
Laurocerasus homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

      Common names: cherry laurel; (Germ). Kirschlorbeer.


Prunus laurocerasus, L. Natural order, Rosaceae. Preparation: Tincture of the young leaves (provings by Jorg with Aqua laurocerasi, prepared from 1 pound of fresh leaves, 1 ounce of alcohol, 6 pounds of water; from which 3 pounds were obtained by distillation; symptoms from H. and T. from the Aqua lauro., and also from the freshly expressed juice of leaves).


Emotional. Lively, good-humored. Lively, joyous mood (after three hours). Very good humored, happy (after two hours). Joyous, interested, at 2 p. m. He is in good humor; his work delights him (after one hour). Everything seems fresh and bright, and she is happy (after two hours and a half). Sad; indisposed to everything (after one hour). Very lachrymose and despondent mood; he would rather die than live. Sad, joyless, depressed (after one hour and a half). Most extreme despondency. Anxiety in the head, with internal and external warmth of the forehead, and unchanged pulse, disappearing in the open air (after one hour and a half). A kind of oppression which puts him in an anxious mood; he is unable to work; he must leave the room and go into the open air; the depression does not leave him the whole day. Great anxiety about trifles, in the evening in bed; he is unable to fall asleep. Out of humor, sad, for a short time (after one hour). Fretfulness (after 20 drops). Everything frets him (after one hour). Peevish, fretful mood. Extremely peevish and ill-humored. He is vexed and fretful about everything, at 2 p. m. Intellectual. Inclined to mental labor (second day). Hasty, impetuous (seventh and eighth days). Everything is irksome; he goes unwillingly to his business. Ideas flow slowly. Memory wakened, at 2.30 p. m. He forgets everything very easily (after four hours). He has entirely forgotten the occurrences of yesterday evening (second morning). Decided stupefaction, with vertigo.


Confusion and Vertigo. Confusion of the head,; (after 7 drops),; (soon after 15 drops); (five minutes after 5 drops). Confusion, especially in the forehead (after 20 drops). Confusion of the head, when reflecting and writing. Confusion of the head involving the whole body, so that my general condition was depressed and I was unable to work with my usual vigor (after 16 drops). Confusion of the head, like that preceding violent catarrh (after 14 drops). Confusion of the head becoming a pressive pain in the forehead and orbits (after 35 days). The whole head feels confused (as if the brain were enveloped in a fog). Confusion of the whole head, gradually becoming a true dull headache, especially in the temporal region and forehead (half an hour after 12 drops). Vertigo; (after 20 drops). Vertigo, worse in the open air (after half an hour). Vertigo, after rising from stooping (after one hour and a half). Vertigo and loss of ideas whenever he moves, in the evening. Vertigo and confusion of the head. Vertigo and dulness of the head, on rising from sitting, lasting a long time (after quarter of an hour). Transient vertigo (after one hour). Transient vertigo, followed by sleepiness (after 25 drops). vertigo, so that he could scarcely keep erect. Vertigo; the head seems to be going round and round. Vertigo, as if everything were turning in a circle, in the evening. Vertigo, as if all objects were turning around, lasting a long time (after a quarter of an hour). Dizziness and heaviness of the head (after one hour). Sensation of intoxication. General Head. The head hangs over and he cannot raise it. Heaviness in the head (one hour and a half after 20 drops, also one hour after 30 drops); this heaviness was not real pain; it was like the heaviness of head felt before acute catarrh, or after intoxication by wine. Heaviness of the head, especially in the forepart, associated with pressure in the orbits, as if the eyeballs were too large for them (after 60 drops). Heaviness of the head (not greater than after 30 days); peculiar in that it extended towards the frontal region, and lasted until after 10 p. m. (after 50 drops). Heaviness in the head on stooping, with a feeling as though something fell from the left side into the forehead; on walking in the open air (after half an hour). Feeling of heaviness in the head, and as though it were pressed from behind forward (after a quarter of an hour). The head seems too heavy, with a feeling as if brain pressed to all sides. Dull heaviness in the head (after three quarters of an hour). Pressing down heaviness in the head (after two hours and a half). A pressing-down sensation of heaviness in the head, and obscuration of vision, on rising from sitting (after one hour and a quarter). Head heavy, with a sensation of pressing down in the vertex, on going into the room (after five minutes). Head constantly heavy, and his brain feels constantly clouded. Dulness of the head, on rising from stooping (after a quarter of an hour). Dulness and a sensation of heat in the head, without externally