Constriction of the head. Forehead. In the forehead, compression, heaviness, shocks. Headache depressing the eyes. Vertex. Pain in the vertex. Occiput. Constriction, hammering, in the occiput.


Objective. Sickly look around the eyes and within the orbits. Swelling beneath the eyes. Subjective. Pain in the eyes during the fever. Brow. Twitching of the eyebrows. Lids. Paralysis of the lids. Pressure on the lids. Lachrymal Apparatus. Swelling of the lachrymal glands. Lachrymation. Conjunctiva. Inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is swollen. (Chemosis). Ball. Pain in the ball as after weeping. Feeling of tension in the eyeballs. Feeling as if the eyeballs were forced out. Tearing pain in the eyeball. Pupil. Dilated pupils. Vision. Objects appear of a gray color. During the vertigo, things appear upside down. The eye- symptoms alternate with diminution of hearing.


Swelling of the periosteum behind the ears. Sensation of a peg in the ears. Sensation of a worm in the ear. Pushing towards feeling in the ear. Roaring in the ears.


Objective. Coryza often during the day. Coryza with hardened excretion. The symptoms of coryza are accompanied by heat. Subjective. Nose stuffed up. Ineffectual desire to sneeze. Constriction at the root of the nose. Painfulness of the nose.


Suppurating swelling on the face. Raw pain in the face. Swelling of the upper lip.


Teeth. Compression of the teeth. Corrosive pain in the teeth. The symptoms of the teeth are accompanied by pain in the zygomatic process, they are excited by a current of air, by the pressure of the tongue on the teeth; aggravated by lying on the painful side, by the act of eating, by hot food, and by walking. Tongue. Coated tongue, during the fever. Grayish-yellow coating on the tongue. Swelling of the tongue. Bleeding of the tongue. Paralysis of the tongue. Heaviness of the tongue. Dryness of the tongue. The tongue feels cold and dry. Lancinations in the tongue. Tearing pain in the tongue. General Mouth. (Caries of the palatal bones). The mouth smells of cheese. Spasms of the mouth. Roughness of the palate. Taste. Sweet taste. Insipid taste of food. Bitter taste of tobacco.


Swelling of the tonsils. Raw pain in the oesophagus. Feeling of contraction and burning heat in the oesophagus. Formication in the oesophagus. Difficult deglutition. Agitation, heaviness, lancination in the cervical glands.


Appetite. Canine hunger in the evening. Canine hunger, with speedy satiety. Feeling of satiety. Disgust for milk, fish, and hot, greasy, cooked food. Thirst. Thirst after eating. Absence of thirst with dryness of the mouth. Eructation. Sour eructations, with tension and pressure at the stomach. Foul eructations. Nausea and Vomiting. Inclination to vomit, during the fever. Sour vomiting. Green vomiting. Stomach. Constriction in the stomach. Bruised feeling in the stomach.


Umbilical. Hardness at the umbilicus. Pressure in the umbilical region and flanks. Inflation of the abdomen, with lancination in the groins and inguinal ring. Hardness of the abdomen.

Flatulent complaints. During stool, pain in the abdomen.

Feeling of inflation. Ulcerated pain, with tension, in the abdomen. Bruised pain in the external abdomen.

Rectum and Anus

Before stool, pain in the rectum. Constriction of the anus. Constriction of the anus and rectum. Urging to stool.


(Dysentery). (Constipation during dentition). (Chronic constipation).

Urinary Organs

(Inflammation of the bladder). Frequent urging to urinate in the evening. Involuntary urination. Clay-colored urine.

Sexual Organs

(Insufficient labor-pains). (Suppression of labor-pains). (Leucorrhoea after the menses). (Fetid leucorrhoea). (Lochia too scanty). Flow of blood between the menses.

Respiratory Organs

Cough. Dry hacking. Violent, deep seated, suffocating cough with expectoration. (Hooping-cough with bloody expectoration). The cough is accompanied by sweat, by pain, by soreness and tightness of the chest; it comes on after a crying spell, just as he is falling asleep, or after getting chilled; it is excited by an itching in the throat, by an irritation in the larynx. Respiration. Noisy breathing. Sobbing breathing. Difficult respiration during the chill. Suffocative paroxysms. (Miller’s asthma).


