
Kalmia homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common names: Mountain Laurel, Calico Bush. Preparation: Tincture of the mature leaves.


Kalmia latifolia, Linn. Natural order: Ericaceae.


Emotional. A Feeling of anxiety; feel as though something dreadful was going to happen to me (seventh day). Irritable disposition of the mind towards evening, which continues next morning. Irritable; feel like scolding everybody (after first dose, fifth day); some peevish disposition as yesterday (sixth day). Intellectual. Do not want to study (thirteenth day). Did not feel like going to my books this morning (tenth day). Cannot study; restless, want to leave the office; don’t know where to go (half an hour after first dose, eleventh day. Feel as though I would not like to be spoken to; do not feel like going to the office; take up a book at home but cannot collect my thought (after second dose, eleventh day).


Confusion and vertigo. Confusion of the head in the evening. Confusion and pain in head, with backache. Vertigo,; (after second does, eleventh day). Vertigo, worse towards noon ( fourth day). Vertigo while stooping and looking downwards (from 8 till 9 A.M. and from 3 till 6 P. M).. Vertigo and headache. Vertigo with some nausea, attended with pains in the head and limbs. Vertigo, with pains in the limbs. Vertigo so excessive that antidotes were necessary (from 30 drops of the infusion six times a day). Dizziness continuing two hours (after two and a half hours). Slight dizziness and fugitive glow in the different parts of the surface, with increase of sweating (after one and a half hour). Rather dizzy (after two and a half hours). Considerably dizzy (after two hours). Got up after studying, but was so dizzy that I could hardly walk (seventh day). Dullness in the head (after second dose, eleventh day). Dullness in the head (first day); (thirteenth day); in evening. Dulness in the head until evening, which continues slightly early the next morning. Dulness and aching in the head, preceded by nausea, in the evening. Dulness of the head and difficult hearing, with pains in the limbs. A dull, drowsy feeling in the head, after this a raging headache in the temporal and occipital region (second day ). Heaviness in the head for a short time on the right side, but towards evening the same sensation; very severe on the left side. Pain in the head when awaking in the morning, and in the evening. Pain in the head, neck, and back (thirteenth day). Pains in the head and limbs, with vertigo. Headache with vertigo. Headache with flushed face (fifth day). Headache, with nausea. Headache internally, with the sensation, when turning of some thing loose in the head diagonally across the top of it. Severe headache at noon of the second day; it is most severe in the right side. Intermittent headache (tenth day); A dull headache, which cannot be located; it has continued all the afternoon and evening; at first it seems to be in one place, then in another, but most prominently in the back part of the head especially in those parts, back of the forehead (third day). A full, dull feeling in the in the head (first day); increased (second and third days); A woke with full, dull feeling in head; for an hour after getting up did not feel like doing anything (sixth day). Surging of blood to the head and as it were against the left cheek; left cheek uncomfortably hot (first day). Tearing in the head. Tearing in the head and neck. Forehead. Pain in the forehead every day, which extends to the roots of one of the upper molar teeth of the right side. Pain in the forehead every morning on awaking. Pain in the forehead on rising, which increases afterwards. Pain in the forehead and over the eyes in the evening; it seems to move backwards and down the neck outwardly on both sides then disappears, and follows by pain in the left shoulder. Slight pain in the forehead. Slight pain above the forehead. Pain across the forehead over the eyes. Slight aching in the forehead which sometimes shoots downwards to the eye-teeth, and at one time is easier in the forehead, at another in the teeth. Headache in all parts of the head behind the forehead (third day). Severe frontal headache (second day). Severe frontal headache, lasting two days; could not concentrate my mind on my book (after three days). Dull, heavy headache, confined to the forehead and temple, especially marked in the forehead, aggravated by mental effort (first day). Pressing in the forehead, late in the evening. Pressing pain in the forehead especially in the right side (first day). Pressure in the upper part of the glabella (fourteenth day). Tearing in the forehead and in the head on rising form bed, succeeded by tearing in the bones of the hips and lower extremities down to the feet. Tearing pain across the forehead. Tearing in the left side of the forehead, which extends into the temple. Pulsating pain in the forehead. Temples. Violent pain in the temples and forehead (second day). Headache in the temporal region (fifth day); (six hours and a half after second dose, fourth day). Severe pressing in the temple and on both sides of the neck. Violent pressure in the right temple (third day). Acute pain in the left temple, which is very much increased by going up stairs. Pain shooting from the temples to the occiput (twelfth day). Pain at the temples, shooting into the eyes, (seventh day). Pain shooting from the vertex into the temples; the head feels as if it would burst (sixth day). Tearing in the right temple, passing downwards. Vertex. Pain in the top of the head, as if bound closely with a cord. Violent pain in the top of the head, which extends down in the direction of the cervical vertebrae ( after half an hour). Headache on vertex (fifth day). Parietals. Pain only on the right side of head (ninth day). Violent pressure at times on a small spot on the right side of the head above the forehead in the evening in bed (second day). Pain and throbbing in the whole left side of the head, with stitches in the left ear and behind the right. Occiput. Pain in the back of the head and in the neck (tenth and eleventh days). Dull pain around the back part of the head, with frequent sharp, darting pain in the right side of the head. Headache in the occiput with pain in the neck (second day). Dull occipital; headache (second day). Dull headache in the occiput and temples (third day). Shooting from the nape of the neck up into the head. A shock towards the occiput from the back of the neck, with heat.