perceptible heat (after half an hour). Head dull and painful, at 2 p. m. Head feels full (after a quarter of an hour). A sensation of congestion in the head (after half an hour). The brain feels constricted and painful (after half an hour). Headache after 20 and 25 drops). Headache, sometimes worse in the forehead, sometimes in the occiput; most severe and persistent over the orbits; scarcely felt so long as he remained in the open air, but it became very violent when going into a hot room, where he felt badly and exhausted (after 15 drops). Headache, as after intoxication (after one hour and a half). Headache, as if dull and heavy, disappearing during sleep (first evening). Dull and violently pressive headache (soon after 10 drops). Boring headache, immediately (after 20 drops). The head is pressed downward, relieved by becoming erect (after a quarter of an hour). Feeling as though the brain were pressed against the upper and forepart of the skull, especially in the region of the forehead with great pressure towards the orbits (after 14 drops). Pressive headache extending over the whole head (after 30 drops). Pressive headache, in the morning in bed. Headache alternately in the forehead and occiput, pressive; gradually disappearing after half an hour during which the pulse was diminished about 12 beats (after 10 drops). Sticking here and there in the head, at 4 P. M. A kind of sticking and crawling in the brain, violent and long-lasting. Stitching, extending from the right lower jaw through the head by the right ear (after one hour and half). Headache, tearing, in the evening in bed. Throbbing headache, worse on stooping in the left side (after one hour). Jerkings at times in the head, back, and cervical muscles, followed by paralysis. Forehead. Feeling of warmth in the middle of the forehead, then a coolness as from a draft of air, the latter continuing a long time (after half an hour). Feeling of heaviness in the forehead, on going out of the room (after one hour). Heaviness in the forehead, and pressure in the orbits (after 112 drops). Heaviness and stupefying pain in the forehead, on stooping, not disappearing on rising (after one hour). Pain in the right side of the forehead. Pain in the left side of the forehead, on stooping low down, with a sensation as though the brain fell forward, disappearing after rising (after half an hour). Stupefying pain in the forehead (after one hour). Feeling of fullness in the forehead (after half an hour). Tensive sensation in the forehead and left side of the face (after half an hour ). Violent boring headache above the orbits (after 25 drops). A drawing sensation in the middle of the forehead (after half an hour ). Twinging pain in the forehead, slight but long- lasting; with sleepiness (after one hour). Pressure in the frontal region, with slow pulse (after 25 drops). Pressure commences in the forehead in the open air, becomes worse in the house, with great heat in the face, without thirst; the headache is relieved by rest,. Constant pressure in the forehead (after three-quarters of an hour). Transient pressure in the frontal region especially over the orbits (after 10 drops). Transient pressure in the middle of the forehead (after one hour). Periodically and frequently- recurring pressure beneath the frontal bone. Painful pressing- inward in the forehead, not entirely relieved by pressing upon it (after half an hour and frequently). A pressing-forward in the forehead, with warmth and perspiration on the forehead and hands, and a feeling as if the head were enlarged (after one hour). Pressive pain from within outward in the forehead, on stooping. Pressive pain on the left side of the forehead, lasting about a quarter of an hour; about 2 P. M. (after 25 drops). Pressive pain behind the frontal and nasal bones, from within outward. Dull pressive pain in the forehead (five minutes after 5 drops). Violent pressive pain in the left frontal region, gradually extending over the whole head, making thought and other mental operations very difficult, but in no way affecting the sleep at night; the same pain was felt the next morning on waking, and lasted till 3 P. M. A very violent pressing pain in the left frontal eminence (after two hours). Pressive headache in the frontal region lasting a quarter of an hour, and gradually disappearing (five minutes after 10 drops). Pressive headache in the left side of the forehead (after three hours). Pressive headache, as if the frontal bones were pressed outwards and raised up. Pressive headache, a forcing from within outward towards the frontal bone. Oppression of the forehead, with confusion of the head, and small accelerated pulse (after 20 drops). Sticking in the right frontal eminence. Sticking in the left, soon afterwards also in the right, frontal eminence, lasting a long time, at 2 P. M. Acute sticking in the right frontal eminence (after 2.30 P. M). Fine sticking in the middle of the forehead, on walking in the open air (after three quarters of an hour)). Tearing in the forehead, extending to the vertex, at 