Crude tubercles. Mucous accumulations in the chest. Anxiety in the chest. Sensation of hollowness, of dilatation in the chest. Chest painful during the fever. Heaviness, digging, lancinations in the right side. Intermittent tightness of the chest. Oppression of the chest during the fever.


Sensation of rupture in the precordial region.

Neck and Back

Weakness of the cervical muscles. Cramp in the nape of the neck. Stiffness of the trunk. Constriction of the back. Burning in the loins. Cutting pain in the sacrum.

Extremities in General

Jactitation (of the limbs). Cracking in the joints. Nocturnal pain in the bones. Pressure in the limbs. Cutting pain in the joints. Bruised pain in the bones.

Superior EXtremities

The arms are abruptly drawn forwards. Cramps in the arms. Pain in the periosteum of the arm-bones. Violent shocks in the arms. Pressure in the shoulder-joint. Swelling of the humerus. Swelling of the hands. Trembling of the hands. Paralysis of the metacarpal joint. Deadness of the hands during the chill.

Inferior EXtremities

Simple pain in the knees. Jerks in the legs. Cutting pain in the legs. Contraction of the feet and toes. Pressing in the toes.

General Symptoms

Objective. (Consumption). (Caries of the bones). Swelling of affected parts. Hot swelling. (Steatoma). (Suppuration of the glands. Drawing). (Convulsions of children). Spasms during the vomiting. (Cramps of children). (Cramps when touched). (Hysterical tetanus). Relaxation of the muscles. Lassitude during the chill. Weakness. (Chronic debility). Paralysis with loss of movement and sensation). Restlessness in the evening. Lancinating and digging, drawing, and tearing pains. Abrupt shocks of the whole body.


Objective. Yellowish spots on the temples. Brown spots on the arms. Liver-spots on the arms. Red spots on the legs. Eruptions, Dry. Eruptions. Dry eruptions. Eruptions behind the ears. Pimples, scabs, and chaps on the lips and commissures. Eruptions, Moist. Eruption of burning vesicles. Eruptions, Pustular. (Herpes with tearing pain). (Crusty herpes). (Gutta rosea). Boils on the arms. Subjective. Pain as from excoriation when touched. Formication which prevents sleep. Itching. Formication in the temples. Formication of the arms and hands. Itching of the stomach. Itching of the pudenda.

Sleep and Dreams

Sleepiness. Sleepiness in the open air. Drowsiness in the morning. Drowsiness which intermits from one day to another. Drowsiness with broken dreams. Snoring during sleep. Sleeplessness. Sleeplessness before midnight. Frequent waking. Dreams. Anxious, melancholy dreams, full of strife. Dreams of war.


Chilliness. Coldness followed by heat. Coldness followed by heat with sweat. Horripilation in the parts affected. Horripilation during sleep. Horripilation with heat running over the body. Heat. Intermittent fever, chiefly in the forenoon. Heat of the upper part (of the body), and coldness of the lower part. Burning heat in the joints. Burning heat in the arms. Sweat. Sweat, principally while eating or after eating. Perspiration having an aromatic smell. Sweat on the hands.


– Aggravation (Morning), On waking, eye-symptoms; on getting up, symptoms of teeth.

(Evening), Canine hunger; urging to urinate. (Acids), The symptoms.

(Current of air), Symptoms of teeth.

(Cold water), The symptoms. (Act of eating), Symptoms of teeth.

(Fresh eggs), The symptoms.

(Bodily exertion), The symptoms.

(Heat), Symptoms of thee extremities.

(Hot food), Symptoms of the teeth.

(Deep inspiration), Chest-symptoms. (Lifting hand to neck, Respiratory symptoms. (Lotions), Symptoms of the extremities.

(Lying on painful side), Symptoms of teeth.

(Onions), Eructations. (Reading by daylight), Eye symptoms.

(In room), The symptoms. (Sulphur fumes), Chest-symptoms. (After supper), Gastric symptoms. (Walking), Symptoms of the teeth.

(Yawning), Symptoms of the extremities.


(Morning), On getting up, the symptoms of the extremities.

(Coughing), Symptoms of the oesophagus.

(Hot drinks), Symptoms of the oesophagus.

(Movement), Head-symptoms.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.