Inflammation of the left eye in the morning with a burning jerking pain, till near noon, when the pain becomes more tolerable, and scarcely noticeable (sixth day). Eyes weak. A pain in the right eye (ninth day). Pain in the right eye, even weeks afterwards. Pain and pressure in the eyes (third day). Pain in the eyes, which makes it painful to turn them. Burning with pressing in the eyes, particularly in the left one (fifth day). Pressure in the eyes (fourteenth day). Constant pressure in the eyes; can hardly keep them open (seventh day). Woke this morning with a painful pressure over the eyes, and temporal headache, which was for the time being relieved by cold water (ninth day). Pressing in the eyes in the afternoon. Pressing in the eyes, attended by pains in the arms and hands, in the legs down to the feet, and sometimes in the right side of the abdomen. Violent pressing in the right eye, in the evening. Pressing pain about the eyes (fifth day) Sticking in the eyes. Stitches in the eyes. Stitches and violent pressing in the right eye; the eyes feel dim and week (third day). Acute stitches in the right eyes, towards evening in the eye in the morning (second day ). Itching in the eyes. Itching of the eyes and stinging when rubbed. Itching and burning in the left eye, in the afternoon (fifth day). Brow and orbit. Sensation of stiffness in the muscles around the eyes, and of the eyelids. Pain in the supraorbital region extending to the occiput (third day). A sensation of pressing above the right eye about noon (third day). Stitches under the left eye. Lids. Soreness of the lids (fourteenth day). Soreness of the edges of the eyelids (second day). Ball. A sensation in the eyeball as though the wall of the orbit were pressing it out of its sockets (second day). Shooting pain from the temples of the eyeball at 10.30A.M. (fifth day). Vision. Imperfection of vision. Vision much affected especially by darkness, coming before the eyes every three or five minutes, and afterwards if in an erect position. Dimness of sight, which was greater in the paroxysms of vomiting (after two hours and a half). Sensation of a cloud before the eyes, at intervals. Cloudiness before the eyes, so that he could not read without spectacles (third day). Becoming black before the eyes while looking downwards, with belching of wind and some nausea, about 8 or 9A.M. Almost complete blindness when in an erect position. Entire loss of sight (after half an hour). Glimmering before the eyes, exactly in the point of vision, so that it is almost impossible to distinguish the words while reading; it seems as if small points were continually moving before the eyes; this continues half an hours, together with some nausea, about 3 P. M. (second day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.