2 P. M. Tearing in the middle of the forehead, with a feeling of heat, without external heat (after half an hour). Tearing low down in the forehead (after one hour). violent throbbing headache in the forehead, immediately. A shock in the forehead (after three-quarters of an hour). Painful crawling in the forehead, with dulness and heaviness of the head, worse on stooping, lasting five minutes (after two hours). Temples. Pain in the right temporal bone (after three and four hours). Pressure in the left temple, on entering a room (after one hour and a half). A painful pressure from within outward beneath the right temporal bone (after five hours). Pressive pain in the left temple, at 4 P. M. Sticking pain in the left temple (soon after 14 drops). Tearing in the right temple (after two hours), Tearing from above downward in the right temple (after a quarter of an hour). Tearing in the left temple from below upward, not entirely disappearing on rubbing (after two hours and a half). Throbbing in the right temple, as with a finger (after half an hour). Vertex. A feeling as though ice were lying on the vertex, afterwards also on the forehead, then in the nape of the neck, and so on, till after an hour it occurred in the small of the back, where it seemed to her very agreeable; therewith all the head troubles disappeared (after two hours and a half). Heaviness in the vertex, especially on stooping, relieved on rising up (after half an hour). A constant sensation in the vertex almost like a constriction and heat (after one hour). A frequent transient aching in the upper part of the head (after one hour). Pressure upon the top of the head (after a quarter of an hour). Pressing pain in the left side of the vertex (after two hours). Many fine stitches in succession in the vertex, relieved by stooping, again aggravated on rising, and then disappearing of themselves (after one hour). Tearing in the left side of the top of the head (after one hour and a quarter). Tearing from the left temple to the vertex, thence it extends to behind the left external canthus, and into the zygoma, then into a neighboring tooth, where it becomes a jerking, and disappears (after one hour and a half). Parietals. Slight headache on the left side. Boring in the left side of the head, not relieved by pressing upon it, followed by dulness (after one hour and a half). Pressive pain in the right parietal bone near the vertex, aggravated by touch (after 35 drops). A dull pressive pain over the whole left side of the head, continuing for several hours (after 25 drops). Sticking in the whole left side of the head, as with large needles (after three hours and a half). Sticking in the left side of the head, and boring in front of the left ear (after four hours). Sticking and throbbing in the right side of the head (after one hour and a half). Violent sticking and beating in the right side of the head, aggravated by stooping (after one hour and a half). Tearing in the left side of the head, at 2 p. m. (second day). A shock in the left side of the head, in a small spot, then a feeling in the same side as if beaten; the dullness in the head (after one hour). Occiput. Sensation in the occiput as if the tendons were too short and the head would be drawn backwards, like a painful heaviness, with cessation of the pain in the forehead (after two hours and a half). Feeling of tension in the right side of the occiput, as when one takes hold of a lock of hair (after two hours). Drawing in the right side of the occiput deep internally (after a quarter of an hour). Twinging pain in the occiput, with sleepiness, of short duration, and not violent (after half an hour). A painful pressure on the left side of the occiput, extending to the neck. Painful pressure from within outward beneath the left side of the occipital bone, with which nearly all his thoughts vanished. A stitch in the right side of the occiput (after three-quarters of an hour). Transient stitches in the occiput or forehead (after 16 drops). Two transient stitches in the occiput (five minutes after 5 drops). Dull stitch in the right side of the occiput (after a quarter of an hour). Throbbing in the left side of the occiput, lasting several minutes (after three-quarters of an hour). Fine sticking in the skin on the right side of the occiput (after two hours and half). External Head. Crawling and itching as from vermin on the scalp (second day). Ticking in the right side of the occiput, relieved by scratching (after one hour). Itching here and there in the head (after one hour). Itching on the right side of the head in a small spot (after two hours and a half). Itching on the scalp behind the right side of the forehead, at 2 P. M. Itching now in the front, now in the back part of the right side of the head, not relieved by scratching (after half an hour). Itching in a small spot in the left side of the head, more in the upper part (after two hours and a half). Itching on the scalp behind the left side of the forehead, at 2 P. M.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.