
Iodoformum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Iodoform, CHI Preparation: Triturations (pure crystals soluble, 1 part to 80 of alcohol).


Feels quite happy and elated (second and third day).


Confusion. Confusion in the head, with slight nausea. Head feels as if he had been intoxicated the day previous (after one hour, second day) and (third day). General Head. Heavy feeling in the head, and a dull aching just in the top of the head (three hours after second dose, first day ). Head feels heavy when endeavoring to rise (second and third day). Head felt very heavy as if he could not lift it from the pillow (eight hours and a half after second dose, first night); Still felt heavy, aching now and then, pain felt as if in the bones of the skull and mainly on the left side, after awakening (second morning). Headache on awaken ing. Stitching pains in the head. Forehead. Dull pains in the forehead. Dull pain in forehead, with shooting in the right ear; worse on coming down stairs. Sharp neuralgic pains in the forehead, worse when stooping. Temples. Dull pressing pain in both temples, following the pain in the right maxillary bone; temples felt as if something heavy were pressing on them (two hours and twenty minutes after first dose, first day ). Sharp neuralgic pain in the temples, most on the right side, extending to the head, behind he ears; (these pains seems to defines the course of the nerves wherever they are felt). Stitches in the temples. Parietals. Stitch-pain in the right side of head. Occiput. Violent itching of the occiput.


Eyes bloodshot (with pain in eyes). Pain in the eyes; eyes bloodshot, Right eye felt sore and as if bruised (second morning). Eyes smart and burn, but not appearance of any congestion (second and third day). Eyes smarting and stinging (six hours after first dose, first day). Vision. Eyes sensitive to light (second and third day). Objects appear tessellated, red (disappeared after rising),. The longest continued, and the last to disappear, were the eye symptoms and the peculiar odor.


Ears feels dry and feverish (after first dose, first day). Ears feel full, dry, and feverish (after one hours, second and third day). After stitches leave the ear, the ear feels too full (after first dose, first day). Neuralgic pain in the left ear. Stitches in the right ear,; (six hours after first dose, first day), Shooting in right ear (with dull pain in forehead). Hearing dull (six hours after first dose, first day);does not ear unless spoken to quite loudly (after one our, second day).


Nose dry, and he complains that he cannot get any discharge from it (second and third day);Membrane of nose feels full and dry;keeps constantly suffering yet no discharge from the nose (after first dose, first day). Smell. From the time of taking first does (11 A.M). till evening he had a sensation as of smelling the fumes of Iodine, though none had been about him (first day); A peculiar smell, like the odor arising from decaying leaves in a swamp, continuing for eight or nine days ( after first does). The longest continued and the last to disappear, were the peculiar odor and the eye symptoms.


Dull pain in right malar bone, Dull pain in left malar bone. Drawing and pressing in the malar bone. Feeling of stiffness in zygomatic muscles. Slight pain in zygomatic muscles, increased by motion and bending forward, Dryness and stinging of the lips. Dull aching, increasing to a heavy pain like something pressing heavily in the right lower maxillary bone, lasting twenty minutes (two hours after first does, first day).


Teeth. Toothache in sound teeth. Toothache; pain leaving the teeth and going quickly to the temples, during the afternoon (first day). Toothache in decayed teeth, most in the upper jaw, and on the right side (these pains come and go quickly);Sharp pain in the upper teeth, both sides. Taste. Metallic taste in the moth (second and third day), continuing most of the day (second day).


Dryness of throat and lips (first and second days), Dryness of the throat, with rawness on swallowing, Dryness of the throat, with bitter taste, stitch pain in the right side of the throat.


Nausea, Slight nausea at times (second and third day), (with confusion in the head).


Rumbling in he bowels; (second and third days). Feeling of warmth in the bowels and rectum, with slight nausea and desire for stool, (this has been repeated on four different occasions), Cutting pain in he bowls. Flatulent colic. Iliac Region. Sharp pain in he right inguinal region. Sharp cutting in right inguinal region with desire for stool, Teeth feel store and as if too long (second day), Sore pain in right inguinal region.


Desire for stool (with cutting in right inguinal region), Desire as for a liquid stool.


Bowels have not been moved for thirty-six hours. (Second day), Bowels not moved as usual; anus felt as if drawn up into the rectum (first day).

Urinary organs

Urine very yellow and smelling like saffron tea (second and third days).

Respiratory organs

Cough and Expectoration. Cough from dryness of the throat. Cough and wheezing from mucus in the throat, on going to bed, (Coughs less and raises easily), (after one hour second day). (Sputa in amount), (after one hour, second day). Respiration. Felt as though he were smothering room felt too close although freely ventilated (eight hours and a half after second dose, first night).


Felt as if something heavy were resting on the chest, preventing a free expansion of the chest; this sensation lasted half an hour, gradually becoming less intense, and as it did so appeared to diffuse itself, in the extremities again ( nine hours after second dose, first night) Pain in the left chest, Sharp pain in the right chest, Stitch in right chest, running through to lower angle of shoulder blade, Chest feels sore when taking a long breath ( second and third day), Dull sore pain in apex of right lung; on breathing the lung felt as though two ulcerated surfaces were in contact (four hours and a half after first dose, first day), Both lungs feel as if a heavy cold had been then taken and had settled there (after nine hours, second day); the soreness in the lungs lasted two days after this. Pain concentrated in left breast, very severe; it was estimated a little to the right of the nipple; at first felt as if a deep ulcer had formed here, then became like a hand grasping the base of the heart ( nine hours after second dose, first night); aching in left breast at times, but not severe as during the night (second day);.

Heart and Pulse

Occasional stitches thorough the heart (second and third day), Pulse 88 (nine hours after second dose, first night );.

Back and neck

Back of the neck sore as if bruised ( second and third day), Pain in the back along the spine feels sore does not wish it touched (second and third day), sharp pain in the angle of shoulder-blade, Pain along the right side of dorsal vertebrae, continued pains in the lumbar region, with weakness when straining.


Left arm pained severely, also left leg, particularly at the lower half of tibia and fibula, then extending into foot, becoming less in half an hour (eight hours and half after second dose, first night), Left arm and leg pain as if bruised: as pain in crease the muscles feel as if ulcerated (second day).

Superior Extremities

Pain in the course of the median nerve of left arm. Rheumatic pain in right arm, Rheumatic pain in the right arm, worse when using it, sharp pains in nerves of left arm and back, Pain in left arm as if bruised worse when touched in the morning. Stitches in the left shoulder. Severe aching in the left humerus; muscles around the bone felt as if severely bruised (four hours after first dose, first day ), Stitching pain in left arm and shoulder ( after two hours, third day)., pain in left elbow. Pain in the nerves of the left hand. Sharp pain in the nerves of the left hand.

Inferior Extremities

Rheumatism in the flexor muscles of the legs. Thigh, pain along the course of the left crural nerve. Knee. Weakness of the knees when going upstairs. Weakness and pain in the knees, worse when standing. Pain in the inside of knees. Neuralgic pain in the left knee. Leg. Rheumatic pain in both gastrocnemii. Ankle. Cutting pain in the left ankle, when walking in the open air. Foot. Pain in left foot, worse when walking. Stitch-pain in right instep.

General symptoms

Objective. Jerk and shocks in the nerves when trying to sleep. (Is stronger than he has been for some days, yet will not get up out of bed), (after one hour, second day). Subjective. Susceptible to the heat of the weather. Will not take any more of the medicine, as he says it makes him feels so strangely ( third day). Feeling of faintness. Thinks he has taken a bad cold ( first day). Fine sharp pains all over. Pain seems to sharply define the course of the nerves. Neuralgic pain in various parts of the body. Neuralgic pains flying all over him at times, for three days ( after two days). Pains renewed in bed; right side of head, right shoulder, right arm, hand, fingers, thigh, leg, foot, toes. Pains renewed when riding in the cars.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.